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"Goa Gil afternoon" tracks

ah pois eh!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 10, 2009 03:10

On 2009-07-05 18:20, YeTzuR wrote:
i NEVER understood somthing about goagil.

he's always preaching for love/unity/plur and these lovely stuff,
and yet, he spins super dark psy music with track names such as Corpse Explosion, Devils Week, Invisible Terror, Taste Of Death... and the list goes on and on.

I have NO problem with this kind of music, i like it myself, BUT, it's just weird when it comes from him.

this is offtopic

and for the main quastion, pretty much every "hightech" psy is best for datytime.
cosmo/ankur/highko/calyptratus/terranoise/will o wisp/some furious... and more of this kind

i agree with u man 10x
and yeh for me good music dont have time or hour to be played ...           KUTANIMAL
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 10, 2009 14:06

On 2009-06-06 12:51, psy-junky wrote:

On 2009-06-05 22:17, Ellon wrote:
Almost everything by Ajja...

totally +1 groovy yet no where near cheesy, this act is sheer talent.

+1 and also anything from Vertigo Records           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 10, 2009 14:12
Terminator is the GOD of daytime full power.

CPC (some of his stuff)
Hishiryo-SAN (don't know any others of his that work)
Darkshire (I love the 3-way vs with Darkshire on Royal Straight Flush, perfect daytime tune)
Para Halu's recent stuff (some don't dig it so much)
Guinea Pigs
Imaginary Sight
Ghreg on Earth (trk 3 [?] on Sigilweaver sounds very day-oriented to me)
Kindzadza (some tracks on Waves From Inner Space are daylight monstrosities, thats a good thing)
Energy Loop
Shapestatic (some of their stuff is more fullon-ish but some is like daylight full power ear-dildo. The kind with the vibrating clitoral stimulator. )

A lot of full power tracks work as day tracks, playing them with more day-flavored tracks can make all the difference in overall atmosphere. For example a lot of Highko can go well during the day, if, for example, one played some Guinea Pigs alongside it.           .
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 13, 2009 08:54
^^^ have to add to that list

Fractal Cowboys
Bodhissatva 13:20
Freaks of Nature
Secret Society

all great music for daytime

Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Jul 13, 2009 13:17
"i NEVER understood somthing about goagil.

he's always preaching for love/unity/plur and these lovely stuff,
and yet, he spins super dark psy music with track names such as Corpse Explosion, Devils Week, Invisible Terror, Taste Of Death... and the list goes on and on.

I have NO problem with this kind of music, i like it myself, BUT, it's just weird when it comes from him.

this is offtopic"

Its nothing to do about evil, its just very powerful psychedelic music.. Wich pushes you into a psychedelic state.....            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Jul 13, 2009 14:05
Names are just names, only words. If you didn't know the names of the track, they might have a different meaning to you hidden between the notes.

I agree with Kriz... also, I might add, that so called "darker" emotions and themes are as much a part of our humanity as the other side of the spectrum... opposites are just varying degrees of the same thing. Confronting and coming to terms with these sorts of things can be just as rewarding to the spirit as other sorts of emotions and themes.

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Posted : Jul 14, 2009 21:40
Baphomet Engine Feat Dj Zoim / Psycho Motor [Los Maniacos #03]

feels like day power to me (very special kind ).

and, possibly
Karash / Chupa Cabra [Los Maniacos #08]

Noon / Mugen [Los Maniacos #09] <- the KILLAh

or, possibly, i just have no taste

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2009 17:23
sulima vs phantomiman - sci fi thriller
sulima - space monkey freaks
mental reason - nolas spaceship to amsterdam
blisargon demogorgon - power of evil
loke - expand horizon

& new illegal machines & bombax album


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Posted : Jul 23, 2009 04:12

On 2009-07-13 14:05, Axis Mundi wrote:

so called "darker" emotions and themes are as much a part of our humanity as the other side of the spectrum... opposites are just varying degrees of the same thing. Confronting and coming to terms with these sorts of things can be just as rewarding to the spirit as other sorts of emotions and themes.

In principle, I totally agree with this, and by some standards, I play and write some pretty dark/aggressive music...

but I also feel like there is a line, beyond which it becomes something genuinely ugly. I really feel disgusted at psytrance events when I encounter music that is constantly using audio samples of people screaming, and sound effects and other samples that imply things like torture, rape, murder, etc. - And Gil certainly plays a lot of this stuff.

Personally, I tend to believe that our thoughts and emotions have a very real, and very important part in shaping our reality - and thus I prefer to avoid such things in my own creative work, and in my thoughts in general. Plus, I feel like the human world is filled with enough REAL horrible shit like that, I've never been able to figure out why anyone needs/wants to create a bunch of imaginary horrible stuff. It's one thing to create art addressing issues like this for the purposes of raising awareness, inspiring social/political action to try to stop this stuff from happening, etc. but I kinda have a hard time believing that most of this sort of horror-trance/rape-trance/murder-trance/whatever it's called, I hear has this goal in mind. To me it seems like a sorta perverse voyeuristic sadism... like watching porn or horror movies with simulated rape/tourture/etc.

Now I believe in freedom of expression, and as such as long as it is actually simulated, then I would never say that it should be prohibited... but I certainly find it disgusting...

Aside from all of the lipservice paid to the kinda new age/hippie ideas about manifesting our intentions, positive community, good vibes, PLUR, whatever, to me it's just a matter of honesty and respect. If someone goes to see a movie like Hostel, or Saw, or a Slipknot concert, they probably know what they are getting into, and if not, they are ignorant to a fault. But nothing in the name Psychedelic Trance (or Goa Trance) implies that the audience will be subjected to this sort of thing. Everyone is free to make their own decisions, and if some people like horror/rape/murder/torture-trance, that's fine - but be honest, and call it what it is, so that people who don't want to be subjected to that sort of thing can avoid it.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2009 11:14
agree with MsoB... sometimes its boring and disgusting hearing those samples.. but sometimes it really fits to a track and pushes more into a psychedelic state

i think there are artists that uses those samples very well.. for example: Baal very psychedelic and evil oriented
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2009 11:55
I think if we figure out which scene this younger "darkpsy" loving community was part of before they discovered this one, heavy metal would be on top of the list... plays a big part in the harder sounds that they're receptive to. Have turned on a few people from there... and more than anything, their attitude is the opposite of violent, aggressive and demonic.

...and then on the flipside have seen some really messed up very violent stuff go down at parties in Goa and Thailand where all they play is fluffy full-on and LSD referenced samples.

So go figure!

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Posted : Jul 25, 2009 15:14
On 2009-07-23 04:12, MsoB wrote:

On 2009-07-13 14:05, Axis Mundi wrote:

But nothing in the name Psychedelic Trance (or Goa Trance) implies that the audience will be subjected to this sort of thing.

great thought im with you on that

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Posted : Jul 28, 2009 05:35

On 2009-07-25 11:55, Yidam wrote:
I think if we figure out which scene this younger "darkpsy" loving community was part of before they discovered this one, heavy metal would be on top of the list... plays a big part in the harder sounds that they're receptive to. Have turned on a few people from there... and more than anything, their attitude is the opposite of violent, aggressive and demonic.

very true, and something that has always puzzled me. I've known several really friendly, warm-hearted people that play and write really disturbing music. I can certainly understand the need to express frustration, anger, sadness, aggression, and a range of other "darker" emotions in music, it's something I do frequently. But I just can't seem to figure out why the really disturbing, sadistic stuff is included...

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Posted : Jul 28, 2009 14:16
guys, are you so serious ? just read what you have wrote as you were a third person it's like no place for any mystic sense in this world. are europe realy this bad ?

ah pois eh!, yes good music have no time to play, but we have time to play specific music. won't you agree ?

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Posts :  147
Posted : Jul 28, 2009 17:14
and the fruit of topic -

that's how we do here
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