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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 10:40
Well if you do find a label that's open minded enough to sign rights for physical media and return rights for digital media to you after about 10-12 months, then it's the ideal situation. One year should be enough for them to sell your work commercially, distribute to DJs to play at gigs and cover fees/printing/mastering costs after which you can open it up to the public for free.

But catch is to find an open minded Record Label.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 14:49

On 2010-04-11 10:40, Yidam wrote:
Well if you do find a label that's open minded enough to sign rights for physical media and return rights for digital media to you after about 10-12 months, then it's the ideal situation. One year should be enough for them to sell your work commercially, distribute to DJs to play at gigs and cover fees/printing/mastering costs after which you can open it up to the public for free.

But catch is to find an open minded Record Label.

That's UTOPIA!

One year is not enough to break even these days! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 15:03

On 2010-04-11 14:49, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-04-11 10:40, Yidam wrote:
Well if you do find a label that's open minded enough to sign rights for physical media and return rights for digital media to you after about 10-12 months, then it's the ideal situation. One year should be enough for them to sell your work commercially, distribute to DJs to play at gigs and cover fees/printing/mastering costs after which you can open it up to the public for free.

But catch is to find an open minded Record Label.

That's UTOPIA!

One year is not enough to break even these days!

it depends only on the music.Not on the avarage.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 15:40

On 2010-04-11 15:03, TimeTraveller wrote:

On 2010-04-11 14:49, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-04-11 10:40, Yidam wrote:
Well if you do find a label that's open minded enough to sign rights for physical media and return rights for digital media to you after about 10-12 months, then it's the ideal situation. One year should be enough for them to sell your work commercially, distribute to DJs to play at gigs and cover fees/printing/mastering costs after which you can open it up to the public for free.

But catch is to find an open minded Record Label.

That's UTOPIA!

One year is not enough to break even these days!

it depends only on the music.Not on the avarage.

No not really.I do not know how much knowledge and experience you have when it come to the label side of things. But I can assure you even the most popular artists does seldom break even after one year. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 15:53
I can say I have expirience with label side of things.
Of all,financial,distribution or on media like tv or radio.
Up from the ninetees.I know enough of this things.
I can say nowadays this word music label has its last period time of existing.
Maybe organization or some sorta family is more the thing behind the idea.Maybe terms will change.
The only exception is when your music is really outstanding like a must have or a gap in the sea of followers.Such music will have alwas people who really love it and will buy it without any prehearing even.
I believe your last sentence but I have not spoken about the avarage.I believe there are in psytrance also artists who earn from selling albums.

Artist should always have the option to sell their stuff- of course.
I paying right now the double price to buy an album from the uk,because its on vinyl for instnace.Because I have a good collection of good selected music.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 16:16

On 2010-04-09 15:51, PoM wrote:
was just wondering who pay for the cds, distribution , mastering ?just asking, have no idea how it works .
if it s free as a download it s not eally a solution ,some guys still like to buy cd with box and artwork and some don t have internet.

it deepens on what kind of free release it is
me as a part of Silent Existence crew.. who`ve been compilin 2 compilacions for free ( VA - Energies Around & VA - Cycle of Secrets ) i think that giving music for free its great
that thing we are doing , we are exploring tracks that fit together and with big work we are making something for psytrance listeners...

but of course the truth is that without artists that are open minded and support great projects this could not be possible

to mention :
its very hard to make an release ( i mean free internet release ) to find at least 8-9 great tracks ,mastering,artwork all for free and very professional work.... we are very lucky

for free internet releases i dont want to make promotion but Ektoplazm for now its the best choice , u can download wav,mp3 and burn into cd and in great quality

sure artists that give music for free need a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig support

respect and thanks for great topic
          Hallucinated Neighbour / Silent Existence
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 20:47
Beat Agency, the time period of 10-12 months comes purely from observed statistics from smaller labels releasing 250-300 copies of an album, a number that should be enough to cover costs. it might be a bit more for a compilation depending on how much each artist has been paid.

realistically if you haven't sold a significant amount in 12-14 months there is a big chance it's not going to drastically change.

do remember we're talking generic label business here. there are some albums that will sell no matter how long you have them out there. everyone loves to believe it's theirs, but really that's a microscopic % of an ever growing population.

at the end of the day, music is non physical. we might try to package and quantify it in all ways possible but the natural trend will be towards free distribution. it's why piracy works in the first place. those who love music will buy the physical media out of respect... piracy might dent it to some extent but it will never change the artist-listener connection.

Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Apr 13, 2010 00:13
Since the time i gave out some music as free downloads i am seeing the increasing popularity. Close to 16,000 downloads! Now that;s pretty huge for our scene!

Could this be the future of the music industry ? Quite possible!

I am seriously considering to release my debut album for free in the future. It gives me much more artistic freedom than conforming to a particular style which is what happens these days. You try to create something different and unique, it gets thrown out of the window.

This has definitely got me thinking! What do you guys think ?

Sun Station records
Sun Station records

Started Topics :  13
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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 20:23

On 2010-04-09 19:59, Ascension wrote:
You guys (and definitely Alex) deserve tremendous respect for doing this! I hope to contribute to something on Ektoplazm someday.

you can always make a donation           Sun Station Records:
Sun Station records
Sun Station records

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  37
Posted : Apr 13, 2010 20:51
Haha, very funny about "ppl downloaded my release zillion times!". Do you know how many ppl download any released CD from rapidshare and p2p? I dare, it's more than 100 000 times even for unknown artist and without promotion, just because it's a rip from good rippers, like PsyCZ gEm MYCEL or UPE (don't sure they all work this days). They have better distribution system than any legal player in psytrance distribution, if you ask for number of reached people.
We even ready to print CD and loose money just to have a proper rip, btw we do it for couple of reasons.

Free music is more complex and tricky solution to break the market and make your place in scene.
It's not a simple solution to get a big star status in 2 weeks after post it on youtube It's a great effort - hours of work and some money. People doing free release must understand what exactly they do and what they want to have from it in future.

At example, we have release with more than 50 000 official downloads (not counting all that p2p and rapidshare with PsyCZ rip from our PromoCD). And artist get bookings mostly inside country, not full shedule and even no international festivals. Do you know why? We know and you can easily guess it, just think 10 minutes or so.

You have to work as "serious" label/artist to get real success and have no regrets about time and money you invest in it. And of course you must invest.

Do anyone know at least 1 psychedelic trance artist, who is popular (at least all knows his name) after releasing his music for free?
I know one in chillout (and all of you know this name), but this artist became popular in scene after being picked by well-known label and making CD album...

Music market will change in another direction, than just "all for free". Try to see the future in the next trip           Sun Station Records:

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  56
Posted : Apr 14, 2010 11:35
Nice explanation misha,i think the same...
Because if you dont appreciate your self from the very begining no one will...

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2010 12:30
I dont have much time to reply to your post as detailed as I would like Sun Station Records but I do not agree with the fact that you are more serious or a better artist if you are signed to a label versus an artists giving away the music for free. That's an old washed out opinion. My project Elysium is very known and I give away all my music for free. I dont have any intention of signing to a label just to sell 500 CD's which wont give me any financial benefit.

It's all about promotion and even more who you know! Nothing else matters. Yeah releasing on some high profiled label can boost your ego and give you gigs. But at the end of the day the music speaks. And let's be honest. 95% released on labels should never have been released whereas I see more and more quality being released for free. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 14, 2010 12:49
I dont really know what the future will bring and how things will evolve, am grateful for the free releases but i can feel what Sun Station wrote

Its these small cliques(labels)around the globe that keep this thing going not individuals.

Though i see much the need to distinguish from others in this scene made from unity (yeah sure ), the game feels like rat race sometimes.
Music by kilograms, like potatoes, half kilo? , one kilo? ,, how much you want?

Anyway the "me vs the world" cant win too.


Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Apr 14, 2010 16:29

I released my debut album for free on Ektoplazm and I'm very glad I did it. Feels good and reaches a lot of people. Got very nice feedback from it, which pleases my soul.

I must say Alex was way ahead of the scene when he created Ektoplazm. He created a model that worked extremelly well, of course giving a lot of time and work to it to achieve the desired promotional and professional level.

I can't really say it is turning into a lot of gigs for me, but surelly a lot of people know my project and listened to my music (feedback from portuguese party people), but the party promoters' mentality has to change too, and it will take some time.

I prefer my music to be heard by a lot of people that seek this kind of sound than to be heard by just a few in order to get some euros of it. I'll be very glad to earn those euros playing live
          Sérgio Xamanist
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
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Posted : Apr 14, 2010 18:00
I fully agree! Free music is the way to go....

I need to add 2 things though:

1) Digital releases still make billions of dollars - iTunes for commercial Beatport/Juno etc for electronic...

2) being heard by 1000's of people unfortunately rarely gets you booked... It's all about party promoter - labels connections and politics.
However with time, due to low sales/revenue underground labels (trance is still underground size wise etc) will loose their power and this will change...



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