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Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Fusion
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 21, 2011 21:41:00
let's start a new thread about the fusion, so that we don't need to write in other topics and fill them with too much off talk.

so the situation is following, the fusion is sold out, and may be someone needs a ticket? i have two tickets right now, that will not be used, so if you need them contact me. actually i have another two tickets for myself, both are a present, so i can't just say no the the fusion ( although i thought about it once or twice).
if you can give us a ride from berlin to there, we will give you one ticket as a present. "we" are three people, me (, and two media shamans and artists.

we are very much welcoming other media shamans or psychedelically involved people. no, we are welcoming anyone who wants to share the ride.

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Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 21, 2011 22:03
Wow Moki someone is going to be very lucky! Very generous! I am sure you will find alot of people willing to take the trip, especially with the ticket situation.

Have a blast!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 22, 2011 03:46
wow. there is something very magical in the way you say have a blast : every time i hear it from you, am sure i will. well, dont know if a blast, but i am gonna enjoy it for sure. (it is also possible that having a blast reminds me of isratrance years ago and the brain takes the memory to construct a feeling)

it would be great if we are all lucky! but i rather believe nobody is going to. because nobody will see this. and we are not going to find a ride so fast either. so we are gonna take the ride with the bahn, buah. the worst thing for me is that i am going to carry all days long a camcorder on my back with me, if i am not with a car there. but ok. it is the way it is. may be there is a meaning behind absolutely everything in life and it has to be that way.

and still, i mostly hope my friend (who was going to drive me there) is going to change her mind. she just came back from a forest ritual and suddenly decided she wanna miss the fusion. but she thought it is going to be tomorrow, and not next week, so i will wait and it is possible that she decides something else.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 27, 2011 12:19
update: so we now have found someone , who will take one ticket and also drive us there.
one more ticket is free.
anyone who needs it ( i heard a lot of people need one badly) can get it from me, from berlin prenzlauer berg. feel free to tell your friends.

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Posts :  1123
Posted : Jul 3, 2011 01:28
Fusion was in Bild Zeitung today.(biggest, shittiest German paper)

It was in the in and out section. It said festivals like "Fusion this W.E" were definetly "in".
They told everyone to "party like hippies".
Ok then....*light spliff*....*eat shrooms* ...If anyone has a problem - "The BILD told me to, watcha looking at?"
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 5, 2011 14:26
just to be short:
it was truely inspiring and beautiful festival in its own way. you might have already heard that the weather was horrible, raining almost all the time, but we made the best out of it and really enjoyed it. it was absolutely great to see so many freaks, old friends, new faces and witness things that have grown so much in their cultural dimension.

i think the most unique thing about the fusion is that every detail, decoration, installation, performance, the whole infrastracture ( for example the names of the streets), the theater with its political statements -everything is an extremely powerful motivation and basis for really really good conversations and exchange of ideas among the visitors of the festivals. the fusion feeds our minds with new ideas and social or political discussions to such an extent, which i have never seen at other festivals in that way. i had not even one "empty" conversation at the fusion. no it is not a dance festival ( although the trance stage WAS my biggest refugee place and the only place for me to find myself). no it is not dance, it is about the power to induce a huge mass social wave through dance and joy, and change the world around you. i had forgotten we are so many!!!!!!

...also the rain gave us a wonderful possibility to spend deeply emotional inspiring time with nice people in the tents and to remember we are one...but i really hope nobody stayed alone in his tent not knowing what to start with so much terribly a lot of rain....

i actually cant believe i felt that way again, i thought this feeling would be gone forever - to be one. to not care about negative past things that happened with the scene and look forward to the future.

the greatest thing about the fusion was that it gave me an emotional rebirth and made me start loving the festivals again. i would love to have a real psychedelic blast in the next weeks. next time we go definitely with an audio visual tent to the fusion. many connections were started, new plans and projects were established. yes, the fusion was very motivating indeed. love it!!

but the rain...ey, this was really a bit too much...but who cares? well i did, there were names in the line up of the trance floor, that i would have been extremely happy to trip and dance with, but unfortunately we couldnt stand 5 days on rain and had to listen from a place a bit more far away with a tent above our heads. but i was extremely positively surprised with the line up! pity that the rain was so strong in the night....
but anyway, i will first sleep and then think about the fusion once more .
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 5, 2011 15:04
p.s. although after a fast check in the fusion reports on some websites, i am not that sure any more that the trance floor was my refugee place. not really.
no, i spent very little time there. but i will cut the internet for a few days just to keep the good memory from the festival alive. the internet will kill it faster than a light ray.

Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : Jul 7, 2011 11:40
Fantastic festival yet again! One of the most diverse festivals around, and it's one of my highlights every year - once again I'll definitely order my ticket immediately when they open the ticketsales.

Shame about the limits on the soundsystems as well as the weather though. Missed some great acts saturday and sunday :/           DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 7, 2011 19:14
pr0fane with the loveliest day time smile... thanks for that smile!

Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : Jul 8, 2011 12:07
Well, it must have been a good day           DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 8, 2011 13:40
of course, i would never ever come to the idea that you might have another reason to smile at me except the good day

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jul 9, 2011 12:09
Thanks for reporting in guys n gals

Profane - next weekend at Antaris IŽll buy you a cold beer. I will have Jacynth mask on.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 10, 2011 21:43
i wanna go back there at the fusion . i can sum up that i have the greatest friends on the whole planet. this is what i love the fusion for - it lets us fuse at least once per year. and because there was incredibly a lof ot things to do besides dance. yeah carry jacynth masks at the antaris, great idea. i will be dressed in blue. take care to save me from isratrance rant discussions
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 13, 2011 19:32
sitting and watching silently the video material. i cannot decide if it is a good idea to post videos from the political discussions and speaches or to keep them with non public access on my websites.
media is vorbidden at the fusion after all....whoever wants to go there, just goes and feels it himself. except the trance floor - they are too busy counting the income . , critisizing the p.a. and filming the dixies.
difficult decision. i cannot do it unless explicitely allowed by the fusion team. but i know i promised above that i would. i should promise less in the future! anyway, i will just export two minutes video with day trance to keep the promise. the other thing i consider too risky, with autonomous extreme leftist discussions.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Fusion
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