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fuck it lets all tranceout

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Apr 21, 2010 01:32

On 2010-04-20 18:06, Maine Coon wrote:
Well, this question I’ve had for months – seems like this is the right thread to address it...

Are they a prerequisite of the “experience”, a useful aid or a completely superfluous thing?

I think most people here agree that stimulants are unnecessary at best. I’ve seen what cocaine and amphetamines do to people and lab animals, so I know I am not going to touch that crap. But from what I read on this Forum, it seems like other drugs are almost a default case at parties. I am not talking about smoking pot in front of your sequencer – I am considering only the consumer side of The Scene here.

So, here it goes: I’ve never been to any of the parties or festivals people discuss here. Nor have I ever taken any drugs, other than cigarettes, alcohol and a couple of puffs of pot – and all this was many years ago. So, here I am – a straight-laced clean petit bourgeois, trying to understand the psy trance culture and experiences. I listen to this music about 10 hours a day (one of very few good things about being jobless), so I got that part of the “experience” down. Let’s say, I go to a party and take nothing besides a chicken sandwich and ginger ale – will I still get a glimpse of the experience? Or do I really need to be able to talk to my astral twin in gibberish for that?

I think there's a saying: Your mind is the drug.
You are a totally unique person. That is what you bring to the party, festival or your own room, when you close your eyes and let yourself ride the music. You are free to go wherever you want. You don't need drugs for this, or you may need drugs for it. I don't know and no one can tell you that. All that matters is the desire to open yourself to new experience within yourself, to explore, heal, learn and come out of it refreshed and more alive.

those are my thoughts.
stick with genuine music though. That's key.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 05:38

On 2010-04-20 22:18, AumShantiAum wrote:
so whats holding you back from checking out a party / festival? especially since you already dig the music

Trivial things: I am in a big hole - both geographically and financially. Once I find a job, at least the financial part will change, so I will be able to travel. Hopefully, soon.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 06:00
Thank you all for your answers. I think I am getting it now. Drugs are not necessary, but they can open a door for new perceptions. A door that pretty much stays open even if you don’t take them again. I also get the “make your own experience” idea. I remember being truly inspired from watching a desert covered in moon light and listening to a bunch of owls. To somebody else it would be just another annoying patrol duty.


On 2010-04-21 01:32, rich wrote:
All that matters is the desire to open yourself to new experience within yourself, to explore, heal, learn and come out of it refreshed and more alive.

I call this “a trip to Chicago”. Just had one as a birthday present

Well, I hope one day soon to bump into some of you in a festival.

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