Free Earth Festival, Summer Solstice Dream, 20 - 23 June 2013, Peloponese - Greece
Psychedelic Freedom Fighters
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Posted : Jan 4, 2013 20:20:28
Free Earth is a collaboration of like-minded dedicated Psychedelic Freedom Fighters determined to bring back the vibe to the outdoor party scene. A new family gathering an an amazing beach location !!!
Vortex Trance Adventures have produced outdoor parties in Cape Town/South Africa for the last 18 years. Producers of the SA2000 Millennium Festival & the SA2002 Total Solar Eclipse Festival, their parties... have been instrumental in the development of the pumping SA trance scene.
Amorphia are pioneers of the Greek Trance scene. From 1995 organizing some of the biggest events in Athens & Greece. Amorphia made a powerful comeback in 2010 and their events definitely have a great impact to the Hellenic psychedelic culture since the 90s.
The solstice marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The word solstice derives from Latin sol (sun) and sister (to stand still). The 21st June is a very important day for our planets relationship with the sun. It is also the festival of Li, the Chinese Goddess of light. This is a time to celebrate growth & life. Though the summer solstice is an instant in time. This date has had spiritual significance for thousands of years, & it involves holidays, festivals, gatherings, rituals & celebrations.
It is the longest day of the year and the time when the sun is at its maximum elevation. A solstice is an astronomical event when the Sun's apparent position in the sky, as viewed from Earth, reaches its northernmost extremes. The apparent movement of the Sun's path north comes to a stop before reversing direction.
At the Summer Solstice Pagans honor the incredible strength of the sun and the divine powers that create life. Humans have always been amazed by the great power of the sun, in particular with the Mid-Summer Solstice, as the sun spirals its longest dance, cleansing us, with nature showing its bounty & fertility & blessing us, to let all things live with loving intent and to fulfill their true destiny. A frozen moment in time to Bless the upcoming summer.
Psychedelic Trance Adventures are engineered experiences, by multiple sets of consciousness to create conditions that are favorable to the expansion of awareness. They are used to orchestrate individuals to awaken to a new concept, awareness, or to cross paths with a particular teacher or teaching event. These Event Strings are catalysts to connect individuals with new concepts and energetic transfers that re-grid an obsolete mental model. They are most commonly used to shift awareness within the initiated light workers who are the vanguard of human destiny.”
"Since the beginning of time mankind has used music and dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe... We are trying to use Trance Music and the Trance Dance Experience to set off a chain reaction in Consciousness... Through the Trance Dance Experience hopefully people will become more sensitive and aware of themselves, their surroundings, the crossroads of humanity, and the needs of the planet... With this Awareness comes Understanding and Compassion.
Trance parties for us are about the connection of the conscious whole through the expression of dance & only the true intentions of the organizers & musicians allow this to take place. We believe that a Psychedelic Trance Journey should be a meaningful conscious experience that fills you with a connectedness with the cosmic whole. Psychedelic trance is a way of life & a way of living that teaches us the beauty of the world and our relationship to it. “Enlightened collectives will fulfill an important function in the arising of the new consciousness… [they] can be a vortex for consciousness that will accelerate the planetary shift.”
A beautiful Private forested Beach Party Sanctuary giving us a magical party space, perfect for multiple days of psychedelic adventure. It exudes harmony, beauty & peace and has the magic of trees, hidden forest beings & the mystery of the Agean Sea.
…. Tune in - Don’t drop out …Keep the Vibe Alive…
Vortex n., (from the Latin VERTEX: a whirlpool) 1. A whirling mass or motion of liquid, gas, flame, etc. 2. Any activity, situation, or way of life regarded as irresistibly engulfing. (Collins)
+ Top international artists
+ Amazing decorations by Vortex, Artescape, Flowers of Life (never seen before in Greece)
+ State of the art sound system to blow you away
+ Spectacular lights and visuals
+ Secluded private farm venue with magical forest
+ Natural shaded dance floor
+ Walkway through forest & big open spaces by the beach
+ Fire dancers and festival entertainers
+ Shaded camping zones
+ Accommodation available in area
+ Parking at your tent for campers
+ Build Toilets & Showers, 24h maintainance
+ Friendly security for your safety
+ 24 hour first aid
+ Bus Festival Transport From Athens & Thessaloniki (Centre & Airports)
HOTLINE GREECE +30 6980041483, EMAIL: spiros@amorphia.gr
AMORPHIA WEBSITE: http://www.amorphia.gr/
FACEBOOK :http://www.facebook.com/pages/AMORPHIA-WORLD-IS-MINE-official-group/122736571158495
HOTLINE SOUTH AFRICA: +27 (021) 5312173 EMAIL: contact@intothevortex.co.za
VORTEX WEBSITE: http://www.intothevortex.co.za/
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/VORTEX-TRANCE-ADVENTURES/6697663777
OFFICIAL FESTIVAL FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/freeearthfestival |