geomagnetic mafia - carefull with the labels out there...
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 22:17
On 2011-04-19 21:50, Geomagnetic Records wrote:
… where is the profit? Its in the direct sales to fans at parties
Yup. I said this in another thread. If you can get gigs and play a good set, you'll be selling CDs at $10 a pop. And that's better than them sitting in a box at a distributor who probably won't be sending you a check any time soon.
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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 23:31
Myself and shakri never gave permision to release tracks in goarecords?!, release never was discusted, digital sales dealed , nothing mentioned even...
Making re-releases of tracks, and full releases, without any minimum notices, explanations whatsoever... to myself or the other artists involved? Never saw any mooney or notice about the digital sales we should have.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 01:41
Fess up spook, you made crazy bank on this dude's tunes and you're just laughing at all the psy peasants from atop your pile of hookers and cash. That's how it works when you press CDs in the psy scene right?!?!
I don't know either party involved here, but Pixie...if you didn't even contact Spook before writing this post...and if all of the stuff he posted was're very silly.
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IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 14:39
Send me a copy of VA "Transatlantic chillout" and I'll write a review <(")
le barde
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 15:11
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 17:26
On 2011-04-19 21:50, Geomagnetic Records wrote:
Hi there! Doctor Spook here!
I have a firm email agreement with Smilie Pixie that I will share with EVERYONE HERE! =-) In this agreement Pixie (Fernando Abreu) clearly agrees to my terms...
From: Fernando Abreu []
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 7:51 AM
Subject: RE: hello geomagnetic
thank so much for your time and iam so glad you are giving us this opportunity!
I think the VA "Transatlantic chillout" would fit allot better in Hearts Eye Records by the way... love the last cd edited with Hearts Eye! cool cool chill stuff love the grooves and her voice.
i will upload the VA to Megauploads! i have a fast internet conection i can always send the stuff by here... for me is the same... this after noon i will write to you again!
Fernando Hood Abreu
00351 917789959 Phone :.: Portugal
Subject: RE: hello geomagnetic
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 20:32:35 -0800
Sounds cool.
As for link I need to figure out what label to put it on.
I have 2 for groovy stuff.
Hearts Eye Records
Hearts Eye is more for Spiritual or metaphysical chill out.
Bass-Star is for more urban sounds as well as experimental, funky and breaks.
If you want my Basic CD cover layout its…
I will have the UPC code and cat# ready after we determine the sub label…
if you have a decent upload speed I am fine with ftp or sendspace as well.
We make 800 copies usually.
I have received my recent sales reports and things are grim.
Its almost impossible with our current distributor to sell over 200 cds. We average 100 or so. We leave 200 with the distro to hope to sell all of these. It takes 130 sales to cover pressing otherwise my distro charges me the difference.
So if we sell 100 in Europe/asia total... I have to pay $250 out of pocket to cover the loss.
Shipping and promotion are on top of this.
My only way to actually see any profit for my efforts are to recoup on digital…. Also a risky option as this can take a year to make $100 of one CD release.
So my only real offer that is sensible for all parties is to PAY for the RIGHTS to the RELEASE with PHYSICAL CDs as TRADE.
200 CDs is my standard offer. A Flat FEE. One time payment/Trade. 200 cds and you are able to sell these at gigs and make $10 each CD sold you can make $2000 of these 200 cds.
I keep 200cds also
The other 200cds are promotional gifts to stores, radios, reviewers, djs, etc…
And that’s it. They are all gone. So you see… where is the profit? Its in the direct sales to fans at parties or hand to hand to stores.
If this is cool for you I am game. Otherwise promising a profit is not possible.
I hope you understand and find this pleasing.
OK I re-read this (+ the 2nd e-mail) and there is not a "firm" agreement here at all. It's just two e-mails talking about the release strategy and the way the music will be uploaded etc. Nowhere does this count as a "firm" agreement as there are no "Yes I agree" being seen anywhere. Furthermore does it not say anything about what label the music goes out on (A big mistake). The lack of this information is in itself a "agreement" breaker as you by then aren't allowed to release it on a 2nd label or even a 1st label - if we are going to stick to the law. Then you Spock lay out a "payment" plan (flat fee) but I do not see anywhere Fernando Abreu agreeing to that payment plan (unless there are e-mails missing here?). Even though there is a 2nd e-mail from Fernando Abreu (about some CD shipment of some of your releases - This is the way I read it) a few months later it is still not a valid agreement in any way.
And what label start to print CD's after one e-mail conversation where nothing is agreed upon?
I still say this is a typical case from this scene. Where two parts are very unprofessional and vague in the agreement and end up in a fight caused by their lack of professionalism on both sides. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 17:35
unprofessional or whatever, but spook laid out the terms and the reply from fernando was that he is uploading tracks. read between the lines beatagency.
and yes fernando, you agreed to the terms and transferred rights to the music, at which point spook can do whatever he wants. if you had a problem with this then you should have negotiated royalty.
the electrypnose story on the other hand, what's up with that? someone eariler in the thread said an entire album was released without his permission?? I hope that's not true...
  We Do This Every Day |
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 18:08
On 2011-04-20 17:35, spliffnik wrote:
unprofessional or whatever, but spook laid out the terms and the reply from fernando was that he is uploading tracks. read between the lines beatagency.
and yes fernando, you agreed to the terms and transferred rights to the music, at which point spook can do whatever he wants. if you had a problem with this then you should have negotiated royalty.
the electrypnose story on the other hand, what's up with that? someone eariler in the thread said an entire album was released without his permission?? I hope that's not true...
The case is still that this "agreement (what agreement?) does not hold any water whatsoever. I did read between the lines and feel that the both of them failed big time and caused their own trouble.
And may I add. It's just as much up to the label to make sure the artists have proper agreements. Actually it is the labels responsibility |
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 18:20
technicalities aside , how much money are we talking about here anyway ?
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 18:20
On 2011-04-20 18:20, mk47 wrote:
technicalities aside , how much money are we talking about here anyway ?
Probably peanuts |
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 18:22
u know the answer , thnx !
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 19:00
It would help if there were several types of contract templates labels could use, complete with fine print, that covered any ambiguities and basically covered all the bases.
Surely these exist for other music genres?
Inactive User
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 19:19
how much money man , enough for overseas legally binding contract with all the fineprint etc to be big enough for a serious firm to take a case ?..even so , would a positive ruling be worth the money it would cost in legal fee etc ?
answer is no and no , lol
therefore , case must be tried at the highest tribunal of offence , this is mine strong contrybute to community , you are welcome me , we are all welcome lord jacynth , tnnx !
Martian Arts
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 20:25
On 2011-04-20 18:20, Beat Agency wrote:
On 2011-04-20 18:20, mk47 wrote:
technicalities aside , how much money are we talking about here anyway ?
Probably peanuts
Which is something to think about when releasing your music. Unless its a label you really wanted to get your music on, doing it for free is best, especially when there is no money to be made.
Peace out. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2011 20:35
shit, 200 physical CDs in trade sounds like a great deal imo.
You'll probably make more off selling those in person at gigs in a few months than you ever will from royalties.
  If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe |