is it done afterwars live? like sutter edit or something, or is automating it? perhaps even audio bouncing things needed and then running them through something like live cut?
but what if u change something to the previous synth or bass ect. then u would have to make up a knew one? (loop boxing thing)
it irritates the **** out of me, i can't figure it out?
does someone have any ideas?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 4, 2016 22:46
Check dblue glitch vst for this its free or they have commercial version 2.
But I usually do this with resampling and editing by hand. Then you can add filter, autopan, phaser, crusher, delay, pitch shift, reverse and whatever you like. For example make 6 tracks with different effects and automation. Then cut them to play different parts of your loop and maybe use some effect on overall group to gel them together.
But then, do u record the whole part down to audio, like let 1-2-3 so on. bars of the current part of the track and then get into all that stuff afterwards? Or every part for it self, kb,lead,perc and then arrange them together? I am positive there is a quicker way.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 5, 2016 00:05
I record from master or drums or bassline. Just couple elements together and then I copy this audio to some tracks and apply effects and audio editing. Then I record the final break loop from this.
Usually leave some elements clear for example some atmos or rise sfx.
So in the end you will have all your track as they were MIDI or audio and 1 track with your break loop audio.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 5, 2016 06:02
this s from ajja he posted here i think?
long time ago..
This tutorial uses Logic 8 on a Mac, but the principle can be applied to Cubase (or any other program) with a minimum of modification. It's purpose is to teach you how to turn a normal drum loop or synth line into a multi-effected funky groove-monster. 


Create a new track & set up, say, 4 pre-fader sends to different busses (Buss 1, 2, 3 & 4 in this example). Turn them all down for now. 

Name this track PLAY & drop your drum loop on it. 

Turn the volume slider of the PLAY track all the way down (so that you can listen to each send/buss without the original signal). 

Now turn up send 1 & put a cool plugin on buss 1. Get it sounding nice & make sure some dry signal is left in the plugins output. 

Repeat this step for the other 3 send/busses with different plugins. Modulation delay, big reverbs, flangers on extreme settings & ring-shifters are my usual first choices. 

Now you set the output of each of these busses to a new buss like this: 
buss 1 > buss 5 
buss 2 > buss 6 
buss 3 > buss 7 
buss 4 > buss 8 

Then create 4 new stereo tracks using busses 5, 6, 7 & 8 as their inputs, call them REC 1, 2, 3, & 4. 

So, now your signal path looks like this: 
PLAY > Send 1 > buss 1 (plugin added) > buss 5 > REC 1 
PLAY > Send 2 > buss 2 (plugin added) > buss 6 > REC 2 
PLAY > Send 3 > buss 3 (plugin added) > buss 7 > REC 3 
PLAY > Send 4 > buss 4 (plugin added) > buss 8 > REC 4 

Arm REC 1~4, turn up sends 1~4 on PLAY, hit record & play through your drum loop. 

Dis-arm the tracks and turn the sends back down (off). 

Create 4 new blank tracks & drag the recorded files onto them. 

You now have 4 seperate recordings of the different effects on fresh tracks. You can drop a new loop (or other audio file) on the PLAY channel at any time to record another composite effects take with the same settings. 

Select all 4 recorded files & get your scissors tool up. Holding down ALT, split the files one 16th note (for example) after their beginning. This should split all the files at 16th note intervals until the end of the files. 

Now get your mute tool up & mute the chopped audio files randomly, making sure that only one file is playing at any given point in time. 

Press play and, if all went well, your drum loop has magically turned into a shponglized monster.


I generally put an eq & limiter on the output and export (bounce) out an audio mix-down. So my end product is one nice, compact, pre-equed piece of pineal pleasure that fits easily anywhere in my arrangement, but thats up to you... You can also leave them as individual tracks, so that you can duplicate them and change their sequence of play to create variations. 


Also, instead of the ALT & scissors split, you can chop the files in a manner that creates an organic rhythm you like. If the splits are always exactly at the same point on all 4 tracks, you can go the muting/umuting step with no fear of sections overlapping by accident. 


(Logic 8 users only) Instead of the ALT & scissors split, select the 4 recorded files and go to "Region/Folder/Pack take folder". By clicking on the triangle on the left-hand side of the newly created folder, you can open it up to see its contents. Then all you do is click & drag over the section you want to hear from each sub-track (take). 

Happy tweaking 
Love & light, 