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fuck it lets all tranceout

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 01:21
Ahhhhh, it's good to see people enjoying themselves freely!           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 08:22

Colin .. At those videos they are not enjoying they are suffering . Im sure no one here want to fall into this situation .
The freedom its inside of us without all those chimicals material , Without losing the human being inside of you .


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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 12:19
Still, it's good to see that  

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 14:48

well,that's why i HATE cameras at festivals

how can you free your body,mind and soul knowing that the whole planet may see you in that state??

what happens in vegas,stays in vegas

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 15:10
I hate cameras on parties too!!

and I'm sorry for this boy

he looks like he is seeking a way out.

Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 14:24


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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 14:54
If i see you trancin' around me ill call the cops

Rocco stays fit           stay trance - stay fit
call Rocco
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 16:49

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 16:52

On 2010-04-10 21:05, Maine Coon wrote:
As Nancy Reagan said: "Just say no!"
WTF is this?!..

Holy crack what the f--k is that man.. highschool camp on speed? 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 21:51
"...highschool camp on speed..." - That's a good one!

Half of these kids won't be around 20 years from now. Sadly, they don't realize it today.

The party's location is strange. I can imagine it in an abandoned warehouse by Detroit River. It seems very much out of place in a forest.

Anyway, if I have to be around thoroughly drugged dudes, I'd prefer this variety :

Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 22:10
keta-men on the moon! one step for them, ten steps for humanity
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 22:17

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 23:38

On 2010-04-12 22:10, JohnTaramas wrote:
keta-men on the moon! one step for them, ten steps for humanity

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 11:22

On 2010-04-12 22:10, JohnTaramas wrote:
keta-men on the moon! one step for them, ten steps for humanity

hahaahahaaa nice           <~< "the best things in life aren't things" - art buchwald >~>

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Posts :  1555
Posted : Apr 16, 2010 02:05

On 2010-04-11 14:48, Suntribal wrote:

how can you free your body,mind and soul knowing that the whole planet may see you in that state??

you get past caring about it by realizing you feel uncomfortable about people watching you. That is part of the beauty if you feel uncomfortable something there is always a way for you to live in acceptance of it. So fuck it lets all tranceout no matter how many are watching and eventually it wont feel awkward anymore.

Besides I want people to see me in that state. not because i want people to see ME but because when i see someone who is beyond control but safe and happy it does alot for helping me break out of calloused thinking. IT inspires me and eggs me on to go get crazier because i will not be the only one so there is less pressure. then that spreads vibes are like viruses except they can heal you too.
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