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Full Circle Pres.- GEMINI - 3 Day Campout June 13th-15th 2008


Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Jun 16, 2008 21:18
What an AMAZING weekend! Thank you everyone involved, Rich, deco crews, artists, everyone, THANK YOU! Such wonderful people involved in our communities. Can't wait till next time!
Much love and respect,

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  47
Posted : Jun 16, 2008 21:34
Wow guys,
what an amazing weekend.
My best party in the States so far, the location was dreamlike,
the river was refreshing, the beach perfect, the weather perfect, the deco amazing, the restaurant staff wonderfull, music was f'n amazing and truly inspirational, the children and the dogs....
The whole ambience was great, sunday morning/afternoon was awesome too... we were sad to leave...
Big thanks to everyone involved,
these memories will stay with me forever....
Dr. Boombastic
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2008 21:42
Am at work now... writing in from my station... one of the most boomed parties i have ever been to... loved the music... couldn't stop stomping until i pretty much slept off (right next to the floor under the trees!).. what a peaceful sleep too ... thank you to all for making this what it was... its beautiful to see the same very same vibe in different pockets of the first party in this side of the world and one that will stay in my memory for ever. Peace. Boom Shanti.           all roads lead Om
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2008 21:45
nice!!! u guys even made me happy too!! good to hear it went goood goood           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2008 22:41
wow. What a fantastic time. Best party i've been to...period. Thanks to everybody who got down during my set (1am Saturday) and thank you Rich for allowing me the opportunity.

The venue was phenomenal...I have a hard time imagining it will every be topped for me. Having the ability to walk and get breakfast after a morning of stomping is a treat...not to mention a beer shortly after best i've seen at a party. the crystal structures were beautiful. Thank you to those who invested the hard work into creating such a beautiful dance-floor.

Musically, the party had a great flow. I personally enjoyed the morning sets more than the nightime. It was a pleasure to see a full floor groovin out to proj Saturday morning. Big ups to the Midwest talent who Abe, Airyk and Machi...all killer sets perfect for their slots. Personal favorite's were Lamat and Goldielocks.

Lastly, thanks to everybody who attended. I spoke w/ many people with whom i hope i will see again in the future. Anybody who i spoke w/, please contact me via email/tribe/isra pm so that we can stay in contact
tribe: GeaL
email: ajwalters [at] gmail [dot] com

Cheers to all...i'll definately be coming back to the west coast as soon as time and money permit.

          Psychedelic Trance in Chicago, IL

GeaL Mixes available @
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2008 23:05
Such an amazing time!! So many great memories were made for me this weekend. I had an awesome time with my traveling buddies Geal and Damon (8 o' the morning-that will make me laugh for a long time). It was great to meet some people from the forums- brian, konundrvm, psycore, christine, satriani, rob-ot, as well as everyone else I met (names slip my mind pretty easily). There was a wonderful, warm vibe present everywhere.

Deco was fantastic, huge props to them. Anytime you need a cherry picker for deco setup means it will be good. The huge slow spinning cube hanging from the ropes off the trees was my favorite. Hanging the blacklights in the trees was so cool too.

Music was great! I kept saying to people how well the music flowed and how good everyone's set was throughout the weekend.

Set highlights: Bioluminesce (I believe he is the one who started the music friday night) played a great opening set (I didn't realize Penta- Time Jump could sound so cool pitched down like that ). Goldielocks played an awesome, energetic set. Geal played a quirky, psycehedlic set that kept me moving (it was awesome to see you play sometime other than in the morning). Mubali threw a web of twisted, dark sounds over the dancefloor. Airyck- you are my favorite morning dj, I just love the thick basslined beats you play that combine so well with melodic melodies that somehow bring the day in brighter than it is. Machi played a perfectly timed prog set that flowed so well with the other sets and time of day (it was awesome to see Machi finally getting a good audience of dancers to play to). I really liked Rob-ot's set saturday night, very full, deep feel to it. Naked tourist of course threw down something wicked. I liked hearing his fast, dark style. Lamat's PA was incredible. I always think of his style as a sprint between spring boards. He lifts you up to a new level of energy you didn't know existed, lets you run with that, then boosts you up again with perfect timing.

I wanted to write a separate section here to say how amazed I was with Abrahm's set (he was the one who played after Naked Tourist). I really feel like he captured the esscence of the event. His set seemed to throw genre naming to the wind and just said "dance!". Abe is the only dj I've seen who exudes as much energy himself as the music he is playing does. You can see how much he loves psytrance and his desire to lift everyone up and give them the best time of their life. I heard a lot of people say how much they loved his set and absolutely loved his stage presence. I've seen Abe play at pretty much every party in the midwest and knew he was good, but when I saw him just blow people's minds after an international headliner, I realized how lucky we are to have him here. Thank you Abe, your love of the scene and the music is contagious!

Lastly, thank you so much to Witchdokta for an amazing event! You really have party throwing down as I saw you were able to get out and dance for quite a while. I will definitely be contacting you about playing at gemini '09 when the time comes Thank you to everyone else who worked to plan, setup and teardown the event!
 - Midwest based psytrance group
Bodhi 13:20
Bodhisattva 13:20

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  725
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 01:19
Great job to Rich and crew for another amazing Gemini! Always the best festival! this was my 3rd, and they been progressively getting better!

They really should be mentioning this festival in Trancers Guide to the Galaxy.

Thanx to Chris, Andreas and Gabriel for the amazing deco! It's some of my favorite Ive ever seen! I like how Andreas would rock the large ones on the sides back and forth in sync for experimental purposes.

Great music all the way through. It was hard to do but I caught most sets both in the chill and main stages. I made sure to camp next to the chill stage. Highlights were Pyite, Lauryn and EgBot, Naked Tourist, Mubz, Manny, Liquid Stranger with the dubstep, Waterjuice, Andrew, and Wichdokta+Random very nice ending!

so hot in the day but so nice and cool to swim in the river! I loved it! too shallow to jump off the bridge though.

thnx for the Gemini 08 shirt, Rich! great festival to have a shirt for. I hope you beat your record of people from the Eel river Gemini 5 years ago, seemed like there was alot. Id say about 300, perfect amount by my standards.....100 more people and it might have been too crowded, even though I think as many people as possible should experience this event and it's wonderful vibe!
3rd Album \\\"Equations\\\" on 2to6 records
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 02:27
Hey, Ascension, since you liked so much Abrahm's DJ Set, here is a video that I think you'll like.

DJ Abrahm Set (14 MB):

Maybe somebody can ID both tracks?
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  123
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 03:03
A very lovely experience .Much love and respect !!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  285
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 04:01
Is it too soon to start looking forward to Gemini '09?

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  499
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 04:13

Started Topics :  32
Posts :  44
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 06:09
Finally made it home from Gemini. Wheh! Another amazingly bliss filled journey to Belden. Overall this was the perfect all in one weekend package of fun freinds and adventure! Even the huge friday traffic jam we hit getting there melted away once the good vibes and intention of this event grabbed hold of your spirit. It was really awesome to meet so many new people from all over our country/world, it reminds me that even though we are all spread out across this huge continent, that the trance ethos is spreading and growing here in the U.S.

Mad props to everyone who helped with this production be it a big task or small, it all worked together to make a unified whole.. ROCK! Super Huge Props to the Wichdokta, dude, you set a shining example of what this scene is all about!!

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  98
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 09:36

First of all a big thanks to Richard who pulled off one of the most awe inspiring beautiful and moving events I have been to in a long time. You are trully one of the most honest, straightforward, and loving people I have met, this event was my first on this coast and surely not my last, I was left profoundly moved and electrified.

To all who attended you guys were beautiful and energetic, loving and fun as all hell. I met more people this weekend than I have in a long time, every one of them interesting and kind, full of love and knowledge. The people who attend these events are what keeps me coming irreguardless of the music. Thanks to all of you.

I can't wait to attend this event (I will never miss another one if I can help it.)

The location was absolutely beautiful and trancing in the river to richard vs. random was one of the most stunning experiences I have had in years (Big thanks to the woman who convinced me to participate in some skinnydipping trance, we need some speakers by the water next year!)

And on to the music. The entire weekend was a gigantic upward spiral of intensity and fun. Richard, you put together one of the most killer mainstage lineups I have EVER seen. The friday night/saturday morning was one of the most varied nights of music I have seen at a "psy" party, a true journey, the second night had everything in Psy I love, from full on neuro to melodic and everywhere inbetween. We need more parties which contain this immense variety, I was trully moved by it. The Monks of Madness and Lauren vs. Egbot sets were absolutely stunning, reprogrammed for sure. Richard played fantastic music (he always does).

And the chillout (thanks Christopher) the lineup was absolutely fantastic, I was left stunned by many of the sets (wow! kilowatts and androcell/distant system and everyone else you guys killed it)

And the deco at both stages was absolutely killer! I was stunned the whole weekend.

I can't wait to come back, I'm already excited.

-much love, Adam

Started Topics :  71
Posts :  2219
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 10:34
Wow, what a fun weekend....

Had an extremely good time connecting with old friends and meeting new ones. Full On, it was great to see you there man, sorry we didn't really get to kick it.... And the track you're asking about is a new track from me vs Mind Distortion System - Most Predatory Monster on Earth. It'll be coming out on Lycantrop records sometime in the not too distant future           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  117
Posted : Jun 17, 2008 10:54

On 2008-06-17 02:27, full_on wrote:
Hey, Ascension, since you liked so much Abrahm's DJ Set, here is a video that I think you'll like.

DJ Abrahm Set (14 MB):

Maybe somebody can ID both tracks?

Oh man, how awesome to Abe throwin it down @ Gemini, thanks so much for the video.

The first of the two tracks is:

Psychotic Micro 'Shadow' off the V.A. Conundrum

The second track is :

Materia 'violeria (compressor machine Rmx) off the compressor/materia album 'Dual Resonance'

Glad everyone had an awesome time , I hope to be there next year.           'You cannot explain to a caterpillar what it's like to be a butterfly'
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Full Circle Pres.- GEMINI - 3 Day Campout June 13th-15th 2008
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