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geomagnetic mafia - carefull with the labels out there...


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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 18:18:13
Heys guys just want to let you know that you should be on the lookout if you release any music with DR.Spook, Nathan vogel.

Here is my story:

I Select music for a Chillout VA, release quite some time ago, called "TRANSATLANTIC CHILLOUT",
DR.Spook said he wanted to release in one of his labels, at the time i was happy with the news and i selected all the tracks from artists and friends around the world!
The artists were promissed some percentage of digital sales, that never was given to us.

Later i Found out that Our VA was RE-RELEASED in all digital stores couple of months ago with another label name, without my concent, or any of the artists involved.

So now there are 2 digital releases of TRANSATLANTIC CHILLOUT... as you see they are the same exacly! wich is turning this into a ridiculous situation!
watch carefully the release date on these links::: one is for 2009/2010 other for 2011:::

(story Didint finish here... check this out...)

Later on I and some artists envolved in the TRANSATLANTIC CHILLOUT found out that our tracks were magicly released on other VAS, all from labels from Dr

Spook himelf and his massive PSytrance corporation, without permission... Without any concent, paper work, contracts... And iam afraid that this is going to

continue! be on a lookout HE IS A THIEF, no questions about that!

I found some more releases around with my tracks wich iam sure they are from spooks mafia, but cant really prove that!

PLEASE, If something smiliar happened to you while dealing with one of spooks labels, please write here,
Musicians and artists should know if there are psy thiefs around ready to steal your music! sad but true

Was a big lesson to me aswell, I know i should have made contracts with the artists, but i didnt... But in the other hand iam not from the record label,

Spook his the label owner so, if there was such a contract he should make it, and really would a contract mean anything in the end?!...

thiefs can copy contracts, make up contracts and signatures and do all kinds of dodgy beahaviour!

Fernando Hood Abreu
Smiley Pixie
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posts :  1281
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 18:36
i've heard also that the electrypnose album was released without knowing of the artist           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 18:41
Dr spook takes the limelight again. There was a Big thread on this label on similar accusations few years ago.

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung

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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 18:58
lsd 25> didint heard about that threat... maybe if i heard i would never send my music or work to him... be on the lookout. good day 2 you!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 19:05
Happened to me also, my track release on transatlantic chillout was released on another VA from GOARECORDS without my permission! that is stealing, and its a total lack is respect, Hope that nobody from now on falls on this mistake
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 20:29
spook is thif !!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 20:47
I don't get it... why does it matter if the same record label releases your track twice, if you get royalties for both releases?

How is that stealing?

Perhaps I need to know more about the specific terms of the contract you originally signed...
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 20:55
I have released many tracks with Nathan.
And yes, some of them have been re-released on some other digital compilations, wich for me is totaly ok. They have ended up in compilations like "fullon vol.11, Psytrance vol.12, Goa vol.9" wich imo are good, promotion wise. Personaly i don't see the problem as there is no money involved anyway. Sure some sales here and there, but in the end its just small potatoes. If not agreeing on some album deal ofcourse. But re-releaseing single tracks on "best of" compilations is not a big deal for me, more then extra promotion of my work. I have always got what i've asked for from spook, always got my cds even before its released in stores. But i can understand this is something that can be anoying though.
YSE and some others does the same.

          For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
Meteor Burn

Started Topics :  13
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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 21:15
Dr. Spook ROCKS!!! is the best! with time all ppl gona learn that...

spook is a bro to us! we work with nathan 2+ years.... he make the THINGS!

nowdays things are getting really weird in all psytrance world... take care!

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 19, 2011 21:35
OK I have to say y 2 cents here.

1. If you don't draw up a contract blame yourself.

2. Labels has all the right to re-release music and even hand over the releases to a 3rd part (example: another label). Once you agree to hand over the music to them. This also apply when you make an "oral" agreement unless it's made clear that they are not allowed to exploit the release.

I don't know the whole story (usually there are two sides to a story) so I wont judge the label. But honestly people. Stop being so amateurish and start thinking as a professional. That is IF you are going to release music, compile releases etc. where money are involved (even though music rarely sell much).

Too many people whine about broken deals. Ask yourself why these deals gets broken. I always go by the rule. If it sound too good it is too good 
Geomagnetic Records
Geomagnetic Records

Started Topics :  64
Posts :  423
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 21:50
Hi there! Doctor Spook here!

I have a firm email agreement with Smilie Pixie that I will share with EVERYONE HERE! =-) In this agreement Pixie (Fernando Abreu) clearly agrees to my terms...


From: Fernando Abreu []
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 7:51 AM
Subject: RE: hello geomagnetic

thank so much for your time and iam so glad you are giving us this opportunity!
I think the VA "Transatlantic chillout" would fit allot better in Hearts Eye Records by the way... love the last cd edited with Hearts Eye! cool cool chill stuff love the grooves and her voice.

i will upload the VA to Megauploads! i have a fast internet conection i can always send the stuff by here... for me is the same... this after noon i will write to you again!
Fernando Hood Abreu
00351 917789959 Phone :.: Portugal

Subject: RE: hello geomagnetic
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 20:32:35 -0800

Sounds cool.

As for link I need to figure out what label to put it on.
I have 2 for groovy stuff.
Hearts Eye Records
Hearts Eye is more for Spiritual or metaphysical chill out.
Bass-Star is for more urban sounds as well as experimental, funky and breaks.
If you want my Basic CD cover layout its…

I will have the UPC code and cat# ready after we determine the sub label…

if you have a decent upload speed I am fine with ftp or sendspace as well.

We make 800 copies usually.

I have received my recent sales reports and things are grim.

Its almost impossible with our current distributor to sell over 200 cds. We average 100 or so. We leave 200 with the distro to hope to sell all of these. It takes 130 sales to cover pressing otherwise my distro charges me the difference.

So if we sell 100 in Europe/asia total... I have to pay $250 out of pocket to cover the loss.

Shipping and promotion are on top of this.

My only way to actually see any profit for my efforts are to recoup on digital…. Also a risky option as this can take a year to make $100 of one CD release.

So my only real offer that is sensible for all parties is to PAY for the RIGHTS to the RELEASE with PHYSICAL CDs as TRADE.

200 CDs is my standard offer. A Flat FEE. One time payment/Trade. 200 cds and you are able to sell these at gigs and make $10 each CD sold you can make $2000 of these 200 cds.

I keep 200cds also

The other 200cds are promotional gifts to stores, radios, reviewers, djs, etc…

And that’s it. They are all gone. So you see… where is the profit? Its in the direct sales to fans at parties or hand to hand to stores.

If this is cool for you I am game. Otherwise promising a profit is not possible.

I hope you understand and find this pleasing.


          Dr. Spook~
Geomagnetic Records
Geomagnetic Records

Started Topics :  64
Posts :  423
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 21:55
and then a few month later when after we pressed the CD (expensive!) and shipped his copies to him (expensive) he replies that he is so happy and he recieved all his CDs that were owed...

From: Fernando Abreu []
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: Hi, your shipment is waiting for you...

i have all packs now thanks! yours and from hongkong!

Amazing music selection i heard some cds, but not all ofcourse!! transatlantic chillout is also wonderful!!!! came out GREAT!!!
tonight iam gonna check out the DVD's!!!!!

only one bad thing tonight!
Popcorn is missing...!!

Stay kewl
Fernando Hood Abreu
00351 917789959 Phone :.: Portugal

          Dr. Spook~
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 21:55
@ Geomagnetic Records

You do one thing wrong (A non written rule). You always have to send/e-mail a clear, easy understandable and specified Royalty Statement to the ones participating. Even when the numbers are red. This is also your proof that you are not withholding any royalties. An e-mail saying "sorry there are no money" do not cut it.

I wish people would start to act professional in this scene (wont get my hopes up though).

Geomagnetic Records
Geomagnetic Records

Started Topics :  64
Posts :  423
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 21:57
so there it is... SMILIE PIXIE is FULL OF SH!...

I did EVERYTHING I promised.
I did EXACTLY what was asked of me...


he still turns around and starts this post with out even once indicating he was unhappy or unsatisfied...

What a PUTZ! =) that right Fernando... you are a PUTZ for being such a DRAMA QUEEN and also for OUT RIGHT LYING on a PUBLIC FORUM...


S~           Dr. Spook~
Geomagnetic Records
Geomagnetic Records

Started Topics :  64
Posts :  423
Posted : Apr 19, 2011 21:59
@ Beat Agency...

I understand your point except that for this deal we specifically out lined it would be a one time FLAT TRADE of 200 CD with no future accounting...

so that means no royalty reports etc...           Dr. Spook~
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