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"Goa Gil afternoon" tracks

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2009 19:48

On 2009-07-28 17:14, wrote:
and the fruit of topic -
that's how we do here

If psychedelic todays means this crap,
maybe is time to back to techno-house-electro
looks like many peoples are very mental sick

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2009 20:00
omg how I dislike electro.
Its almost more than dislike.Im sorry but please save real psycedelic scene from this shit.
Even the worst progressive is still a bit psy but electro is modern way of biggest on earth.

An event with electro is not a single look worth for me.Becaue I love real psycedelic.There is no music that is less psycedelic than electro.Whereis the vomit emoticon here when you need one ? ..

unfortunately I spend some houres on bad partys here in hamburg wher electro was played.. for me the dumbest music ever.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2009 20:52
yeah i know what u mean
but is not about electro music
is about fusions of styles and electro sounds
like tribal vision records for example

About 90% of dark trance, better buying a older Thunderdome hardcore
compilations do you remember? even more quality music there that in this
shity dirty accelerating noise...

My opinion is that satanism crew who rule the world choose the leaders in every genre to
spread the negative vibrations. In psytrance they said: Who is leader?
Goa Gil? so lets brainwash this guy and turn him in our speackers.

Is posible that Goa Gil is another "MK Ultra" victim

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata

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Posts :  63
Posted : Jul 30, 2009 21:23

On 2009-07-30 20:52, djanahata wrote:
My opinion is that satanism crew who rule the world choose the leaders in every genre to
spread the negative vibrations. In psytrance they said: Who is leader?
Goa Gil? so lets brainwash this guy and turn him in our speackers.

Is posible that Goa Gil is another "MK Ultra" victim

Hmmmm.... perhaps you're onto something here. Goa Gil is spreading evil throughout the world by spinning music at underground psy parties and wreaking havoc on the dancefloor. Comparing the number of people this affects on a yearly basis to the population of the world, this plan should have successful results in about 1000 years.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2009 23:34

On 2009-07-30 21:23, Nivlem wrote:

On 2009-07-30 20:52, djanahata wrote:
My opinion is that satanism crew who rule the world choose the leaders in every genre to
spread the negative vibrations. In psytrance they said: Who is leader?
Goa Gil? so lets brainwash this guy and turn him in our speackers.

Is posible that Goa Gil is another "MK Ultra" victim

Hmmmm.... perhaps you're onto something here. Goa Gil is spreading evil throughout the world by spinning music at underground psy parties and wreaking havoc on the dancefloor. Comparing the number of people this affects on a yearly basis to the population of the world, this plan should have successful results in about 1000 years.

Yes you right, but read again:
<<choose the leaders in every genre >>

They select leaders in music, in politic, in sport, etc, peoples who have carisma and leadership.

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 31, 2009 00:34
what I really find strange is that I never saw goa gill participating with others from the scene.Never on a flyer with more names than only his own.Only with his woman which is cool but never with others.


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Posted : Jul 31, 2009 09:56
Strange thread.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 31, 2009 10:11

On 2009-07-31 00:34, TimeTraveller wrote:
what I really find strange is that I never saw goa gill participating with others from the scene.Never on a flyer with more names than only his own.Only with his woman which is cool but never with others.

it's an old small family buisness

Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 31, 2009 11:04
hes a diva

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Posts :  741
Posted : Jul 31, 2009 13:53

On 2009-07-30 20:52, djanahata wrote:

My opinion is that satanism crew who rule the world choose the leaders in every genre to
spread the negative vibrations. In psytrance they said: Who is leader?
Goa Gil? so lets brainwash this guy and turn him in our speackers.

Is posible that Goa Gil is another "MK Ultra" victim

Your giving Moki a run for her money. Utterly deluded.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  353
Posted : Aug 1, 2009 15:01

On 2009-07-31 13:53, bbgun wrote:

On 2009-07-30 20:52, djanahata wrote:

My opinion is that satanism crew who rule the world choose the leaders in every genre to
spread the negative vibrations. In psytrance they said: Who is leader?
Goa Gil? so lets brainwash this guy and turn him in our speackers.

Is posible that Goa Gil is another "MK Ultra" victim

Your giving Moki a run for her money. Utterly deluded.

Psychedelic MAN

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Posted : Aug 12, 2009 14:09
Encephalopaticys - Psychotermic Meditation

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  150
Posted : Aug 12, 2009 23:29

On 2009-07-30 20:00, TimeTraveller wrote:
omg how I dislike electro.
Its almost more than dislike.Im sorry but please save real psycedelic scene from this shit.
Even the worst progressive is still a bit psy but electro is modern way of biggest on earth.

An event with electro is not a single look worth for me.Becaue I love real psycedelic.There is no music that is less psycedelic than electro.Whereis the vomit emoticon here when you need one ? ..

unfortunately I spend some houres on bad partys here in hamburg wher electro was played.. for me the dumbest music ever.


IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Aug 12, 2009 23:49
'interesting' to hear - boring to dance to..

no its more a fight to dance to it more than a while or after a while.I need psycedelic trance with lots of psychedelic for lots of synapsis.
Of coures each music has its mystic corners,but this has not impressed me really a bit your selected example of psy electro.
Its a music to chill and chat to but for me its boring..sometimes intersting to listen.Very seldom tbh.
For me electro is dumb its my personal opinion on a good psycedelic trip on a party where this shit was played.Not my cup of tea.And over houres..fuck ..for me - never ever again There are too many really mystic psycedelic musics outthere.Even good trip hop has thousands times more magic stuff than this almost empty song.


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  150
Posted : Aug 12, 2009 23:54
hehe ok .. u are right, could be borring at a party but i think its way more psy than any prog track ( i mean the usual suspects )
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