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geomagnetic mafia - carefull with the labels out there...

le barde

Started Topics :  32
Posts :  348
Posted : May 6, 2011 12:49
Spook was fully honest about payment, tracks licenses and so on.
Because there was quite a long time between when we did speak about that album and the actual release, and because some little failure with communication when the time had come (email address change, message from Spook not read), it was a surprise for me when it came out.
So, it's nothing like spook screwed me up. But I probably wish that I could present a new album of mine (even with old tunes) a bit differently than this. Maybe change a few tracks, check if new mastering is needed, discuss about the artwork...
I just don't want it to happen again like that. But otherwise Spook was straight with the deal, nothing to say about that. It's the process on how it came up that disturbed me in the end.
About copies not received... don't know, but probably postal service failure.. can happen indeed.           ____
so many knobs - so little time
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
Posts :  3394
Posted : May 22, 2011 19:00
i can only say that when i released there i was promised 100 copies of the cd and in the mail came only 25
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