Goa gil VS Raja Ram
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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 22:36
aje u kill me
Maybe u r right, but under the aspect that they dj complete different styles, i think for the style of music that gil is djing he has the perfect technique.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 9, 2005 11:21
Respect to you - I actually thought you would fire up the flame thrower along with the rest of us.
Regarding technique - Would you like to hear a DJ set by me in the same style goa gil spins ?
Im by no means perfect, but I think it could an interesting experience for you to do a comparison.
And dont compare it to a goa gil mix CD, compare it to a live experience
Just PM me if your up for it, it will require a 150mb download if you wanna
Best Wishes
  Label DJ> |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 9, 2005 14:46
we all like goa gil, for sure
but i´ve never saw a dj set with so bad mixes as goa gil. some of the mixes he just doesn´t do it at all, its just quickly raise one song and lower the other one. ok, i know he mixes nonstop for hours and hours, and all of us respect him for that, but talkin about his dj technikes seems a little foolish to me!!
i won´t talk about raja ram, cause at leats goa gil plays good music while raja ram, only plays tip world songs, and the times i saw him it was a disaster. worse than raja ram, only chicago, put that man away from the cdj... |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Feb 9, 2005 16:28
i don´t see them like dj´s....i see them has someone u helped a lot 2 raise up the scene...they don´t have almost no dj skills..but their contribute 2 the scene is much much bigger than just spinning....wether is raja, chicago or goa gil....
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 10, 2005 01:56
On 2005-02-09 11:21, Krell wrote:
Respect to you - I actually thought you would fire up the flame thrower along with the rest of us.
Regarding technique - Would you like to hear a DJ set by me in the same style goa gil spins ?
Im by no means perfect, but I think it could an interesting experience for you to do a comparison.
And dont compare it to a goa gil mix CD, compare it to a live experience
Just PM me if your up for it, it will require a 150mb download if you wanna
Best Wishes
But Dude, you are not GOA GIL...And you did not pretty much create this scene, so it wouldn't be the same. His music is pure and from the soul. And that my friend, is the experience. You playing Goa Gil "type" music would never be sufficient.
Play a Krell set and I would love to hear it.
  assumption is the mother of all fuckups. |
Aldus B
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 10, 2005 02:46
Goa Gil by a long shot. He always stays with the true underground sound and never spins overplayed commercial hype. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 10, 2005 12:16
To Uncle Bob.
I think Goa Gil took part in the creation of the scene, but I dont think you should attribute all the glory to just 1 man
Its not, that dancing to repetitive beats in the forest, or at the beach is anything new.
I didnt create the scene, neither did he - Many people did, and Ive worked in the scene for many years, also creating things. Both events, djing, philosophy and vibes of course
His music is pure and from the soul ? He is just playing other peoples music for the most part - Just like I am. I can tell you, when I compile a set and mix it, the effort in choosing the tracks and perfecting the technique comes very much from my soul.
I do it, because I enjoy it, I dont earn money doing it. That in my eyes, is more pure than what Goa Gil is doing.
I polute the music less, with bad mixing.
The experience is music, and the effect is has on your mind - The artist creates the music, the DJ selects and mixes it.
For that matter, Ive probably been listening to the style of music Goa Gil is playing for as long as he has. Since Dark Psy isnt really that old a genre. (You can go check his charts, he started doing that thing around 2001/2002 If Im not mistaken).
I try not to be affected by hype - Anti commercialism, Pro commercialism and what ever. My friends will tell you that as well, I take the a very puritist approach to music - As Goa Gil himself has said many times "its about the music" - Therefore I dont read reviews for instance, I need to listen to the music myself.
Only the effect of the music matters when listening, not the artist, the looks, the cover or whatever. "you cant judge a book by its cover".
"assumption is the mother of all fuckups. " You are so right Dont assume to know me just yet hehe
I have respect for Goa Gil - Especially for giving the parties meaning, and even more than that, to have inspired people to "think outside the box" regarding what a party is all about, what we are doing !
Its really special, that a "real" psy party, isnt just about partying and having fun, its about dancing, meditating and developing yourself and each other.
It might have been a fluke, but thats the greatest gift he has given the scene. Also, I am very proud to try and follow in those pioneering footsteps, to develop that philosophy.
Doesnt change the fact though, that as a DJ, he is not up to spec. I would love to say he was, as you can see, I have the utmost respect for him, but he isnt.
Still, of course, your right - Goa Gil is an experience, as is EVERYTHING - Its not a good djing experience for me. Its not the worst either, when I first heard him - I thought he would have been way worse than he actually was. (it was a pleasant surprise) - Still not good enough though.
You see, if we want the scene, and the music to develop - We need to promote those, who are good at what they do - and he isnt.
Unless, you are looking for "the goa gil experience" which of course, nobody will do better than him.
I like things to develop though, improve and mature. Thats not what I see happening with Goa Gil - Its the same style of trance he spins all thru his set really.
Its just about music, not commercialsm or whatever people just might wanna talk about.
And then, only 2 things matter, whether the music is good or bad - and whether it is appropriate at the moment in time its being played.
I hope Goa Gil sees, that even though he gets critique, its a positive thing - Because, its healthy for a culture to feel free to express itself
Best wishes
PS..: Sorry about the rant everybody.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 10, 2005 18:26
I agree totally with Aje on just about everything he said.. lol.. mate you cracked me up this morning...
How can people compare D-nox to Goa Gill?? I've heard D-nox mix and there is no room for Trainwrecking in any of his sets, PLUS, he actually MIXES his tunes together, hence the term MIXING (what a dj should be doing)..
Regardless of musical selection, (where im sure most people would prefer gill's track selection), mixing is an important part of party/atmosphere.. It builds up intensity, keeps the people dancing hard, and it show's that the DJ is actually doing something on the decks..
People who say dj technic = dj ego are surly one's that can't even understand the basics of beatmatching or the time and effort put in to make the crowd trip in different ways. Dj's don't need technic to get high ego's.. Im sure some of the biggest dj's (and worst technically) have even bigger ego's that most technical dj's..
anyways..... Aje, you rock bro..
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 10, 2005 19:45
What's the point of this thread? Both DJs are not kids anymore, other than that - they don't have much in common. Raja Ram always went for the melodic side, Goa Gil always to the darker side, Raja Ram now plays standard TIP World full-on, Goa Gil plays standard "dark" psy. Their track selection is in no way superior to Alien Project and Psychotic Micro respectively, and neither is their mixing technique. Raja Ram also took part in creating more music (Shpongle, Cyberbabas, TIP... and most recently 1200mics), Goa Gil is truely one of the first people to be a part of this scene.
They just happen to be older and have a reputation as 'serious' people, so it's relevant to how they are as people and to how they DJ? |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 10, 2005 23:04
Krell - You are taking this too personal. Point is that Gil is big for more reasons than just his mixing...remember, the music isn't everything. This is a culture and he is an icon. Therefore, he will always have a following.
Also, I can say with almost certain accuracy that you have done nothing to the level he has in making this scene what it is today. No matter what, he will always be Gil and Gil will always be cherished as he stands for way more than beat matching. He embodies the true spirit of our culture and although I agree he can't beat match well, he does so much more to live up to his reputation. Beat matching is a small thing in the grander scheme of things. Get me?
You may be the best DJ and that is who you are, but Gil is not who he is because he listens to or even attempts to be like Krell. He is Gil and Gil is loved in this scene. Don't try to explain it, just accept him for being Gil and do your thing, brother.
Peace, Jason.
PS, and remember I said, he pretty much created this scene....Meaning he is probably the one name that always comes up when you think of the early days and the beginning of OUR CULTURE, not dancing to beats on a beach, but OUR CULTURE.
  assumption is the mother of all fuckups. |
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Posted : Feb 10, 2005 23:45
Gil and his girl also producing cool tracks as the Nommos. Killer stuff
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 00:38
To Uncle Bob
Im taking it personal because its very important for me to try and be open to things, and pure in the way that I approach music. Music is an important part of my life.
Dont take my long posts as a note that Im angry, Im just passionate I think I dont like it, if I feel people do not understand me, or where I am coming from.
I agree with you, I just wanted to let you know some of the thoughts that where behind my words, so you would get to know me better
You are right, Goa Gil is a legend, and its hard to compete with a legend.
What I react to mostly, in what you wrote is this
Qoute Uncle Bob
"His music is pure and from the soul. And that my friend, is the experience."
And mine isnt ?
I do, in no way, feel I am inferior to him in that manner. You might as well have used the word "deception" instead of "experience" as far as Im concerned. You are doing a direct comparison between him and me in that regard, which I think is unfair, unless you know me better than you do
Because, if thats what makes him special, compared to me, then its a deception - Because of the way I relate to the music, I feel is pure and straight from my soul.
Goa Gil has been a big influense for me, and this is one of the things I have integrated into my own djing philosofy. (you can imagine, a person that talks as much as I, probably has it all worked out:-)
No I cant supply the "Goa Gil Experience" and he cant supply the "Krell Experience" and neither of us wants to. Goa Gil wants to spin 18 hours long dark psy sets, and I would rather not go past 2 hours in my sets.
Your right, he is an icon, a legend - Papa Goa, Cult Leader No 1. He is for Goa what Lenin is for the communists. In that regard, Im just a nobody, frikkin pencil pusher at some boring office hehe
So, when I wrote - "In the same style as goa gil spins" I was just referring to Dark Psy being the style - Not as much the end experience.
EYB was talking only about the technique of goa gil, and how it was "perfect for the style of music that gil is djing" and I wanted to give EYB the same point of reference that I use. To see if that would change his view on what is perfect for the style (dark psy) of music.
Then you start talking about the experience of it all, while Im only talking about the technique. Also, you made that remark, to the purity of my relationsship to the music Its abit insulting to me actually. (though, I do realize, Im probably skating on thin ice here, being a tad touchy heheeh)
Its kinda hard sometimes, to really get around these topics, without being able to listen to the same stuff, have the same point of reference. When talking music, words are so empty.
I hope you do understand, that I am writing all this, with a smile on my lips right ?
*trying to be less of a fanatic*
  Label DJ> |
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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 08:49
Raja was one of the founders of TIP and a huge psychedelic pioneer... and you call Goa Gil a legend? Please move out from the box you've been living in, you need some fresh air. |
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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 09:26
In case anyone couldn't tell: this argument is very important. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 11, 2005 10:14
ok, first of all they don't play the same style at ALL: Goa Gill is into dark stuff while Raja is into full-on. Second of all, Gill was into the scene from day 1 and played a major role in creating the scene in the first place. Raja went to Goa in the early 90s, was impressed by the sound and decided to participate in the scene. He only did downtempo stuff (TIP, Shpongle) until around 2002 when he decided to jump in the full-on bandwagon. In the meantime Gill got fed up with melodies and now is into dark trance. So yes, for kiddies who are in the scene since 2004 I guess they've heard much more about Raja than about Gill. But that doesn't mean that Goa Gill is less of a legend.
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