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Trance Forum » » Forum  India - FUTURE GOA by A.A.L-W.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
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Posted : May 18, 2018 20:10:39
Here's a piece I wrote. It is coherent but still in code. I plan on posting all six episodes here. Bom!

FUTURE GOA, by me (Anita)

episode ONE: 'Fly Goa'

Within my cute, fun insider location we find the canny comparison with smart and proactive elements of North Goa. The discussion is far advanced. Intelligent as well as beautiful, we women DO participate. In the future Goa of Year 3000, all ladies there will live fully empowered. Classy women everywhere will have had common goals with these ladies.

Let's examine some new, female-friendly features of Goa Year 3000, where developments will validate the goings-on.

One technological advance will have to be special traveling carpets made of sound, which will be skillfully woven by us women. Sound being a known quantity in Indian culture, the carpets will bring excellent music. This will cause great joy amongst the esteemed people. By 3000, we will have come to protect the amazing carpets simply due to their awesomeness: a cultural advance.

Art is natural. For bringing the carpets, women get blessed. For an ambitious woman, fame brings wealth. Staying, improving, and expanding will be abilities acquired everywhere in Goa by Year 3000.

On the complex, yet short, road to the formidable musical carpets, i.e. before this futuristic advance happens, protecting must come: certain powerful amulets. Legal and readily available, the invincible amulets display a magnificent outcome; used correctly, they are safe. More than ever in the touristic righteousness, now, of our time, safety is necessary. That we need it is usually obvious. Already we see the long-established protective amulets. They'll take root BEFORE the fast, fancy flying carpets, each of which will be good for the Environment and society. It will all flourish in an irresistible mix.

A modern plus preservationist outlook finds a vibrant future Goa.

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Jun 14, 2018 22:17
Episode Two for your reading pleasure....

On Thu, 4/12/18, Ideal Reality <> wrote:


episode TWO: The Story of Song

Such advantageous cultures as 1. My insider location, and 2. Goa, will have discovered and will be promoting the incredible, all-natural Singing Trees, which will be most prized by Year 3000 in the gritty yet charming Goa. Here, in 3000, these beauteous trees, each of whose leaves is a mouth that sings, will be tended in strong fortresses.

In valorous Goa deeds, picking up after oneself manifests good karma. Just as each tourist must dust, sweep, and clean its own space, so too will the protective fortresses guard health and safety. After all, female priests are allowed and encouraged to tend the great and beloved Singing Trees. This benefits us: in 3000 we'll have already had various types of good jobs, by no means limited. And, as a woman, I can tell you I need my rights protected.

My fortresses extend naturally into the future in emulation of the currently available, legal amulets which, you may recall from another episode, preserve art in our time. From that, the peace shall actually, actively prevail, also by enshrining the Singing Trees in these very fortresses I did mention. Artistic acts will continue blossoming in Year 3000. The coexisting Singing Trees symbolize high standards.

Lights and decorations definitely add to the common spaces in North Goa. Come to think of it, my insider location has them too. Goa just has more, though. Add the mellifluous Singing Trees, and aesthetic pleasure becomes a fact that should be more universally acknowledged.

Simply when local requirements will become more committed to the future, here again the fortresses will come in super handy for everybody because the Singing Trees will thankfully stay preserved.

The melodious Trees have many applications. Do you think they are MUCH too beautiful to ever cut down? I know I do.

A.A. L-W.

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Jul 18, 2018 02:26
April 2018

episode THREE: 'Advanced Future Food'

The way forward is a delicious meal, and Goa in Year 3000 is no exception. A safe income -- a healthy allowance -- is gained from selling what everyone wants, namely samosas.

In my insider location, toasted corn chips furnish a ready snack. The invincible chip can be garnished with a loving variety of sauces. But, robust health is more than just an add-on. That's why the standalone samosas, which are packed with flavor, form a more satisfying choice overall. Just as the delectable pastry is wrapped around like a shield, so also do the samosas enfold our blood and bones. Here, rose glow the brows of our heroes.

Will restaurant waiters in Goa by Year 3000 be happy people? Technology will have been responsible for inventing talking waiter holograms. We'll ultimately be thankful that the human waiters will rebel against the talking holograms. Consequently these will metamorphose. The human waiters will mediate the holograms' merging with space-generated text messages, and the resulting safety-oriented warning signs will be a great hit. Almost all women will support the handy pro-tourist signs, posted there where the musical carpets fly between the strong fortresses full of Singing Trees.

Since the human waiters will win, moving beyond samosas they may bring xacutti to my graceful diner. Our patron is a staple. Perfect accord manifests ordering xacutti. Throughout, the hostesses and hosts bring peace to the venue.

One more thing: if I whip up some xacutti and put it in my safe.. no one else can get at it. That's good, because I'm really hungry right now.

A. A. L-W.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Jan 7, 2019 23:54
episode FOUR: 'Goa Gets Yet Better'

Both my insider event location and Goa evince dodgy water and insect bites. Bodily impact plus bloody pinpricks connect the need for potable water with friendly insect hosts in each location. We slog through it all to attain Year 3000 in a vital Goa.

By that point, the insects need water and the people need doctors. Answers will be found with us women, who will have overcome many barriers by 3000, putting the technology of the Smooth Units in its place as the original Y2K protection. The easily obtainable, moreover legal smooth units pave the way for an enhanced security in 3000, in which sonic lasers zap the insects. Invented for self-defense, the lasers as a second function activate repurposed waiter holograms warning tourists of the danger, on the roads between the Singing Trees. These practical signs will be a hundred times popular amongst women.

Protectively, the smooth units do illumine the human stinging insects, while driving them away. It reminds me of Truth or Dare, where the contestant gets asked to either brave Goa or drink the dubious water. Maybe the sonic lasers of Year 3000, in addition to overcoming insects and myriad other sketchy elements, will also purify water. In the meantime, the legitimate and ready smooth units will tide us over while we are inventing the multipurpose lasers.

The culture of North Goa, with the amazing events and brilliant songs, should be honored and remain true. One fresh, exciting way we can accomplish this is by applying the excellent protection I've mentioned.

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Jan 7, 2019 23:57
_Future Goa_

episode FIVE: 'Tourists Love Recycling'

Our fantastic voyage to Year 3000 yields knowledge: my insider location and Goa, in lock-step together, will continue to recycle. Special charms (like glow sticks), with benevolent results, will protect the recycling and ensure health and safety for all.

Currency of sound in Goa of 3000 will be abundant. Singing Trees, flying carpets, talking holograms, and sonic lasers will sustain a vital panorama whose main business will be to renew itself. This will point directly to recycling. Collecting cans and bottles will always rejuvenate the area.

Maintenance has an energy all its own. And safety itself is a prize of the charm. United through these legal, available charms that strong, real women support, all Goa retains health.

Then, by Year 3000, the charms will expand. We will behold the will-o'wisps: These glowing and travelling orbs will point out cans and bottles to the many recycling teams. Their other function will be to bring safety-oriented and well-adjusted tourists. With the charms on board, for every 10 items recycled, one good and protected tourist will come.

Like calls to like: pulling through splendidly, the excellent North Goa will correct libel and rise as a credit to the world.

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Jan 7, 2019 23:58
_Future Goa_

episode SIX: 'Make the Future Now'

One of the best things about North Goa is the throbbing bass of the multiple musical excursions. While my insider location has this too, in Goa it is more prevalent.

Indeed in this fantastic place, in the future, in Year 3000, we will have invented the incredible Magnetic Clouds of sound and melody. These complement the Singing Trees you may recall from previous episodes. The clever Clouds, which display the all-important woman-friendly interface, will liaise with the flying carpets and glowing charms of the future. Also working in tandem with our protective holograms and lasers, the artful Magnetic Clouds, belting energetic tunes at every turn, will really endear the place to everybody.

In 3000 the scene will be better situated, with enormously improved public relations. The popular MONISMS of Oneness and Love, which are licit and readily available in our time, will have soothed the artists, paradoxically by making them undefeatable.

These monisms, even in this day and age, do win every time! Such powerful aces cause many prizes - which thoroughly validates and legitimizes said onenesses.

Likewise the achievement of the travelling Magnetic Clouds of music will never be able to have been doubted.

The pressing conclusion? The many good tourists of the shiny charms simply ought to indulge in the winning onenesses. Otherwise they will fall sick and hate, fight, and curse. No. Above all this should be avoided and each tourist impelled to the smooth prizes. The community can put the pedal to the metal and wax successful in Safety.

The tourists' devotion to Love and Oneness brings the bloom of health and the blessing of the mighty Magnetic Clouds' continuing forever: well past the Year 3000.

Trance Forum » » Forum  India - FUTURE GOA by A.A.L-W.
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