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Martian Arts

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 15:03:53
There is nothing better than giving back to the scene for all the good things that it has provided you with.

The music business model has changed, and like Klaatu said: "Your choice is simple: join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration. We shall be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you."

Make no mistake, this is not a post condoning piracy, but commercial label owners no this as well as I do, the minute you release a new CD (if you are lucky enough and its not on the net days before its release), it will be readily available for people to download, illegally.

Its evident in the pop scene, rock scene, you name it, artists rely heavily on playing out live to pay the bills. That's even more evident in dance sub-genres.

Its all about evolving and adapting to the new rules of the game.

Support labels that release music for free.
Support artists that release music for free.


IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 15:51
was just wondering who pay for the cds, distribution , mastering ?just asking, have no idea how it works .
if it s free as a download it s not eally a solution ,some guys still like to buy cd with box and artwork and some don t have internet.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 17:50
PoM, that's exactly what this model counts on!
Some people will download the files. Others (or even the very same people) will order physical CDs and pay. It helps to know exactly what you are buying. And, IMHO, it's better to discover albums on a neatly designed site with a review and links to all sorts of information, than through some Rapidshare search engine.

As for those who do not have Internet, they probably will not buy from regular online labels or download pirated stuff - so, they are out of the equation anyway.

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Apr 9, 2010 17:51
free music yes!is something really good,something free something underground...for sure something pure...
but most of free music is not good quality whith some exceptions though(dh are in there)
and the reason in my opinion is that simply there's no time for this.if an artist produces full time whith not having an every day job ok.. he doesnt get distructed from every day's life stress,he's dedicated and can have much better results than the one who has only some hours during the day. ...unfortunatelly the today system is the money,
free music tries to be free and is full respected specially when the final thing is good...the difficulty to survive in today's money controlled system makes it much more respected...!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 18:00
Yeah it would be a nice idea to put it out on the table to that people know the inside working of free music labels.

For the artists supported the cause with their music, and in turn got some solid promo. We paid the mastering engineer a fee, although we found more engineers willing to support for much less later on, we stuck to commitments since it was a debut. Had a solid engineer on board who also helped brief some artists with a proper pre-master mixdown which was awesome.

Artwork was done in-house. We promoted an up and coming painter who is now massively popular in the country. (not thanks to us but still!) + Ektoplazm supported by hosting data and distributing to about 12,000 listeners. (bless you both). We also contacted Russian sites into similar music who were more than happy to support the cause.

So a small release that would have maybe sold 150 copies and been pirated at crappy bitrates, reached about 20,000 listeners in almost every country with internet access at spanking hi quality wav and flac.

If there is an initial investment you can always make it up by throwing a party. By the time you're consistently releasing stuff you'll see some amazing people come out of the woodwork to support you. By the time you have a dedicated fan-base you'll have people asking the artists to print CDs so they can have something personal. Then it's your call.

Free music is for and by the thinkers so it's the future.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 18:27
QC can be done by the label, just like it is with commercial releases. Of course, then you have to rely on somebody else's judgement - but don't you already do that with "regular" labels?

You can rely on the judgement of your favorite pirate blogger too - but it's not the same. People re-post links from each other's blogs. So, very often you end up with dead links or mislabeled genres or password-protected files with no password. You are willing to go through all this trouble just because you trust the QC process of the label. So, why wouldn't the label save you from all these troubles (and itself from misrepresentation of its work by crappy rips)?

I am all with DH on this issue.

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Apr 9, 2010 19:50
^^i agree too!but the solution for the labels is to give their music free?
downloading though is not the only way to hear what
i 'd like to buy !1 min sample in web shops is enough to understand what's goin on whith a track...and support the whole system and unfortunately this is inevitable!
and maybe downloading is not so bad cause music reaches the most unbelievable places on the globe so people gets familiar whith artists which maybe get booked there...
in my opinion freedom in music is no contracts and no ristrictions in an artist's free will.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 19:59
You guys (and definitely Alex) deserve tremendous respect for doing this! I hope to contribute to something on Ektoplazm someday.  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 22:03
I share the same opinion & thanks to Ektoplazm for being as it is.One of the best labels nowadays for sure.
Great philosophy and one of the firsts that is going free and officialy free.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 22:05

On 2010-04-09 19:50, daio wrote:
but the solution for the labels is to give their music free?

I think so. Especially in a small and fragmented area, like this one. It probably wouldn’t be wise for Sony to give away Beyonce’s album. But this is true only because every Martian knows by now who Beyonce is and what she sounds like – giving away her album does not really bring Sony any new customers.

On the other hand, in the psy trance area (just my impression so far) there are two kinds of customers: explorers/dilettantes (like myself) and veterans / loyal fans. The latter will buy CDs – whether from commercial or from free labels – to support their favorite artists and The Scene in general. The former will first need to listen to as much as they can, to develop their taste and to find out who their favorite artists are. It’s hard to do that, if you have to pay for everything you hear. And it’s not like I can tune in to some WPSY station on my way to the supermarket and listen to the “Psy Trance Top 40”...


1 min sample in web shops is enough to understand what's goin on whith a track...

...if you know what you are looking for
If you discover the word “psytrance” by accident and want to find out more, 1 min samples are not enough. Sometimes even whole tracks are not enough. But whole albums are. Especially if you get a chance to listen to many of them, several times, under different circumstances and in different moods.

Once I am plugged into this culture for 10-15 years, like most of you here, I probably will buy albums based on 1 min samples. I am not at that stage yet – and neither are millions of other potential customers. So – all power to Ektoplazm!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Apr 10, 2010 19:28
i find it fair some can get money from their work,i don t see why they should stop and do it for free so to me it s not the futur,it s not the solution as long as the guys that invest times are not paid for it . it could turn the scene more amateurish insteed of more professional with the quality of releases falling down more and more. right now i see free music the solution when there is no other solution or to give back to the scene
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 10, 2010 20:15
Nobody said people who make cash from making tunes, should stop making cash, or that they are any less "pure" than the ones that do it for the love of it and nothing else.

Although I would never want making trance tunes to be my main income.  
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1752
Posted : Apr 10, 2010 20:48

On 2010-04-09 15:03:53, disco hooligans wrote:

Support labels that release music for free.
Support artists that release music for free.



Another interesting question is if artists giving to the community in form of free music get gigs? Would be interesting to hear various artists input on this question.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Apr 10, 2010 20:56

On 2010-04-10 19:28, PoM wrote:
i find it fair some can get money from their work,i don t see why they should stop and do it for free so to me it s not the futur,it s not the solution as long as the guys that invest times are not paid for it . it could turn the scene more amateurish insteed of more professional with the quality of releases falling down more and more. right now i see free music the solution when there is no other solution or to give back to the scene

I dont see it financially sane to keep producing CD's when we all know in the case of 99.9% of all artists it cost more to produce CD's than what gets in from sales.

Digital sales is of course another issue and yeah of course artists should be paid. But there is a benefit in giving too. You get threefold back from people downloading your music. I have never (in my soon to come 20 years anniversary in this scene) had more people contacting me with positive and negative feedback since the day I started giving away my music for free. This is priceless to me as I make music for ordinary people and not Dj's/labels. 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
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Posted : Apr 10, 2010 21:35

On 2010-04-10 19:28, PoM wrote:
i find it fair some can get money from their work,i don t see why they should stop and do it for free so to me it s not the futur,it s not the solution as long as the guys that invest times are not paid for it .

Have you ever dealt with charity organizations? Religious congregations perhaps? They hardly ever overtly sell anything. Usually, they provide something for free and simply ask for donations in return. You get a free calendar with beautiful nature pictures from some wildlife conservancy organization. You are grateful for the calendar and you believe in what the organization does – you send them a $10 check. Not a big deal to you, yet far more than the $0.50 calendar you got from them. Everybody wins. Especially the polar bears. And if it weren’t for their “free gifts”, many people would never know that this organization exists. Just like I never heard of psy trance, until I stumbled on a pirated copy of “Mechanical Forest”.

The same thing happens in your church/temple/mosque: you get spiritual guidance for free and you donate to support “The Scene”. If you don’t like the preacher, you just join a different congregation and support it instead. I don’t see too many churches going bankrupt, do you? Nor do I see priests and rabbis flipping burgers.
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