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Goa Book 5 years later

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : May 4, 2016 22:32:09
Recently I had a very profound exprience that I want to recommend and share with the few of you who still open the forum. It was an experience that was deeply inspiring and that woke up all my inner visions and dreams from the years of experience with the goa culture, visions which were repressed in the unvonscious dark side of my mind for years and slept there in the void of collective unconsciousness.

Probably all of you heard of the famous goa book, which is a unique revival of 20 year evolution of goa- and psy culture.

Probably most of you have even seen and read it. But for me, the right moment had not come. I have seen advertisement and articles about the book, I knew that it was a very professional awesome publication with hundreds of photos from goa, the festivals, the art, the deco and all the trance tribes. I realized that it is a genious idea and work to put this together and create a kind of a bible for the trance movement, a kind of an object that everyone should have at home and be able to show to guests who never heard of goa.

But I thought to myself: no, why read it, it would only intensify my nostalgy feeling and it would hurt like hell to remember that psy trance and its culture were my one and only, my answer to all existential questions about the meaning of life and the collective dream of mankind. It would hurt too much to realize that this culture is dead or at least a huge disappointment. I was afraid to read it and I decided to pretend as if I never saw it.

Some days ago, I ordered it and started to read it and I suddenly found myself in a parallel universe. This exprience was so profound, it is hard to find the right words to decribe it. It is one of the most beautiful books I've ever hold in my hands but not only this: it is a book about 15 years of my life, about the very reason why I loved life, my existence, my fellow travellers and tribes. It reminded me of everything I ever believed in, everything that is worth living and worth going on. I thought of so many people that I had completely forgotten or repressed somewhere deep in my unconsciousness. I saw myself again in goa, with friends, with people that I deeeply respected and admired, it reminded me of festivals, of solipses, of the evolution of music...

At the time the book was written, I had a period of time when everything connected to trance was only a heap of reasons why it is better for me to avoid trance and its culture, why it all went wrong, why it hurts so much to read any word anywhere in the forums, to see everything destroyed, even financially devastated existences of almost everyone involved...It was the kind of thing to run away from. So I repressed almost 15 years of experience with that culture and I began a new life that inspired me more. But something was always missing, this sparkle of meaning, this moment of divine truth... It was hard to believe that this was all illusion and never even happened in that way. Bit in case it was, a lot of strength and discipline was need to go on in life, to find new pastures of engagement. Goa went more and more to the backround.

Well, after reading the goa book, I remembered that it did happen, it was not an illusion but very real and profound. Years long, years full of joy and creativity, full of awesome contacts and psychedelic gatherings, years of work for the good of humanity:). Well, it really could have happened in a more elegant manner than my own experiences with the worst sides of this culture at the end, but anyway, the 15 years really existed and I am happy to have been a part of it, somewhat even proud, which is a new feeling in the last years. I have not been proud with that for years.

I want to say thank you and express a deep respect for what has been done for this book! It is awesome and I know dozens of people to show it too, to say "this is my background, this is where I came from"...

And that is why I want to tell you: in case you have not read it, do it, remember the source! You will enjoy it!
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