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Freakism, Nihilism & Psytrance

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 07:35

On 2010-02-02 22:10:02, Yidam wrote:
Well both parties end up with the inevitable conclusion: it's pointless and we're powerless to do anything. The conspiracy theorists end up swapping youtube videos and spamming the world while the realists either ignore it or fight to make their point heard. The end result is ... nothing gets done.

You right in somes aspects.
I think is because peoples dont looking for the big picture, they stop in conspiracies and is truth that in the end this is not positive at all.
the main goal in my opinion is finally understand what is reality, what we are, and where we go. Phisical world is just an permanent holographic illusion and in fact no matter if Illuminati control us, the solution is not riot or revolution, the revolution is inside us and like you well add: "Be the change you want to see in the world" - M.K.Gandhi
If you want a help, can recomended you David Icke, because he expose the big picture not only conspiracies like Alex Jones, but teach about infinite love and others way to be free...
Chriss Everard documentaries doing really a AMAZING work recolecting all the informations we have and resume it in a esay way to understand what his happening, check on eye...
Of course your responsability is investigate by your self to verify the information included....

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 08:00

If we are all one , then this just is a symptom. I wont be too bothered abt all this at all.

Psytrance has nothing to do with u experiencing what u want to . U can enhance ur experiences , but the music and drugs are not the experience in itself.

At the centre of the experience is you. You are the creator. u can CHOSE to create . What u end up creating is directly in line with wat u are.
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 10:05
yay much good written here

we need to join together to create this magic...i think we need free radical ideas... And creative ideas... lets do stuff, not complain !!            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 11:42

On 2010-02-03 07:20, Basilisk wrote:

On 2010-02-03 06:10, Yidam wrote:
Well both parties end up with the inevitable conclusion: it's pointless and we're powerless to do anything. The conspiracy theorists end up swapping youtube videos and spamming the world while the realists either ignore it or fight to make their point heard. The end result is ... nothing gets done.

Strongly disagree.

any examples to the contrary?

maybe I'm defining the groups wrong? Take Ektoplazm for example. I see that at something that's strongly riding the middle path. An equal blend of freakism ie. the concept, art, niche music, copyleft, anti-label movement with realistic use of marketing, anti-piracy, promotions, twitter, the label within, clean aesthetics in design and presentation. Would it be wrong to assume so? Seen too many non functional tripped out sites and way to many mainstream cleancut portals so it was the obvious conclusion that the vibe of Ektoplazm is a bit of both.

btw... when talking about solid things coming out of the scene... it's way up there.

Other things happening:

Psytrance clothing... minimally making it's way into international fashion.

Decor concepts... making it's way into architecture and even corporate conferences.

Music ... hitting the video game market

Community ... self sustainable eco villages

Don't think any of these could be done without pulling influence from and opening up to both sides.

So yes, the middle path is being realized as we type. The quoted rant came from the observation of extreme cases that stick out in this psytrance community. The younger/freakist/conspirator and the retired/nihilist/critic.

Do note, this observation only came about after moving from the west back to the east. Psytrance as a community has done many cycles here and faced way more resistance from society... there is a good chance that plays a big part in the duality. You don't get hired by Google here if you have dreads.

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 12:54
"Be the change you want to see in the world" - M.K.Gandhi

We can choose to fear of death or we can choose to joy and serve life, wherever life glows.

That has nothing to do with psytrance but with our values for life,
based not on materialism, as you said, but in the joy of serving life itself.

In this society of alienation and individualism you got to fight to recover such values in a wider perspective

+1 thumbs up for Ektoplasm and Basilisk for all the work done there.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 14:05
its like up until the time human learned to stitch being naked was okay...but once that happened clothes became a necessity           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 15:03

On 2010-02-03 11:42, Yidam wrote:
any examples to the contrary?

I appreciate your kindness in citing my work. Yes, it's almost equal parts counterculture and pragmatism. What I was responding to was this idea that the sceptic/realist position boils down to "we're powerless" when it is really quite the opposite. But then I read more and realize you conflate nihilism and cynicism with scepticism and realism. These things are not at all equivalent in my mind and this forms the essence of my objection.

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 16:13

On 2010-02-03 14:05, Xolvexs wrote:
its like up until the time human learned to stitch being naked was okay...but once that happened clothes became a necessity

More like when we first crawled into the carcass of the animal we had killed/found to get out from the cold/rain. Nothing like bedding down in entrails for the night. 

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Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 17:02
psytrance = freedom .. for me pure energy, collective mind...

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - M.K.Gandhi

so well said... lets do it (do it........) )            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 17:18

On 2010-02-03 17:02, kriz wrote:

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - M.K.Gandhi

so well said... lets do it (do it........) )

Gandhi was a nice guy but very naive.
Some people are so selfish and dumb they dont give a flying duck about the world, for money, oil, vanity, ego or because they're just crazy.
Besides "the World" is fine.... we are in trouble.

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 17:23

On 2010-02-03 17:02, kriz wrote:
p lets do it (do it........) )

do what exactly? 

2,000,000+ views and counting.

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 19:29

On 2010-02-03 17:18, Spasm wrote:
Gandhi was a nice guy but very naive.
Some people are so selfish and dumb they dont give a flying duck about the world, for money, oil, vanity, ego or because they're just crazy.
Besides "the World" is fine.... we are in trouble.
"When told
there was a man named Freud who said that, despite his declared intention,
Gandhi might actually be *enjoying* the caresses of the naked girls, Gandhi
continued, unperturbed. Nor, frankly, did I expect to see Gandhi giving daily
enemas to all the young girls in his ashrams (his daily greeting was, "Have you
had a good bowel movement this morning, sisters?"), nor see the girls giving him
*his* daily enema."

Gee imagine that, a celibate guy with alot of power over people evolves some fucked up kinky fetishes...
To me this arguement can pretty much be summed up with that ghandi example..Most things in the world are mythology, have nothing to do with the really real world because the really real world is too difficult to deal with sometimes.
Also, there is a hardwired aspect of the brain, that no matter how hard you try you can not escape. While maybe the mythology of Goa Gill serves your purposes, the reality is he probly does what he does not because we are all one and trying to "enlighten" people via fucked up music, its just a good way for an ugly dude to get laid..

We are all trying to do this in our own little way, to think otherwise is quite delusional. Create our own little mythology around our personality to make the real world easier to deal with, while at the same time positioning for a shot to bang the prettiest girl.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 20:31
holy cow!

yes human beings will always have a dark side of the mind but compare the mind of the author passing judgment to the mind of gandhi. see which comes out cleaner.

it's what you do that defines you. not what you think... if it was that way around every single human being is worthless.

ps. asking if you had good bowel movement is a pretty acceptable non kinky question in india btw.

ps2. goa gil has a stunning and extremely musically gifted wife so am not too sure that's his primary motive... whatever his motives might be.

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 4, 2010 03:57
i agree with your feeling in general but, freakism and nihilism are only two of all characteristics of human personality,imo often appeared when we realize the vanity of most things in life. music is for everyone though and as there are so many kinds of personalities, there is a need for the music to cover a very wide range of emotions. the very first thing that crosses my mind reading this ''middle path" you said, is the inner balance everyone of us has, or not. decisions made to keep us focused on a purpose, but most of the problems begin with the lack of it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 4, 2010 12:34

On 2010-02-03 20:31, Yidam wrote:
holy cow!

it's what you do that defines you. not what you think... if it was that way around every single human being is worthless.

ur thoughts become ur action. Quantum physics.

And yes every single human being is worthless, their work may be worth a million light years
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