Free dialog space related to mexican psychedelic trance
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 18, 2007 21:27
Here u can write all you want with no specified subject about mexican psycedelia.
Enjoy freedom! |
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Posted : Dec 19, 2007 22:52
In all fairness, I'm including the guidles of our forum, please keep the vibe alive!!!
This is a big forum:
Make sure your posts are interesting to the majority of the community. Otherwise carry on discussions privately- the forum enables you to
send private messages to other forum members, and communicate with them via different channels- ICQ & Email.
Try to stay on topic- there are different forums for different subjects- try to stick to the subject.
If you really want to say something off topic that you feel will interest all others, use the off topic forum.
No politics.
No violence.
No disrespect.
No trading.
Topic Locked
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
Mr Ponce
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 20, 2007 04:50
No politics.
No violence.
No disrespect.
No trading.
Say what you think is never lack of respect, possibly uncomfortable, if someone who likes to talk about the music of this artist, but it's exactly the same thing to say that and say that if you like Mexican artist determined, a lot of difference our culture with other cultures is that we do not like us to be wrong with anybody and think they will be better speaking privately say that in public, we try to keep up appearances and not deal ever, it causes a conformist and there are tribes in our scene, darketos, hi tech, in progress, fulloneros, when in fact we are the same scene, I think we limit this kind of topics have reason if they insult directly, but if you tell the truth about the music that you like or not, or producing events that you like or not and the reasons,
Forza is estimated to you because you are a figure recognized at the scene an expert in the manufacture of music, but do you think that limit is the way? Especially when it is not lack respect for anyone? One of the foundations of psychedelia Universal is to have an open mind, even for bad trips because they learn, and we can not do that even in a forum? Much less can we do one day at a party
This speaks of the limited awareness that we as scene
I hope this does not offend anyone just how they think, luckily I believe in democracy and responsible to implement it throughout treatment
Greetings from monterrey
Undertaker- Mr Ponce
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Posted : Dec 20, 2007 12:59
Honestly, this post deserves a deep pondering.
Although I'll say that the problem is that posts should focus in one topic (imho) because otherwise is not possible to carry an interesting dialogue, every user can open any post of whatever they want, so why open a post so general? who guarantees that it will stay psytrance related?
The whatever topic was deleted exactly because of that reason, it didn't have anything to do with trance or psychedelia and as this is a big forum, moderation is needed to keep it clean and neat.
I will leave this topic open for now, but please keep it related to psy trance, psy culture, parties, decoration if you want but it has to be something psy related, and if possible Mexican psy related.
And please, post interesting stuff, if it's just smileys or text without much sense or contribution I'll have to rethink about leaving it open.
Thank you.
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 23, 2007 09:12
does anyone knows when was the first psytrance party in mexico? before maracame |
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Posted : Dec 23, 2007 18:06
I don't remember the name, but I think that the very first party in Mexico, big party and not just some friends dancing to the vibes of Goa in a private house hehehe was a party where total eclipse played, I think it was on year 2000 or 1999, someone remembers the name?
Before that another memorable party was Buddha beats, which had James Monro, it was in the ajusco, ahhhh beautiful times.
100% spirit
100% cosmic vibrations
100% goa
100% true psychedelic essence
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 27, 2007 19:13
Tenx bro,, but who could be the one who brought this music here in mexico...the one who thought on making the first psy party...?
best |