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Goa gil VS Raja Ram


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  58
Posted : Feb 11, 2005 10:51

He only did downtempo stuff (TIP, Shpongle) until around 2002

Wrong. Remember Feeling Weird?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 11:19
well his name was in the credits, true... but I highly doubt he had more than 5% actual participation in there... Moreso I was mostly thinking about his DJing. If I'm not mistaken, he spinned only chill-out until 2002 when he impressed everyone at VooV with a surprise uptempo set.           “I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.”

Charles M. Schulz

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Posted: Feb 11, 2005
im SURE this isnt a Trance Forum.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 14:03

On 2005-02-10 23:04, Uncle Bob wrote:
Point is that Gil is big for more reasons than just his mixing...remember, the music isn't everything. This is a culture and he is an icon.

And silly me thought that the psytrance culture wasn't about icons and superstars but first and foremost about the music. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 15:37
Goa Gil isn't the founder of psy-trance/goa trance.He just took "Goa" for his nickname using it espesually now for more commercial ways.I can say psychedelic/goa trance creators mr Youth(dragonfly,killing joke,LSD),Ben Watkins(Juno Reactor) these two guys released an album at 1985.The first psychedelic electronica album.Then Har-El(california sunshine),Avi Nissim&Lior Purlmuter(Astral Projection)Ian Ion(Saikopod) and of course Rajaram with Graham Wood(Infinity Project),Eat Static(members of ozric tentacles),Peter(Kode IV),Front 242.That's the real godfathers of psychedelic/goa trance.Goa Gil just was one of the first who made parties with entrance..He just learn this music that is matched with his spiritual believes and he is probaply the first person who public it out of india. 

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Posts :  36
Posted : Feb 11, 2005 16:17

On 2005-02-08 19:44, psylocibin wrote:
I want to expiain why I choose this 2 guys and no somebody else.
I do it because the age of this two is no the lowest I know and I realy respect this.
enjoy my friends.

everybody read this first and then continue pleace...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 16:24
Last works Raja Ram have very much disappointed... The Old man completely in commerce... And as have above noticed absolutely badly mixing))) So Gil has won, in it there was a spirit of a trance)))

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  87
Posted : Feb 11, 2005 16:32
goa gil is the guru,the psy master..much more psy than raja..4sure..           "Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."

Started Topics :  111
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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 17:18
Raja Ram makes the music he likes, that it is commerce doesn't matter for him. He does what he loves. U think it is shit becoz it is commerce? Or coz u don't like the style?

I love the music from RajaRam and from GoaGil and both make great stuff. I am not narrow minded coz something is sold more or less. This way of thinking is nonsense.            Signature
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 18:21
i´m sure both wouldn´t give a fuck about all that.
wasn´t the whole psychedelic culture a non-personal thing. we don´t need stars. only commercial bullshit needs stars for the poor girlies/ groupies etc.
it´s only about good music and deep experiences.
like gil´s wonderful statement:
"Dance is active meditation. When we dance, we go beyond thought, beyond mind and beyond our own individuality to become one in the divine extasy of union with the cosmic spirit. This is the essence of the trance dance experience".
and this spirit and ambition which beautifully expressed in those few words just explains the whole background of OUR CULTURE.
OUR CULTURE is much deeper and impressive than stardom/ cheap copy and past generic plastic music/ fashion kiddies etc.
sorry, but this is not just a matter of taste, since we speak of simple dance music vs psychedelic mystical experience.
of course challenging and ADVENTUROUS MUSIC WHICH TAKES YOU ON A JOURNEY THROUGH YOUR INNER SPACE (with or without "substance support") and makes you dream and experience universal mind IS MUCH MORE PROFOUND THAN MUSIC WHICH JUST KEEPS YOU MOVING ON THE DANCEFLOOR, especially if it´s a lame compromise (just to please everybody, instead of staying psychedelic and weird )
i respect both very much, though i´m much more "soulmate" with gil, musically AND spiritually.
raja unfortunately completely changed his style and now i don´t like his music anymore. if you consider the loss in magic his music went through (feeling weird, stimuli, uforica, noises from the darkness, the shpongle masterpieces etc. etc. etc. vs the plastic sound of tipworld today....)
this makes me very unhappy because i´m sure he thinks exactly the same and we all know how deep his fluteplaying and his goatrance compositions affect you emotionally...
pleeeeeeease, return to the source of magic, peace and weirdness instead of money, fame and cicks

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  2849
Posted : Feb 11, 2005 18:31
1200 Micrograms is killer music

Nommos also killer music            Signature
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 18:42
Cicks ?           Label DJ>
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  309
Posted : Feb 11, 2005 18:48
in other words, i think there is

1.intellectual music, which is not easy to understand and expects the audience to concentrate on music, while on the other side, there´s
2.easily comprehensive music for the masses, who just go to psychedelic goa gatherings as they would attend a clubparty or amusement park.

guess which one is more interesting and has a more constant value?
on the other side, the mainstream with all the ego-bullshit (consumism like having to be up to date fashionwise, musicwise etc.) sells much better and enables you to become famous, which is not the case in underground nonpersonal settings of freedom of expression and non-hierarchy

Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : Feb 11, 2005 18:58

On 2005-02-11 18:48, deejayridoo wrote:
in other words, i think there is

1.intellectual music, which is not easy to understand and expects the audience to concentrate on music, while on the other side, there´s
2.easily comprehensive music for the masses, who just go to psychedelic goa gatherings as they would attend a clubparty or amusement park.

guess which one is more interesting and has a more constant value?
on the other side, the mainstream with all the ego-bullshit (consumism like having to be up to date fashionwise, musicwise etc.) sells much better and enables you to become famous, which is not the case in underground nonpersonal settings of freedom of expression and non-hierarchy

Seriously, you crossed the line there. Calling the dark psy (or whatever term you might use about the stuff Goa Gil spins) more intellectual than anything else coming from the psy-scene is the most ridiculous statement yet made in this topic.

It’s a matter of taste for christ sake! (and no, I didn't like the 1200 Mics album either)
          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  33
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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 19:08

On 2005-02-11 18:48, deejayridoo wrote:
in other words, i think there is

1.intellectual music, which is not easy to understand and expects the audience to concentrate on music, while on the other side, there´s
2.easily comprehensive music for the masses, who just go to psychedelic goa gatherings as they would attend a clubparty or amusement park.

guess which one is more interesting and has a more constant value?
on the other side, the mainstream with all the ego-bullshit (consumism like having to be up to date fashionwise, musicwise etc.) sells much better and enables you to become famous, which is not the case in underground nonpersonal settings of freedom of expression and non-hierarchy

*cough cough*

Ive said it before, and I will say it again.

There are 2 kinds of music.

1.: Good music
2.: Bad music

What is what, is up to the individual.

Anything else you want to say about it, doesnt matter - Only thing that matters is what a person will enjoy.


Krell           Label DJ>
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