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Freakism, Nihilism & Psytrance

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 22:10:02
Yeah weird topic but this really comes from an acute observation of things that have been happening personally, on the forum and in the party circuit out here.

So back when it started, those first experiences, it was like stumbling onto the meaning of life. The music that had no tracks, the dance without the feeling of being observed, the supernatural connection to only those present at the time, the need to only party in nature. Then as things started to grow older there came a realization that we either choose live in this state of hypnotic bliss or completely flip to the other end of the spectrum, disregarding all meaning, living in some weird metaphysical reality.

why does that happen? is it because the meaning at the beginning was too overwhelming for the reality that awaited? is it because we partied indoors too long? stayed sober? got busted? got jaded? read the newspaper? is it because darkpsy is nihilistic music? or was that techno? is it because we watched zeitgeist too often? did reptilians intervene? or did we realize that the material things are not real and that the immaterial things are the only things that are? does any of it have a connection to having-experienced/experiencing psytrance?

I strive to walk the middle path but I'm constantly pulled in either direction by extremists on this forum. Be it the conspiracy freak on one hand or the skeptic realist on the other... the mad thing is after a while they both seem to be saying the same thing.

would love to hear your thoughts. and yes, you may call me a blabbering badam.

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 22:30
"It is similar to laying a puzzle; you need to lay one piece at the time to fit it into the big picture. Sometimes you have to remove a puzzle piece because you notice it did not fit 100% and replace it with one that does. This is the way to find the truth in an overload of Media lies, cover-ups and half-truths. It is not an easy task, but if we have the willingness and a certain amount of patience we can do it."

-Wes Penre-
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 22:45
If you want to live in the real world, makes sense to be a realist  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 22:54
sadly nihilism s not acepted, and freakism became a subjetive of apparence.

nihilism will be treated with anger and furios as crazyness , even inside a place where it was supposed to be bout that...

u cant think on ur own and if u do the people around u will make the job of silent u , and its not the people who run the system who will but the people around u. MAybe becase the system has made a nice job brainwashin those and now those pople around u will make the job of censorin u .......

polices of reality .. thats what they are lol .....

so believe in science keep ur mouth shut and be a civilized man or u ll be busted looooooooool... thats pathetic but thats how it goes.......  

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 22:58
reality is an opinion.

it is better to experiment and make up your own mind, than let someone inevitably do it for you. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 23:08

On 2010-02-02 22:54, Vermeee wrote:

so believe in science keep ur mouth shut and be a civilized man or u ll be busted looooooooool... thats pathetic but thats how it goes.......

Why do you feel it necessary to assign an intrinsic negativity to this point of view? The same logic is applied to the saying that money is the root of all evil. It always depends on the individual, blanket statements like this never apply to everyone they claim to. It's obvious that you're pushing a biased opinion in a close-minded fashion. - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 23:44

On 2010-02-02 23:08, Ascension wrote:

On 2010-02-02 22:54, Vermeee wrote:

so believe in science keep ur mouth shut and be a civilized man or u ll be busted looooooooool... thats pathetic but thats how it goes.......

Why do you feel it necessary to assign an intrinsic negativity to this point of view? The same logic is applied to the saying that money is the root of all evil. It always depends on the individual, blanket statements like this never apply to everyone they claim to. It's obvious that you're pushing a biased opinion in a close-minded fashion.

thanks for usin urself as the best exemple of what i was talkin bout....

why do u feel the necessity of pointin the fingers instead of creatin ur own opinion ?

maybe because of the lack of creativity ?or is it that u cant live without leechin ?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 00:49

On 2010-02-02 22:10:02, Yidam wrote:
I strive to walk the middle path but I'm constantly pulled in either direction by extremists on this forum. Be it the conspiracy freak on one hand or the skeptic realist on the other... the mad thing is after a while they both seem to be saying the same thing.

Conspiracy theorists and sceptics/realists seem to be saying the same thing? Do explain.

"Reality is that which does not disappear when you stop believing in it." -- Philip K. Dick
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 03:19

On 2010-02-02 23:44, Vermeee wrote:

On 2010-02-02 23:08, Ascension wrote:

On 2010-02-02 22:54, Vermeee wrote:

so believe in science keep ur mouth shut and be a civilized man or u ll be busted looooooooool... thats pathetic but thats how it goes.......

Why do you feel it necessary to assign an intrinsic negativity to this point of view? The same logic is applied to the saying that money is the root of all evil. It always depends on the individual, blanket statements like this never apply to everyone they claim to. It's obvious that you're pushing a biased opinion in a close-minded fashion.

thanks for usin urself as the best exemple of what i was talkin bout....

why do u feel the necessity of pointin the fingers instead of creatin ur own opinion ?

maybe because of the lack of creativity ?or is it that u cant live without leechin ?

I'm not the one pointing fingers, it was your original post that did the finger pointing. All I did was ask you why you feel the need to point fingers and make generalizations that obviously further diminish any cause you might have and alienate you from people.

You also called a general group of people pathetic that you don't even know, that is pathetic. You don't know me at all and you lash out like that simply because I don't share a point of view with you. Really? - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 03:48
Well considering that what brings us together mostly, is the fact that most of us experienced psychedelics, what your on about is basically what have we done with that experience imo.
I think it was Mckenna that once made a remarkable observation on the subject. He said that its like going out fishing with a net. You don’t want to come out of it with ideas that are too big that can destroy your net (freakism), neither ideas so small in size that will go through the holes in the net (“Nihilism” but i prefer to call it realism), But middle sized ideas that can be useful enough, so you can have fish dinner.
The duality Freakism/Nihilism its not the best, because in a way “freakism” IS somehow nihilist. It evolves on the self, and your pleasure zone. Its not a new concept to be free of institutions and to have an aesthetic relation with reality. However, in practical terms it doesn’t fit when you eventually have to go back on Monday, to work or something and deal with the plastic, televised version of reality that society offers you when you’re born.

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Posts :  84
Posted : Feb 3, 2010 04:31
What this whole topic is all about?

Freaks? So tell me who is normal. Nihilism? Psytrance scene has less nihilistic individuals then so-called "normal society".

Psytrance parties are just for fun! It's a great place to trip and to meet new people. If you want to make an ideology out of it then you've missed the point.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 05:16


I'm not the one pointing fingers, it was your original post that did the finger pointing. All I did was ask you why you feel the need to point fingers and make generalizations that obviously further diminish any cause you might have and alienate you from people.

You also called a general group of people pathetic that you don't even know, that is pathetic. You don't know me at all and you lash out like that simply because I don't share a point of view with you. Really?

dude , go police and LEECH someone else, coz i have more important things to do than keep bein pointed by SOMEONE WHO I DONT EVEN FUCKIN KNOW as u said ......  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 05:22

Psytrance parties are just for fun! It's a great place to trip and to meet new people. If you want to make an ideology out of it then you've missed the point.

Dude, THERE S not , or never had any books of rules sayin what psytrance should be or should not. if in UR REALITY u made from psytrance a place JUST TO HAVE FUN and nothing else, thats okay , but that doesnt mean it s equal for everybody.

Psytrance for some IS an ideology , for others even a religion , and if u chose a more simplistic way of vieyin it thats okay but its not a RULE...  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 06:10

On 2010-02-03 00:49, Basilisk wrote:

On 2010-02-02 22:10:02, Yidam wrote:
I strive to walk the middle path but I'm constantly pulled in either direction by extremists on this forum. Be it the conspiracy freak on one hand or the skeptic realist on the other... the mad thing is after a while they both seem to be saying the same thing.

Conspiracy theorists and sceptics/realists seem to be saying the same thing? Do explain.

Well both parties end up with the inevitable conclusion: it's pointless and we're powerless to do anything. The conspiracy theorists end up swapping youtube videos and spamming the world while the realists either ignore it or fight to make their point heard. The end result is ... nothing gets done. so yeah, better phrased as 'they end up "doing" the same thing. a good example of this can be seen in the Haiti thread.

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - M.K.Gandhi

@Spasm. Thanks for elaborating on the basis of this topic. and Yes the trick is definitely not to live the dual life because you really come out empty handed.

@Kras. I think you might have escaped the extreme experience somehow. My observation is that 'most' people in this community get inducted mind-body-and soul... and then they either manage to make it work in their world or they completely flip to the other end. The question was not if it was true. The question is why it happens.

Psytrance, the way of life and the culture has a wealth of things to teach us if we strive the middle path. Take a bit of that surreal world into reality. The whole IT boom happened because those from the crazy 70s saw reality for what it was in the 80s and applied what they knew to change it to create what we had in the 90s and early 00s. The psytrance boom of the 90s/00s imo was smaller but similar... we see the reality now, so will anything solid come out of it?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 07:20

On 2010-02-03 06:10, Yidam wrote:
Well both parties end up with the inevitable conclusion: it's pointless and we're powerless to do anything. The conspiracy theorists end up swapping youtube videos and spamming the world while the realists either ignore it or fight to make their point heard. The end result is ... nothing gets done.

Strongly disagree.
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