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Freakism, Nihilism & Psytrance

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
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Posted : Feb 4, 2010 12:56
huh. come again?

quantum physics requires many years starting with understanding the fundamentals all the way to the end when you're 'somewhat' ready to delve into the cosmic.

watching a youtube video while high does not qualify as a crashcourse in quantum mechanics. and btw what you are referring to is probably metaphysics

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
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Posted : Feb 4, 2010 13:03

On 2010-02-03 15:03, Basilisk wrote:

On 2010-02-03 11:42, Yidam wrote:
any examples to the contrary?

I appreciate your kindness in citing my work. Yes, it's almost equal parts counterculture and pragmatism. What I was responding to was this idea that the sceptic/realist position boils down to "we're powerless" when it is really quite the opposite. But then I read more and realize you conflate nihilism and cynicism with scepticism and realism. These things are not at all equivalent in my mind and this forms the essence of my objection.

yeah might have lost track of that english.
the crux of the topic was ... going from complete belief in something... ie. psytrance lifestyle and all it has to offer... and then suddenly flipping all the way other end of the spectrum where nothing is believable anymore.

what creates that jump. and why is it happening so often, especially in the psytrance community.

not delving into a debate on substances or even considering that to be the cause but here's a quote that strikes a chord on the nihilistic side.

"We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel. " - Fear and Loathing

Is it because the music is so abstract? Psytrance especially darktrance has redefined what we perceive as music.
Does that play a part in this? Say this because a lot of those initiated out here started off on the extremely heavy music they played by Goa Gil and DJs in Goa from 2002-2006.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 4, 2010 13:32

On 2010-02-04 13:03, Yidam wrote:
Psytrance especially darktrance

"stop calling psy dark" - Ocelot           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Feb 8, 2010 03:01

On 2010-02-02 22:10:02, Yidam wrote:
Yeah weird topic but this really comes from an acute observation of things that have been happening personally, on the forum and in the party circuit out here.

So back when it started, those first experiences, it was like stumbling onto the meaning of life. The music that had no tracks, the dance without the feeling of being observed, the supernatural connection to only those present at the time, the need to only party in nature. Then as things started to grow older there came a realization that we either choose live in this state of hypnotic bliss or completely flip to the other end of the spectrum, disregarding all meaning, living in some weird metaphysical reality.

why does that happen?

Speaking from my experience its a constant "struggle". I started partying in 1994, going to weekly parties that lasted throughout the weekend and adopted the "living for the next party" way of life, straight off the bat.

Things were very different back then, I was 16 years old, I did not have to be responsible for my self and the ones around me, the way I have to be today.
I gotta work, pay the bills, take it easy with the class As (the comedown is a lot harder and takes a lot longer to wear off when you get older).

Luckily I do not have to sustain a family right now, I can only imagine what being responsible for your kids, must be like.

The music was a completely new experience back then. I had heard nothing like it before, the drugs were new, the outdoor partying for days was new, it was all new.
Don't get me wrong I do think there are some great new tunes making the rounds, but I don't think anything will beat that first shock when I first heard a 4/4 kick drum with them rolling basslines and ripping leads, playing scales that reminded me some very short phrases from Ravi Shankar's sitar, played with synthesisers whose sound suit my idea of "future world" music, like a glove.

Then things change, you gotta work a lot more, thus leaving your self less time for partying (well...recovering the week after), so caning it is not an option most of the times and I remember how much I loved caining it at parties, and no matter how many times people disagree on here, this music does sound better on drugs.

But! Drugs are not a requirement. Take enough drops in the past and the doors you've opened in your mind, stay open. You know the combination, you don't have to be off your face anymore to remember it, you know which channels of your brain you need to communicate the air's compressions and rarefactions through, to get lost in the sound, even when you've only smoked a couple of spliffs.

The party scene, is pretty much the same way it was back then, its just that I am a lot more anal about the line up and the venue. The crowd I am indifferent to, my tolerance of people has gotten a lot better the last few years, yet its inversely proportional to my tolerance of shit music, shit meaning having to sit through sets of people whose music I personally, don't like.

The solution to this is simple, choose your parties more carefully and the scene becomes just fine, the number of parties I want to attend grows very small, but fits my grown up, busy life just fine.

The important thing for me is to listen to the music, be it when I am in the studio making tunes, or listening to stuff I like, new and old, at my mate's house. Its my way out, my way of recharging my batteries and remembering that this world is as nice or as shit as I make it out to be.

I am lucky to enjoy the luxuries of "western civilization", meaning that I am not starving to death, I am not homeless, I have the means of making music and enough time to listen to it.
The drawback is that I have to commit my self to work, a compromise that was inevitable since I am not rich enough to avoid working.
Letting work run and ruin your life is one of the most common traps people fall into as they grow older. First it changes the time you need to get up in the morning, then the time you have for your self to stay home and listen to the music, or go to a festival.
Just make sure you find enough quality time to spend with your self.
Sitting in my studio and making/listening to (trance) music, is my sanity maintenance and nothing is more important of a good sanity maintenance session, every day if possible.


On 2010-02-02 22:10:02, Yidam wrote:
I strive to walk the middle path but I'm constantly pulled in either direction by extremists on this forum. Be it the conspiracy freak on one hand or the skeptic realist on the other... the mad thing is after a while they both seem to be saying the same thing.

would love to hear your thoughts. and yes, you may call me a blabbering badam.

STOP TAKING SERIOUSLY WHAT YOU READ ON THIS FORUM. A lot of people log on when they are bored and simply post crap, stop taking it seriously. You have to filter out a lot of crap to get to some good on line reading. There is the odd informing/fun thread, but most of it is just crap. Don't let extremists or realists sway your view on things, unless you read something that you know makes sense.

The good ol' days and not being as good as it used to, the dark stuff being the proper next generation psychedelic music, cheese served as psy-trance...etc it is all bullshit.
Log on to any forum and you will find people talking crap, at each other, and generally talking out of their asses.

That is not the real world.
That is not the party scene.

And don't worry about staying in the middle, as long as you like the music, some of it anyhow, make sure you give your self enough time to listen to it.

Its food for the soul.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
Posts :  2562
Posted : Feb 8, 2010 05:17

On 2010-02-04 12:56, Yidam wrote:
huh. come again?

quantum physics requires many years starting with understanding the fundamentals all the way to the end when you're 'somewhat' ready to delve into the cosmic.

watching a youtube video while high does not qualify as a crashcourse in quantum mechanics. and btw what you are referring to is probably metaphysics


and try not to be high when u read it .
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Feb 8, 2010 22:17

On 2010-02-03 17:18, Spasm wrote:

On 2010-02-03 17:02, kriz wrote:

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - M.K.Gandhi

so well said... lets do it (do it........) )

Gandhi was a nice guy but very naive.
Some people are so selfish and dumb they dont give a flying duck about the world, for money, oil, vanity, ego or because they're just crazy.
Besides "the World" is fine.... we are in trouble.

Gandhi wasnt naive, have you read some of his written work?

He was a realist and idealist an extrange combination. Because of that he could achieve his goals.

He was well versed in war theory, he just removed the violence from it when applied.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Feb 8, 2010 22:19
On topic:

balance, equilibrium thats a big part of the game, keeping one foot in the normal world, while you develop the other.

You play with forces, learn to achieve by not sacrificing yourself.
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 9, 2010 03:52

On 2010-02-08 22:17, Login wrote:

On 2010-02-03 17:18, Spasm wrote:

On 2010-02-03 17:02, kriz wrote:

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - M.K.Gandhi

so well said... lets do it (do it........) )

Gandhi was a nice guy but very naive.
Some people are so selfish and dumb they dont give a flying duck about the world, for money, oil, vanity, ego or because they're just crazy.
Besides "the World" is fine.... we are in trouble.

Gandhi wasnt naive, have you read some of his written work?

He was a realist and idealist an extrange combination. Because of that he could achieve his goals.

He was well versed in war theory, he just removed the violence from it when applied.

II didn't meant it as an insult.
I just related to that particular and overused quote.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

It’s a nice thought, at a distance, it gives you the idea that everyone on earth is good, and caring, a priori... but if you have an idea of who are the people "in charge" in this World. Those who have real power, you come to the conclusion that you really don’t want "them", to be the change they want to see in the world.

We would be doomed.
Violence is natural, you are "made" with some degree of violence, you arrive violently into this world, and you leave violently, there is nothing wrong with violence, without it you wouldn’t strive in this hard reality.

Injustice on the other hand, pisses me off.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Feb 9, 2010 04:35

On 2010-02-09 03:52, Spasm wrote:

II didn't meant it as an insult.
I just related to that particular and overused quote.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

It’s a nice thought, at a distance, it gives you the idea that everyone on earth is good, and caring, a priori... but if you have an idea of who are the people "in charge" in this World. Those who have real power, you come to the conclusion that you really don’t want "them", to be the change they want to see in the world.

We would be doomed.
Violence is natural, you are "made" with some degree of violence, you arrive violently into this world, and you leave violently, there is nothing wrong with violence, without it you wouldn’t strive in this hard reality.

Injustice on the other hand, pisses me off.

What Gandhi did expresses firmly that his famous quote works.

He carried the life he wanted and he achive it, not after many mistakes. He in southafrica motivated many hindus serving there to enlistated the english army and go to the war against the zulus. He went there, he fought, he learned.

Being the change its very very profound in fact, maybe you have experimented at any time changing something you didnt like about yourself, how hard was to get rid of it?

We are far from powerless, but it seems we need leaders or big cataclysm to remind us it.

I think thinking ourselves as powerless we are already loosing, thinking economic forces, social proces or secret world organizations are th ones who drive the worls i in fact an expresion of fear and a disre to be not responsible for what happens around us.

THey want us to believe to be powerless, so its easier for them to rule.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  1120
Posted : Feb 9, 2010 10:54

On 2010-02-09 04:35, Login wrote:

On 2010-02-09 03:52, Spasm wrote:

II didn't meant it as an insult.
I just related to that particular and overused quote.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

It’s a nice thought, at a distance, it gives you the idea that everyone on earth is good, and caring, a priori... but if you have an idea of who are the people "in charge" in this World. Those who have real power, you come to the conclusion that you really don’t want "them", to be the change they want to see in the world.

We would be doomed.
Violence is natural, you are "made" with some degree of violence, you arrive violently into this world, and you leave violently, there is nothing wrong with violence, without it you wouldn’t strive in this hard reality.

Injustice on the other hand, pisses me off.

What Gandhi did expresses firmly that his famous quote works.

He carried the life he wanted and he achive it, not after many mistakes. He in southafrica motivated many hindus serving there to enlistated the english army and go to the war against the zulus. He went there, he fought, he learned.

Being the change its very very profound in fact, maybe you have experimented at any time changing something you didnt like about yourself, how hard was to get rid of it?

We are far from powerless, but it seems we need leaders or big cataclysm to remind us it.

I think thinking ourselves as powerless we are already loosing, thinking economic forces, social proces or secret world organizations are th ones who drive the worls i in fact an expresion of fear and a disre to be not responsible for what happens around us.

THey want us to believe to be powerless, so its easier for them to rule.

well said           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
Posts :  2822
Posted : Feb 9, 2010 11:33

On 2010-02-08 03:01, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2010-02-02 22:10:02, Yidam wrote:
Yeah weird topic but this really comes from an acute observation of things that have been happening personally, on the forum and in the party circuit out here.

So back when it started, those first experiences, it was like stumbling onto the meaning of life. The music that had no tracks, the dance without the feeling of being observed, the supernatural connection to only those present at the time, the need to only party in nature. Then as things started to grow older there came a realization that we either choose live in this state of hypnotic bliss or completely flip to the other end of the spectrum, disregarding all meaning, living in some weird metaphysical reality.

why does that happen?

Speaking from my experience its a constant "struggle". I started partying in 1994, going to weekly parties that lasted throughout the weekend and adopted the "living for the next party" way of life, straight off the bat.

Things were very different back then, I was 16 years old, I did not have to be responsible for my self and the ones around me, the way I have to be today.
I gotta work, pay the bills, take it easy with the class As (the comedown is a lot harder and takes a lot longer to wear off when you get older).

Luckily I do not have to sustain a family right now, I can only imagine what being responsible for your kids, must be like.

The music was a completely new experience back then. I had heard nothing like it before, the drugs were new, the outdoor partying for days was new, it was all new.
Don't get me wrong I do think there are some great new tunes making the rounds, but I don't think anything will beat that first shock when I first heard a 4/4 kick drum with them rolling basslines and ripping leads, playing scales that reminded me some very short phrases from Ravi Shankar's sitar, played with synthesisers whose sound suit my idea of "future world" music, like a glove.

Then things change, you gotta work a lot more, thus leaving your self less time for partying (well...recovering the week after), so caning it is not an option most of the times and I remember how much I loved caining it at parties, and no matter how many times people disagree on here, this music does sound better on drugs.

But! Drugs are not a requirement. Take enough drops in the past and the doors you've opened in your mind, stay open. You know the combination, you don't have to be off your face anymore to remember it, you know which channels of your brain you need to communicate the air's compressions and rarefactions through, to get lost in the sound, even when you've only smoked a couple of spliffs.

The party scene, is pretty much the same way it was back then, its just that I am a lot more anal about the line up and the venue. The crowd I am indifferent to, my tolerance of people has gotten a lot better the last few years, yet its inversely proportional to my tolerance of shit music, shit meaning having to sit through sets of people whose music I personally, don't like.

The solution to this is simple, choose your parties more carefully and the scene becomes just fine, the number of parties I want to attend grows very small, but fits my grown up, busy life just fine.

The important thing for me is to listen to the music, be it when I am in the studio making tunes, or listening to stuff I like, new and old, at my mate's house. Its my way out, my way of recharging my batteries and remembering that this world is as nice or as shit as I make it out to be.

I am lucky to enjoy the luxuries of "western civilization", meaning that I am not starving to death, I am not homeless, I have the means of making music and enough time to listen to it.
The drawback is that I have to commit my self to work, a compromise that was inevitable since I am not rich enough to avoid working.
Letting work run and ruin your life is one of the most common traps people fall into as they grow older. First it changes the time you need to get up in the morning, then the time you have for your self to stay home and listen to the music, or go to a festival.
Just make sure you find enough quality time to spend with your self.
Sitting in my studio and making/listening to (trance) music, is my sanity maintenance and nothing is more important of a good sanity maintenance session, every day if possible.


On 2010-02-02 22:10:02, Yidam wrote:
I strive to walk the middle path but I'm constantly pulled in either direction by extremists on this forum. Be it the conspiracy freak on one hand or the skeptic realist on the other... the mad thing is after a while they both seem to be saying the same thing.

would love to hear your thoughts. and yes, you may call me a blabbering badam.

STOP TAKING SERIOUSLY WHAT YOU READ ON THIS FORUM. A lot of people log on when they are bored and simply post crap, stop taking it seriously. You have to filter out a lot of crap to get to some good on line reading. There is the odd informing/fun thread, but most of it is just crap. Don't let extremists or realists sway your view on things, unless you read something that you know makes sense.

The good ol' days and not being as good as it used to, the dark stuff being the proper next generation psychedelic music, cheese served as psy-trance...etc it is all bullshit.
Log on to any forum and you will find people talking crap, at each other, and generally talking out of their asses.

That is not the real world.
That is not the party scene.

And don't worry about staying in the middle, as long as you like the music, some of it anyhow, make sure you give your self enough time to listen to it.

Its food for the soul.

+1. thread over.

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 10, 2010 15:09

On 2010-02-09 04:35, Login wrote:

I think thinking ourselves as powerless we are already loosing, thinking economic forces, social proces or secret world organizations are th ones who drive the worls i in fact an expresion of fear and a disre to be not responsible for what happens around us.

THey want us to believe to be powerless, so its easier for them to rule.

I get your point, but makes me wonder that Gandhi is not the only one naive

You see, i'm more of a realist then a idealist ....

I dont want to go as far as "secret world organizations" i would sound liike a lunatic.
But there is no doubt ... that economic forces have the power in this world, either i like it or not.
Its not an expression of fear... its an expression of fact.

Thinking otherwise doesnt make me powerfull, it just makes me absent, and unaware, and THAT is irresponsible.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Feb 12, 2010 07:40

On 2010-02-03 20:31, Yidam wrote:
holy cow!

yes human beings will always have a dark side of the mind but compare the mind of the author passing judgment to the mind of gandhi. see which comes out cleaner.

it's what you do that defines you. not what you think... if it was that way around every single human being is worthless.

ps. asking if you had good bowel movement is a pretty acceptable non kinky question in india btw.

ps2. goa gil has a stunning and extremely musically gifted wife so am not too sure that's his primary motive... whatever his motives might be.

If you haven't noticed you have turned Gandi into a kind of preist...someone beyond human. If bowel movements in india are normal I doubt sleeping with naked girls to "test your will" is...
There is nothing magical going on with psytrance other than that we are all kind of alone in the modern world with near perfect freedom to do what we want within certain bounds. That is the great part about being alive at this point in history.
The downside is that we are somewhat alone..
If I ask myself "why are you even posting here and not at your next door neighbors house"
Its because my neighbor wants to drink beer and watch the game, certainly has no interest in a discussion on nihilism and the dark side of gandi.
There are amazing aspects to the modern world and some huge downsides, psy community makes the downsides less bad..It doesn't make things better overall in the world, it just makes the bad parts less bad to the individual.
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