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fuck it lets all tranceout


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Posted : Apr 16, 2010 13:53

On 2010-04-16 02:05, FaceHead wrote:

On 2010-04-11 14:48, Suntribal wrote:

how can you free your body,mind and soul knowing that the whole planet may see you in that state??

you get past caring about it by realizing you feel uncomfortable about people watching you. That is part of the beauty if you feel uncomfortable something there is always a way for you to live in acceptance of it. So fuck it lets all tranceout no matter how many are watching and eventually it wont feel awkward anymore.

Besides I want people to see me in that state. not because i want people to see ME but because when i see someone who is beyond control but safe and happy it does alot for helping me break out of calloused thinking. IT inspires me and eggs me on to go get crazier because i will not be the only one so there is less pressure. then that spreads vibes are like viruses except they can heal you too.

yeaah,right! this is how it should be my our ideal hippie world.But in real life it just doesn't work ,you know,i have a real life with an important real job that gives real food..Maybe you are the cool,hippie superartist that lives in festivals,but for us ,the psytrance listeners that we come in a festival once or twice a year,to let ourselves free for ten days and charge our batteries in order to go through another hard year with work/wife/children is not the same..what if my 75 years old-tech freak father that serfs on you tube and sees me like that -or similar- What if my child does the same after 10 years??
It's nice to live in your utopia,i guess,but for us the humble,simple people that we have a life also out of this is not a nice thing having these freaking cameras at fests and somebody from his couch to be able to see only the surface and misjudge things about us....
come and visit us on the earth sometimes,it might be good for you

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Posted : Apr 16, 2010 21:19
well we all have our life situations. neither of which are wrong. my feet are firmly planted on earth as i explore innerspace instead of outerspace. if you are not proud of being in that state at events then why get in that state at events? i have a job that i cant even show an inch of tattoo, i work with children doing educational media. Perhaps you have the wrong idea about me. I dont HAVE a child however so i cant speak on that matter. I just spent alot of my life hiding this side of me from everyone because i was so convinced they would think i was too weird and they wouldnt get it. But i truly believe i gain great benefit from participating in these activities so i cant justify hiding that any more. Turns out most people do think im a weirdo but it doesnt change how they interact with me because they know how i am in reality. When it comes to people i dont know making judgements well thats just not my concern if they wanna stare at me or laugh or think im a spazz or unsexy then fine they can do whatever they want perhaps they will feel guilty about being judgemental through the discomforts they feel while viewing me in that state... The world would start to be alot more accepting our practices if we were proud of what we do. I say that because at first my mother didnt like me going to these "drug parties full of weirdos in the woods." then after i talked to her about it in an honest and reasonable manner addressing her concerns and misconceptions she understands at least that it is good for me. she understands that its not a cult its not a self destructive subculture of people getting wasted, its just exploration. other explorers travel the earth or space we explore theory and experience and the internal and unexplainable. I think its a highly underrated cause as far as noble causes go.

However, Im not sure though what specifically you mean when you say "see me like that" since ive not experienced you in that state:) but without uh.. "assistance" you are just dancing to your favorite music what is wrong about that? Dance is instinct! i mean dancing is always a little embarrassing but its fun useful embarrassment not shameful embarrassment. I wasnt trying to hippie you to death just point out that its OK to be proud of what we do.

However i do agree that camera bringing does have its own set of dos and donts ie flash in the eyes lens in the face etc. But to each their own i just assume my picture will be accidentally taken so im either operating in acceptance of that or resistance.

for me resistance was making it so i didnt feel confident exploring. (or as you put it freeing my mind body and soul.) things like my self conscious behaviors and worries are some of the things that i need to break free from in order to be able to free my mind body and soul from all the crap that ive tied it down to in the first part of my life and every day i spend in society. our journeys are our own i have chosen to not allow my life situations or others to hold me back from pursuing the unknown internal. Since i dont actually live in a festival lifestyle and only attend maybe four a year i can identify with it feeling like i really needed that. I went to psykovsky in portland and didnt have any deep visionary experiences that i knew of at the time but i did come out the other side sparkling clean and full of life and inspiration whereas i went to the party kinda depressed and awkward. I feel like ive stumbled on this amazing health practice that not many people understand or know about. So if they cant relate to trippy drippy music and things of that nature they can always identify with the exercise. lets see average joe do 8 hours straight of ultra high impact aerobics. anyway i want to be proud of it so others can feel interested in it so they too can benefit from this practice in their own unique way. Now heres where i get hippie... even if someones appearance is shockingly bizarre to me when they are "locked in" to their experience i find it amazingly beautiful and inspiring to know that i got to witness someone having a truly beautiful untainted series of moments. As long as you know they are gonna be ok then you know they will come out of it with their life changed. watching someone "trance out" is interesting because you are watching them have a potentially life changing experience that they will never have lived because their eyes were shut and their brain was elsewhere... but here on planet earth i see a creature standing in the mud being who they really are totally stripped of image and self-censorship, totally disconnected from the societies we view as realities, and free. Here in america the word freedom is qoverused and misused so when i see true freedom taking place in front of my very eyes well that to me is very special, and to those who can get to that point of true freedom are leading by example. so as was stated early fuck it lets all tranceout. because ITS GOOD FOR YOU!

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  92
Posted : Apr 17, 2010 01:16

hey mate,i never said it's a bad think to tranceout...your whole post seems like you think i said that! please,don't try to convince me that trancing out is good..this is not under debate here...we share the same ideas,my problem is my face on freaking youtube while had to explain things to your mother,i had to do exactly the same some 15 years ago and since then i had to do the same countless times,man to other people,for various similar reasons..Of course i'm proud of what i do but what i do is something that if it is done irresponsibly,can be disastrous.. and i do love also watching people trancing out,but while i'm there,with them, in our small circle,cause through the years i got tired and i stopped being a missionary,i just don't wanna have to explain anything to anyone anymore and i like to play it has surprises that we can't even imagine

anyway i hope that you see my point


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Posted : Apr 17, 2010 01:30
indeed i do.
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 19, 2010 02:15

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 09:52
i dont remember starting this did it happen?           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

Started Topics :  82
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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 12:44

On 2010-04-20 09:52, Xolvexs wrote:
i dont remember starting this did it happen?

nowadays topics like these don't need you to start themselves anymore. welcome to the stupefacient evolution.
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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 14:47
there you go, say what has to be heard, this guys are at least rediculus with them jokes and shit!! neither they need you, they get serious at a glance. you're welcome too
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 18:06
Well, this question I’ve had for months – seems like this is the right thread to address it...

Are they a prerequisite of the “experience”, a useful aid or a completely superfluous thing?

I think most people here agree that stimulants are unnecessary at best. I’ve seen what cocaine and amphetamines do to people and lab animals, so I know I am not going to touch that crap. But from what I read on this Forum, it seems like other drugs are almost a default case at parties. I am not talking about smoking pot in front of your sequencer – I am considering only the consumer side of The Scene here.

So, here it goes: I’ve never been to any of the parties or festivals people discuss here. Nor have I ever taken any drugs, other than cigarettes, alcohol and a couple of puffs of pot – and all this was many years ago. So, here I am – a straight-laced clean petit bourgeois, trying to understand the psy trance culture and experiences. I listen to this music about 10 hours a day (one of very few good things about being jobless), so I got that part of the “experience” down. Let’s say, I go to a party and take nothing besides a chicken sandwich and ginger ale – will I still get a glimpse of the experience? Or do I really need to be able to talk to my astral twin in gibberish for that?
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 18:40
but if you feel able to talk to your astral twin in gibberish only with the help of drugs, take them. many people i know, feel the 'experience' with ginger ale and chicken sandwich also, it depends on you
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 19:06
I see. Would you say experiencing whatever that is without drugs is something that comes with practice or are some people simply incapable of this without chemical help?

And regardles of the drugs issue - does the "experience" require talking in gibberish to your astral twin? Or just having a good time and absorbing the overall atmosphere of the party is enough?

Kinda on related note: I know it's time to give my ears a rest when I start thinking about silly stuff. Usually it has something to do with artist names. Like imagining Gandalf walking around with huge tweezers. Or wondering whether patients in catatonic despair experience silent horror. Nothing too bizarre, but I treat this as a hint that it’s time to put headphones down and go for a walk. Do most people do the same – take a break and come back to normal – or do they push themselves further until they commune with Durga and speak in tongs?
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 22:06
having a good time and absorbing the overall atmosphere of a party is the same with talking to our astral twin and comes from practice and willingness. some people may find hard even to have fun.. nothing is required and as for the walk, a bad thing about acid is that it shouldn't be done often. some see it as fun, others as tool, others both and this can be really tricky, even lethal for mental health
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 22:18

On 2010-04-20 18:06, Maine Coon wrote:

So, here it goes: I’ve never been to any of the parties or festivals people discuss here. Nor have I ever taken any drugs, other than cigarettes, alcohol and a couple of puffs of pot – and all this was many years ago. So, here I am – a straight-laced clean petit bourgeois, trying to understand the psy trance culture and experiences. I listen to this music about 10 hours a day (one of very few good things about being jobless), so I got that part of the “experience” down. Let’s say, I go to a party and take nothing besides a chicken sandwich and ginger ale – will I still get a glimpse of the experience? Or do I really need to be able to talk to my astral twin in gibberish for that?

so whats holding you back from checking out a party / festival? especially since you already dig the music

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
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Posted : Apr 20, 2010 22:28

On 2010-04-20 18:06, Maine Coon wrote:

Or do I really need to be able to talk to my astral twin in gibberish for that?

Nah just go. I dropped the friendship with my astral twin long time ago, i do better on my own now even tho i have to see him once in a while to make sure he's still okay.

But who know, your twin might just be your best friend

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 21, 2010 01:15
Drugs are not a pre-requisite, I know a couple friends who are in the same position as you - never touched anything remotely hallucinogenic but still enjoy the scene, however they are in the extreme minority.

I went to an event the other night and I had a fantastic time even though the only thing I ingested was a single drink (then again I am not a fan of alcohol and am an extreme lightweight), but its much easier to tune in to that 'special frequency' when you have past experience with psychedelics.

Even though its certainly not required, my advice to you would be to go to an outdoor festival and (assuming that you are in a healthy mental state, with no family history of schizophrenia or psychotic breaks), if you are in a comfortable environment, and feel safe, take one hit of LSD, preferably in the company of someone who has done it before and who you trust. Even if you never do it again, you will always remember that experience and it will influence you for the rest of your life.

Someone gave me the same advice 6 years ago, and it was possibly one of the most revelatory experiences I have ever gone through, and it certainly enhanced my appreciation for myself, dance, music, and self expression.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
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