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Full Circle Pres.- GEMINI - 3 Day Campout June 13th-15th 2008


Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 19:55
@ ascention: thank you for the props.

That party was so F____ing good i can't stand even thinking about how it!!!!!

Rich is a true bodhisattva and genius of the north america psytrance scene.

The Chill dome, especially, blew my freakin mind. Most especially Kilowatts, whom i knew ahead of time i had to see, that is some of the most psychedelic music i've ever heard (and he's an extremely intelligent and nice guy to boot, no suprise).

I'm glad i managed to make it (and a very important wedding on sunday 6 hours away)

Bjorn/iguana blew my mind; he made me want to run off and write me some dark chuggy tech-psy-trance. And Bjorn gave me half his club sandwich at 6pm when i was tired and hungry

Greg: we gotta hang out man. I had too many people say that I talk like you now, and even have the same 'sparkle in my eyes'. I think this is a sign from the universe that we need to collaborate: maybe something super dark and chuggy, but lower bpm
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 20:57

Greg: we gotta hang out man. I had too many people say that I talk like you now, and even have the same 'sparkle in my eyes'. I think this is a sign from the universe that we need to collaborate: maybe something super dark and chuggy, but lower bpm

Haha, I was in the cabin when Alex said that you sounded like Mubs, and it is true! You guys should collab, you both seem to have a similar taste in funky, deep sounds (just have to comprimise on a bpm).  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 21:23
oh i see sorry i was too, ummm 'out of it' to remember names and faces by that point. it was nice to meet you in the cabin there

Andrew Terrakroma
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 21:33
I too want to extend thanks to Rich, the setup/cleanup crew, deco people, sound people, and all the people who take care of Belden for making this weekend special. I had the opportunity to play on Saturday morning at 11 am to close the stage for the day. It seemed like people crawled out of bed to hear one last set Saturday morning. I look forward to seeing you all soon, we are doing a big party in October and will hope to see the lot of you there.

Yohann wears PJs....

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 21:45
Gemini was a very special event. lots of LOVE.
thanks Richard to make this happens, keep our fire burning and our minds revived.
Manny and Rie
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 22:13
And safety vests!

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 22:59

On 2008-06-17 19:55, rob-ot wrote:
@ ascention: thank you for the props.

That party was so F____ing good i can't stand even thinking about how it!!!!!

Rich is a true bodhisattva and genius of the north america psytrance scene.

The Chill dome, especially, blew my freakin mind. Most especially Kilowatts, whom i knew ahead of time i had to see, that is some of the most psychedelic music i've ever heard (and he's an extremely intelligent and nice guy to boot, no suprise).

I'm glad i managed to make it (and a very important wedding on sunday 6 hours away)

Bjorn/iguana blew my mind; he made me want to run off and write me some dark chuggy tech-psy-trance. And Bjorn gave me half his club sandwich at 6pm when i was tired and hungry

Greg: we gotta hang out man. I had too many people say that I talk like you now, and even have the same 'sparkle in my eyes'. I think this is a sign from the universe that we need to collaborate: maybe something super dark and chuggy, but lower bpm

I'm down to do some 135ish stuff... I think it'll be fun for sure!           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 23:06
absolutely amazing event. Best i have ever dreamed of attending, and im sure things are only going to get better throughout the country

Attendance was phenomenal! So many people, such a thick dance floor at all hours! There are some people who come and devote themselves to the morning experience, waking up around sunrise, putting on fresh clothes and sunglasses, and then stomping it out well into the afternoon! At the same time, the night did not lack in any sense, it was wild riding bass lines with so many Cali veterans. You can tell their scene has been around longer than ours, as a large chunk of the attendees were dressed in tribal / psychedelia, looking like they had been doing it for a long time.

Deco was UNRIVALED by anything ive ever seen in the USA. This event looked like what id perceive BOOM or FULL MOON FESTIVALS to look like! Im not sure how the deco was last year, but this year Wichdokta out did himself. TONS and TONS of string art structures, both 2D and 3D, some Rotating, some hanging, some stationary, some stuck in the ground, PURE INSANITY! They were using a cherry picker to hang cannons from the trees as well as the string art, and the clever positioning of all the art made the dance floor a psychedelic ARENA! Never have i dreamed of stomping in such a heavily decorated environment, and damn was it fun!

Music was amazing. Great line up on both nights! First of all, the Midwest DJs all threw it the fuck down. SERIOUSLY. Not one of us buckled under the pressure of playing in the experienced backyard of the Wichdokta. Machi, Damon, Airyck, Paradigm, and Geal, all had pretty much flawless sets. All DJs picked amazing tracks that fit in perfectly with the time slots that were given, which really kept the dance floor not only Goan, but Growin!!! I wanted to give special props to Geal for throwing down a very unique and fun dark / night time set, which included powerful tracks by Crazy Ducks, Ajja, Yab-Yum, and others! The crowd was going wild with all the peculiar noises that were layered on top of the powerful basslines throughout Geals set. Everyone else from the Midwest had just as killer of a set, but I wanted to give Geal special mentioning since he played at 1am and most people probably just expecting more traditional darkness. Way to mix it up man.

My favorite sets of the weekend, besides the midwest sets, were Mubali, Naked Tourist, Monks of Madness, Lauryn vs Egbot, LAMAT (oh my), Paradigm, and Wichdokta vs Random! I missed much of Mubali at SEOA since i was pooped after the 5 hour Psyowa tag, so it was great to relive his set at Gemini! I freaked the fuck out, and he was definitely my favorite of Friday night. Naked Tourist DID open a portal on Saturday night I must say, as his big, bulky appearance, alien-dread locks, and relentless beat matching really made his frequencies just vibrate extra hard. It was impossible not to dance to this guys set. Monks had brand new stuff, many new tracks, and you could feel it by the way they got into their performance. They were energized, on point, and they were definitely my favorite dark act of the weekend! Lauryn and Egbot were the last of the darkness for Sunday morning, and they kept the dance floor alive and kickin' with their stage presence and energy. I admit that the similar style of dark shared by most of the night time performers was beginning to get old at this point, so it was great that Lauryn and Egbot were bouncing around sipping on beers during their set. really made it fun and easy to keep goan! LAMAT was amazing! Great to hear such powerful, melodic stuff coming out of Mexico. Great morning music, so glad it went for 2 or 3 hours, really brought up the sunrise in a very appropriate way. One thing i disliked in his music is his cheesy Sex samples, sometimes having a girl moaning, or another time having a girl talking about "wanting it hard." The samples were rare and spaced out enough that they did not phase me or any other dance floor warriors, but the music would have acquired a more spiritual tone had it not been for those dirty samples PARADIGM is a master. This man was dancing his ass off all weekend, which got me really energized for his set. Some how this man always finds plenty of new material that stays true to his sound. Powerful, Melodic, Rejuvinating, Uplifting, Invigorating, Enlightening, sooooo damn fun to dance to. This is the guy i try to learn from when it comes to morning, because he knows how to do it. Flawless mixing, great stage performance, unbelievable tracks. Cant beat powerful bass lines with uplifting, space-cruising melodies. This man has it down! And to top things off, Wichdokta and Random did a tag from 12pm til close. We had to leave around 1:30pm in an attempt to make our flight, but it was an extreme pleasure to dance to these boys as the party was wrapping up. Such great energy, such great track selection, such awesome guys to keep things going up until the closing bell! My legs were in pain, my mind was tired, but everytime Rich or Ross would look out at teh crowd, it encouraged all of us to just keep stomping, to show them the love and appreciation we have for everything they did over the course of teh weekend. Phenomenal line ups, phenomenal performances, such a great fucking party!

Thankyou Wichdokta, thank you so much, for changing my life yet again. You truly are one of the major spirits, if not THE SPIRIT, of the Nor.Cal scene. You inspire all of us to try harder, to play better, to dance longer, and to be more friendly. Thanks for everything you did for this event, all the money, time, and effort you invested. It was great swimming with you Saturday afternoon, and I look forward to sharing many more experiences with you throughout our futures. Thank you to everyone else who helped out, especially Andreas who did all the string art deco.

PHENOMENAL, LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCES HAD at this one. Let's keep it going, and bring all the Psy-tribes of this country even closer and closer together!!!

Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 23:19
wow, where the hell to start. .... Too freaking good. Every year this event just keeps getting better, with Rich continually outdoing himself.

The deco was top notch. Much more akin to something overseas i think than to a US party. Excellent job Andres with the installations, placement and illumination. Using a scissor lift is totally the right idea.

The sound was great. Not overwhelming like last years line array system, but just right. Enough force and power but clean. Best I've heard the Full Circle set up sound.

The Vibe was what I've missed for a bit. That crazy west coast mix of family spirit, and wanton debauchery. It was very nice to see many old friends I've not seen in a while, and introduce some new friends from the Midwest to this side of things.
and speaking of my Midwest friends, i cant be prouder of how well they all did with their respective DJ sets, and brought it proper like. Geal, Ayrick, Machi and Abe all stood and delivered and it was great seeing the reaction they got. Machi in particular rocked that morning dance floor and had the best set Ive seen him play.
Continuing on with the music, more or less i thought the music was fantastic thru the weekend. There were a few moments of what has been called " zombie trance" on sat night i couldn't quite get down with, but more or less i enjoyed alot of it.
Notable mentions (aside from the previously mentioned Midwest posse) go to

Goldilox - surprised to see this west coast veterern playing on the psy field these days, but she did a good job.

Mubali- as always

Helios - a unique morning sound, not quite prog not quite full on, but something special in between

David Justin -great electro tinged prog, havnt really caught a full set from him in a while, was a pleasure

Rob-ot - much harder than i thought hed play, but his set progression really stood out with his mixing.

Naked Tourist, not a dark fan as everyone knows, but i liked the more minimal 1st half of his night set very much, and the chill out he closed the party with was awsome.

MoM- weird sick twisted strange rmx.... i need not say more

Lamat - very precision based and technical live act. with some rather intelligent full on. I did find the overall dynamic of the set a little flat, as 90% of it was in the same key but fun and enjoyable none-the-less

Spyros- wacky finnish trance for a change of pace in the morning... just silly

Sentient- surprise set from Lil B that just rocked

in the end this was just such a good party, one that must be on everyones list to attend next year.

Logical Light Music - SF
Straylight Productions -SF
Sound/Mind - Denver
Xcience - Midwest

mixes for dl at :

"He who ha-ha's last, ha-ha's best"

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  233
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 23:38
speechless , priceless , endless , perfect
thanks everyone, big thanks Rich, tears come to my eyes while I remember the great times of this last weekend. the music had to keep going past the set shutdown time and wow did it , no end to the sound until 6:30pm Sunday!!! with dj Iguana doing the best afternoon party closer set I've heard ever, ending on low bpm heavy bass drone music that finished off the party perfect. Belden Town was a blast as always, thanks to all the most awesome people that work there. Huge thank to all you rocking djs and trancers from around the US , its so great to have this party with you all. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2008 23:38

Oh man, how awesome to Abe throwin it down @ Gemini, thanks so much for the video.

The first of the two tracks is:

Psychotic Micro 'Shadow' off the V.A. Conundrum

The second track is :

Materia 'violeria (compressor machine Rmx) off the compressor/materia album 'Dual Resonance'

Glad everyone had an awesome time , I hope to be there next year.

just to clarify, the 2nd track of my set was Psychotic Micro - Shadows (VA Conundrum), and the 3rd track was Materia - I Am The Storm (Out of Tune 2008).           Abrahm
Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 23:56

On 2008-06-17 22:13, konvndrvm wrote:
And safety vests!

and onesi pajamas  - Midwest based psytrance group

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  233
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 23:56
Awesome video's Full-On!! 

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Posts :  29
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 05:57

On 2008-06-17 23:06, PookztA wrote:

Naked Tourist DID open a portal on Saturday night I must say, as his big, bulky appearance, alien-dread locks, and relentless beat matching really made his frequencies just vibrate extra hard. It was impossible not to dance to this guys set.

PHENOMENAL, LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCES HAD at this one. Let's keep it going, and bring all the Psy-tribes of this country even closer and closer together!!!

I couldn't agree with you more on your comment on Naked tourist, when he got on the decks, I felt like I was time traveling. I love it when that happens.

As for LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCES. At one point during the festival, I was seriously contemplating quitting my job and not coming back to Texas.. lol.

I had so much fun, It made the LONG trip from TX worth it.

It's so amazing to be in a place where there are so many beautiful people, with such positive energies are gathered. You really feel it. It was also really cool to walk around and hear so many different languages being spoken in one place.

You could really tell that there was A LOT of love put into this event. From the deco, which was nothing short of amazing. To the music ALL WEEKEND, mind blowing to say the least.I kept on saying all weekend "These people out here know what the fuck they're doing!" :-P

As far as favorite moments:
Friday I really enjoyed Mubali's set. This being the second time I've heard him play, he gets better EVERYTIME. He fucking owned that dancefloor. And I really liked that I got to catch a bit of Distant System, that music made me so happy to be out there in the mountains, If even for just a little while.
Saturday I consider myself very lucky to have gotten up from my nap right before Androcell's set, It was so perfect for sunset. I love his music so much. Naked Tourist into Abrahm, HOLY FUCK. I don't think the words exist to describe how phenomenal that was. So, I'm gonna leave it at that. Although, I really liked that the big cube over the dancefloor stopped moving around that time, made it really seem that it stretched out FOREVER.
Sunday There was some seriously powerful energy on that dancefloor ALL DAY on Sunday. I loved the daytime music being played, it was the best daytime dance music I have EVER heard. And there were SO MANY PEOPLE out there, craziness. Also, it was a super special treat to hear Naked Tourist play a special afternoon DJ set for us. I was up dancing all day in my bare feet, as my feet were so blistered and swollen from dancing so much.

I couldn't help but get really emotional and actually shed some tears in the car on the way to our hotel in Quincy because it was such a beautiful experience. I hope to make it out again to this festival.

Last but certainly not least, A huge thank you to Rich for organizing this gathering, you are an amazing person for giving so much to us. THANK YOU.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  845
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 09:09
I would like to thank the folks who where the inner structure of the event;
Andres and Ember; what a spectacular showcase of space and time. Your energy and deco are one of a kind. Thanks for all the pre-planning with me and the vision you shared with us. Everyone was amazed!
Christain; thanks for all the time you spent on the lineup fpr the Chill Area. It was a movement in time as Gemini was a fully functional event. You rock!
Gabriel; for helping me create something I never could in the past. The Chill Area was lush and comfy. The flowers were a great touch to the fabric.
Chris; your art imagery is getting fantastic. You added a lot to the vision of the dance floor and stage. Your the next generation of deco greats. Bom
Christafari; for the Dub Bubble. The dome was a great addition to the Chill Area. Thanks for showing up early to put it up. Peace!
Blue; for all your hard work and creativity. Your a jack of all trades when it comes to throwing shows.
Billy; for helping load and unload the trucks, bad knee and all.
To all who showed up early and stayed late to help with setup and teardown, thanks a million.
And all the preformers who graced us with their talent and skills, you made the 11th Annual Gemini an event to remember.
Last but not least, to all who came and shared their hearts with us. Together we make a great family. If the world is going to change, I hope we create a place with the same values as we see at the Gemini gathering. May we all embrace the devine within!

A tale of the show coming soon, must go to bed know, this will be my first night of full sleep in 9 days, WHOOOHOOO!
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Full Circle Pres.- GEMINI - 3 Day Campout June 13th-15th 2008
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