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Goa gil VS Raja Ram

Justin Chaos
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 12:23
Aje mate...I like your style
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CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 12:30
goa gil parties are an experience.and as far as the impeachements that he's a merchant,selling goa,etc.check his website to c that he's doing max. 15-20 gigs per year,half of them in india,so where's the money?IMO raja ram is nice but he's more dance oriented.gil is more experience oriented and he's a smiley person also,never a bad trip at his parties:)
Psypox / Bufo

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 13:03

On 2005-02-08 01:47, rich wrote:
Gil's devotees claim that his mixing is part of the whole experience.

I went to my first Gil party last year expecting garbage mixing, but um, it wasn't that bad actually. mostly ambient fades. and I much prefer mixing intros and outro than the typical DJ tricks anyway.
DJ tricks = DJ ego = disturbing my trip.

Back to the topic, Raja Ram came back down to earth a while ago. Gil is still travelling. I don't know when they will ever meet.

oh wait, almost forgot the flame
and damn, I wish people would stop being pussys calling it dark psy. it's like you've never heard psychedelic trance or something and it scares you. LOL

yeah ... but he uses DAT tapes.. he cant pitch or anything.. soo thats why the lousy mixing.. hehe 

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 13:49
Therefore he has got the killllleeeeeeerrrr quality
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 13:51
"What will happen if this two legend's have
a friendly meeting?"

The one who is the most hungry eats the other.

"Who gona play more psychedelic? "

Goa Gil is, Raja Ram is into regular full on mainly, while goa gil is doing Dark Psy stuff.

"Who will go for sleep first? "

The one who isnt hungry anymore.

"what else will happen? "

Anyone, who demands that a DJ mixes well and chooses tracks in a way that the sound evolves during the experience will leave, go home, and put on some decent DJ set.
Since either Goa Gil or Raja Ram has been eaten by the other, either one of them will be playing.

"Leave your imagination free and tell me pleace.. "

I hope your satisfied.

On a side note - Goa Gil mixes from DATs, and even though Im sure lots of people can do better mixes from that medium - Its not REALLY optimal is it ? However, that is no excuse for being to lazy to burn them to CDR and DJ from those (I really dont know if he knows how to).
Its disrespectfull to hard working DJs who try to get gigs, use hours everyday finding good tracks and practicing their skills, hoping to get a "big cool gig" one day.

Respect to Goa Gil for his attitude, he has a philosophy, and theres meaning to his work, both for his fans and himself. You dont get the idea, that its just another job... He seems to really believe in what he does.
Respect to Raja Ram, for being an important part in creating some of the most beautiful music we have - As such, he has accomplished more than any DJs I have ever heard.

Both have influenced the music, scene and many other things in a positive manner - even their bad mixing gives people something to talk about, to agree or disagree

Dont book them as DJs, book them as live acts - Organizers are to be blamed, not Goa Gil or Raja Ram.

Goa Gil played for 6 hours or so in my town, at a party at a very decent venue.
Pictures here

The organizers could probably have choosen to book Grapes of Wrath, Meteloids, Jahbo(doing a dj set) and other artists from or Parvati. (many of them live right here) - but still chose to go with Goa Gil...
This tells me, that he has an awesome charisma for some people... Maybe because he has many unreleased killah tracks ? Or maybe because he is just considered part of our history ?

Who knows. ? ...........

Kind Regards

Krell           Label DJ>
The Journey Man Project
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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 15:06
Yuh Goga Gil is fun to go see if you happen to be in India if he is playing but I wouldn't go out of my way... saw Raja once at Earthcore in Oz and he did nothing for me... I find there is much more spirituality in NRG than in what Raja Ram plays... anayways it's very rare that I bother to go to parties anymore, maybe if somebody really talented like Sensient or Winter Demon is playing, or a nice chillout set is gonna happen... but generally, a coupla mates over at my house, bring out the decks, mix up ourselves and have a smokeor a few drinks whatever is your choice beats paying a fortune to see some bloke do what I could do for nothing at home, and I get to play the tracks I wanna hear ...
Dj Chris Planet
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 17:48
I agree with Profane.
I couldn't have put it better myself.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 17:52

On 2005-02-08 15:06, The Journey Man Project wrote:
but generally, a coupla mates over at my house, bring out the decks, mix up ourselves and have a smokeor a few drinks whatever is your choice beats paying a fortune to see some bloke do what I could do for nothing at home, and I get to play the tracks I wanna hear ...

in my opinion im the best dj in theworld anyway, cause imho i have the best track selection of anyone. I would looooooooooove to dance to one of my bedroom sets, no one can do it like me. And my mixing is better than 90% of the people i hear at parties, im not saying im perfect like D-Nox or Emok for example, but im definitely better than raja or gil or alien project most of the others i hear at paties.          Check out my album:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 18:45
Emok ownz. just wanted to point that out.

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 18:56

perfect? LOL

Goa Gil and Raja Ram are both 10 billion better djs then D-Nox.            Signature

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 19:11
Alien Versus The Predator.

Freddy Cruger Versus Jason.

Sorry but i prefer watching The Smurfs on tv....           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 19:11
To Eyb

He was referring to mixing, and not the set as a whole.

Even though, for my selective taste, D-Nox would kick goa gils ass all the way to another dimension, I cant argue with taste.

In case your trying to base your arguement on the mixing technique - There are 2 ways this can go.

1.: Either you have a very bad taste (seen from my subjective stand point) as to what constitutes good mixing.


2.: You dont know first thing about mixing/djing at all.

What is it ?

Or are you just pulling our legs or something ? Could be sarcasm I guess

Best wishes

Krell           Label DJ>

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 19:44
I want to expiain why I choose this 2 guys and no somebody else.
I do it because the age of this two is no the lowest I know and I realy respect this.
enjoy my friends.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 20:19
EYB why are better djs than D-nox?Because D-nox music isn't your personal taste?However D-nox dj skills are perfect and he can put me into trance with his proggy stuff much more easily than Goa gil or raja ram without needing drugs.Of course I respect them.Goa gil done amazing work compiling his wonderfull compilations like cosmocrator,forest of the saints,cyber baba 2000.After that xm you have to take some paper squares with acid to be in trance with his set.More respect to rajaram for his work as Shpongle,Infinity Project,Yeti etc..But as a dj lol he plays enough childish and cheesy music.He plays all the musts of a nowdays "psy-trancer". 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2005 22:34
EYB , we are talking technique, not taste, like I said, I have the best taste IMHO, not D-Nox, not Gil, not Raja, but I.

And talking technique, Gil is is the fragment of a peanut that D-Nox just puked out after having a snickers along with too many beers.           Check out my album:
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