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Goa gil VS Raja Ram


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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 19:09
I agree with pr0fane here.

Deejayidoo of what music u r talking?

U mean darkpsy and fullon? No offense but thats really nonsense.

Both can be interllectual and both can be easy listening, but no one of both is better then the other. This sounds very strange to me, like some people who want to look smart and say 'i only listen to interllectual music' or 'i only read intellectual books' and say what seems for them as intellectual.

Repetiv music can be better 'trance' music then music with to much 'complicated' content.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 19:10

"His music is pure and from the soul. And that my friend, is the experience."

How in any way can you take this personal? That is fact....It is not intended toward anyone in particular. Just stating why the attraction....

And if you noticed a comparison, it is only because you said something to the tune of, you taking dark tracks and making a better mix than Gil's for someone......That is the comparison you see. My only point is that you can't compare what you do to what Gil does, even if it is technically better. It is a different experience. Sorry, but it just is.

And your passion is appreciated...I wish everyone was just as passionate as you when it came to music....Then we wouldn't get all the copy cat stuff coming out.

          assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 19:52
To Uncle Bob

Quote Uncle Bob "How in any way can you take this personal? That is fact....It is not intended toward anyone in particular. Just stating why the attraction...."

Well, I understood that it was something unique to Goa Gil. The music being pure from the soul.

Uncle Bob "And if you noticed a comparison, it is only because you said something to the tune of, you taking dark tracks and making a better mix than Gil's for someone......"

Yeah, but only the tecnique. Goa Gils track selection isnt that bad at all... Even though I find it goes nowhere, thats mostly because he spins dark psy only for that many hours.. (which is in the end a matter of taste of course)

Quote "Uncle Bob That is the comparison you see. My only point is that you can't compare what you do to what Gil does, even if it is technically better. It is a different experience. Sorry, but it just is."

You can always compare I could try to recreate what he does, but then it wouldnt be me anymore would it ?
I was only talking about the mixing technique, nothing else. You see, EYBīs point was that goa gil had the best technique.. and I wanted him to evaluate mine. In the end, EYB could very well still prefer goa gil, which is ok, since its a matter of taste.

To Uncle Bob "And your passion is appreciated...I wish everyone was just as passionate as you when it came to music....Then we wouldn't get all the copy cat stuff coming out."

Cool, I write so much sometimes, I must seem like a fanatic *grinding my teeth with large open eyes*

          Label DJ>
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 19:59
@profane, eyb and krell

oh my god, the problem is that we speak about music with a non-musical language... (words instead of beats or notes)
no, it definitely wasnīt about darkpsy (intelligent) vs fullon (stupid).
honestly, i canīt believe what you didnīt understand about my words.
unfortunately we arenīt in the same place right now and we cannot listen to music together, but iīm sure youīd all agree that thereīs music with a lot of content and immagination (which takes you on a journey through your own immagination), while thereīs simple music, which pleases the masses. (no names, sorry, but a lot of non-fullon comes to my mind as well, so...)
a big audience usually means that there are a lot of people just attaining the event with an entertainment and consumption attitude, and those people prefer easy music since they arenīt there for a deep psychedelic eperience, but rather to see people and stuff like that. for those itīs better to have repetitive boring music with standard structure so they donīt really need to LISTEN attentively to the music or loose themselves in it.
for me, the music is by far the most important ingredient of our parties. good deep music attracts the right people and creates the right atmosphere for our purposes.
maybe i can compare it with componists who cannot be offended anymore:

simple wiener walzer (richard strauss) for people caring much about their prestige in those ridiculous "high-society" circles


deep emotional and intelligent, but much more complicated and therefore demanding your whole attentiveness, franz schubert: richard wagner, chopin, bach etc.

hope you understood what i mean this time
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 20:19
To deejayridoo

1.: Good Music
2.: Bad Music

What you are doing, is describing good and bad music from your subjective standpoint.

Believe me, some really put Britney Spears in good music, and Psytrance in bad music.
And for them, they are correct...

Its a matter of taste... From your subjective stand point.
1.: Good taste
2.: Bad taste

Neither is better than the other objectively - its all just sounds coming out of a speaker. Its first when you add the human mind, that meaning is given to the music.

People listening to, lets say, Britney Spears, are another breed than people listening to Psytrance.
They want music which meaning is about love, relationships, getting fucked and then dumped... That kinda stuff.

We want music that makes us jump and behave like primite retards hehehe

There, good&bad music, good&taste All subjective to the mind that listens

Music isnt more or less intelligent. At least I just react to music, I dont think about it.

Respect it.



PS.: This went off topic ! Im very sorry about that. Satan will have my balls for breakfast.
          Label DJ>

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 20:26
Yes i understood but it is simply wrong. No offense but this is not true what u think and say here. Simple music can be much better for trance states then complex music. And simpliticy says nothing about good or bad. U don't need always very complex structures to express feelings. Nor are people who prefer complex music better in no way then people who listen so called simple music. Simple music also can be very psychedelic and take u easily into trancy states of conciousness.

Another point is the word intellegent. This word describes nothing in a musical way. What do u mean with intellegent?
I will use ur term to show that simple isn't also not good for describing.

Simple music is more intellegent because the componist have used less components to express strong feelings and emotions, for example the wiener walzer which isn't simple at all.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 21:10
well, yeah, of course i must admit that you have some good arguments here... intelligent music i mean music with ambition and dedication (in blackmusic they call it music with "soul").
of course minimalist and non-complex structures do not exclude one another.
yes, itīs only good music and bad music and every individual has his own understanding and connection.
but this copy&paste predictability does not impress or touch me at all. itīs obvious that artists releasing 3 tracks every week cannot dedicate their whole energy to it - they do it to sell.
instead of this cheap approach to generic musicmaking, iīd suggest that we all do this only for the love of the music.
we are enough musicmakers in this small culture.
better release only the very best track(s) of everyone than all those masses.
quality instead of quantity.
makes it much more interesting and lasting.
but this doesnīt fit with this "iīm so cool an always have the latest releases" attitude which generates this mass production.

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 21:20
Yes thats true, if we look at people who are really in classical music they love to hear new modern classic music and older stuff that is really old, but still it counts to the best of the best in the musical view.

We (i mean our scene, and sometimes i do it the same without thinking that i am cool ) download a cd listen it and if it is really good we listen it sometimes more, all other stuff will be burned to dvd and will be heard if it is lucky anytime by accident.

"I am cool with the latest release and my friends are even cooler because they have the new unreleased stuff of the killa hardcore killer acts."

But between all this music is lot of really good tracks, but we don't realize them as masterpieces coz we listen not carefully enough and not often enough. Often i heared tracks often and after sometimes listening them i loved them, but the first time i heard the tracks they were not so good in my eyes/ears.

For the classical lovers the masterpeices of 'bach and friends' get better with every time they listen it and this music will still be listened in hundrets of years i am sure.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 21:21
lets not confuse 'simple' music to mean cheesy fluff full on. 'simple' can also mean trance-enducing minimal.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 21:25

say *rich* have you found someone to remix a track for you yet
q(@ _ @)p
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Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 22:36

On 2005-02-11 21:20, EYB wrote:
Yes thats true, if we look at people who are really in classical music they love to hear new modern classic music and older stuff that is really old, but still it counts to the best of the best in the musical view.

We (i mean our scene, and sometimes i do it the same without thinking that i am cool ) download a cd listen it and if it is really good we listen it sometimes more, all other stuff will be burned to dvd and will be heard if it is lucky anytime by accident.

"I am cool with the latest release and my friends are even cooler because they have the new unreleased stuff of the killa hardcore killer acts."

But between all this music is lot of really good tracks, but we don't realize them as masterpieces coz we listen not carefully enough and not often enough. Often i heared tracks often and after sometimes listening them i loved them, but the first time i heard the tracks they were not so good in my eyes/ears.

For the classical lovers the masterpeices of 'bach and friends' get better with every time they listen it and this music will still be listened in hundrets of years i am sure.


agree 100% - our scene is a one hit wonder scene with ocassional gems. Quite shallow and superficial when you start to think about it
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2006 18:35
All respect to Goa Gil, just listen to "his" new album
twisted psychedelic journey to the outer world. - Beats Raja anyday!
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

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Posted : Nov 3, 2006 02:09
Full respect to Goa Gil even though it's not my cup of tea but the guy has good intentions...As for Raja Ram well we just bought Stash Bag Volume 4 hehehehe we bought it because it had space cat - kreak part 2 which we thought it was a good track we coudl add to our Dj set but anyway the whole cd is a farse for the psychedelic scene and the music in it is also fullon commercial stuff. I was not even happy with space cat remix of Kreak....So there it is i vote for Goa Gil!

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2006 13:00
Hmmmm... I wonder what this has got to do with "Trance"           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
Alternative control
Alternative Control

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Posted : Nov 3, 2006 13:15
Well i put it this way ..

Goa Gil i saw few times playing ....never mixing , never any sence in the mix , except that one weird sound ...dzidziu ..pfff krssh geos against another one..... i am not talking about the music he plays , but about technique of his playing !! its like i put my grandfather to play.sorry NO DJ !

Raja Ram ...again same thing..but the guy brings...already burned mix cd, from his own place...put it in cdj ..and we go...yeah , killing and rocking the floors with UNRELEASED tracks , pff LOL ! NO DJ as well !

So anybody can call them , spiritual fathers or fathers of trance , or i dont know...doesnt metter , just my point is......

How come someone for so many years on the scene , cant learn the simple beat mix !!! ?!?!?!

p.s. I know they put the Shiva and ganesh on the stage , i know Raja Ram is making some blasting show on the stage , but again is that the point ? is that what will make our scene BETTER ?

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