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Started Topics :  82
Posts :  3087
Posted : Apr 14, 2010 20:42
a nice graph that is kinda on topic
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 15, 2010 16:42
The way I see the future is this. More and more people will release their music for free and this whole "lets release any kind of shite to get clicks on our free music website" will be a thing of the past as free labels will get more and more picky about what they release. Sure some free labels will still release any kind of crap to catch up to the huge back catalog of a label like, Ektoplazm, but its going to be hard to get on Ektoplazm in a couple of years. Something like Beatport, it was a lot easier to get your tunes on there at first, but it became harder and harder to get your tunes on there, and not just for trance music.

Make no mistake, the free model will overpower the established "we just cell CDs" model. Unfortunately (cause inevitably some the labels that just sell CDs, I really like) or fortunately (cause music will be free) will close down, simply because no one wants to put money in releasing something that does not even break even.

Some very big artists are already doing this, Elysium, Man Made Man and more from the veterans will follow.
In the meantime, more rookies will take a chance at making music that does not conform to the formula that gets you on Homega, Nano...etc, yet sounds absolutely great.
The amount of artists doing their thing out of love and not exposure, will be so great that it will sweep over the establishment, like a tsunami.

Yes there is a lot of free crap getting released nowdays, but there is a lot of commercial crap getting released as well. The main positive outcome out of free artists is that we will snap out of the commercial dribble that fills the main slots of big festivals.
It will take time, but we'll get there.

This whole scene is like a phoenix, from the ashes a new one will rise up.

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Apr 15, 2010 17:04
Word Nice second album, by the way!           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : Apr 15, 2010 17:05
Release music on labels in attempt to make money.

Find people at parties who have pirated it.

Beat them up and take their money.

Step 4: buy acid
 - Midwest based psytrance group

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  316
Posted : Apr 15, 2010 18:02
good words, disco hooligan !

i think the same way
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 15, 2010 18:24

On 2010-04-15 17:04, Xamanist wrote:
Word Nice second album, by the way!

Cheers mate
Good to see others feel the same way about this whole thing.

Peace out.  
The Chilling Spirit

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  332
Posted : Apr 15, 2010 18:55

On 2010-04-11 14:49, Beat Agency wrote:

One year is not enough to break even these days!

Any statistics on this? For example a graph showing some typical album's sales over time? I would estimate a bump near the release and a very short (vertically) tail. Most sales should happen quickly. Some probably never break even while others do so after a short time. But I certainly do not think that after one year the typical sales of a psy release exceed single digits. Releasing it for free by then might have impact on the next release though.

Basilisk, if you read this, do you have over-time graphs of album downloads from Ektoplazm? If not but if you are interested too, let me know if I can help with some BASH scripting log analysis. :-) 
Sun Station records
Sun Station records

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  37
Posted : Apr 17, 2010 03:27
On 2010-04-14 12:30, Beat Agency wrote:
I do not agree with the fact that you are more serious or a better artist if you are signed to a label versus an artists giving away the music for free.

and i didn't tell that =)

it's all about hours of work from group of people, not the size of label or something. size grows by time if you do your job.

most people even don't understand what label is and which label release this files in my ipod. do they need it at all? =)

in my opinion label is management system for artist. artist make art, label make management. co-operation in all aspects is a solution. btw, if you feel you can manage thing by yourself - do it!

about numbers of downloads/sales and dynamics in time: some titles selling all over the year even in physical distribution, not just when you release it.
too much information comes to your brain everyday, does it make a sense if you have discovered great album a year after release? do you go to psychedelic shop every tuesday? you can even make a second wave of promotion for not-so-fresh stuff any time you feel you need it in any place. you will have new followers.

2 The Chilling Spirit: bump and tail - is what you will see only because of release being on first page of source site (most visitors will see it) and promotion campaign run the very same time.

PS: we have released EP on CD at psytrance shops and free downloads on Ektoplazm.
we got sales, we got bookings, we got new fans. win-win-win!           Sun Station Records:
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
Posts :  2984
Posted : May 5, 2010 23:14
This is a very interesting thread! I am glad to see such a broad range of opinions expressed in such a constructive way. Keep it going and thanks for the support!

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : May 6, 2010 13:15
At this point that we got nowadays, I think music should always be released digitally for free and for some reasonable price when printed on CD.
Also I think no artist should play live for free. Every artist deserves to be paid to show his work live, even if he only gets to play a few times. Of course every artist should really have something special to give in his liveacts

Free your music and support your favourite artists when they play live in front of you!           Sérgio Xamanist
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