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For anyone wondering what is Karahana...

Martian Arts

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 13:43

On 2011-02-24 09:32, TimeTraveller wrote:
Perfect Stranger music is mighty,no matter what this style is,it‘s definetly more psy than the very most of todays so called psytrance.
This is fresh!

Some of his music hits the sweet spot of driving techno beats and basslines with a lot of psychedelic accents to play with in your mind whilst stomping.
It is not psytrance, but its psychedelic and its driving music techno music.

The funny thing is that some people say this is not psy-trance yet claim darkpsy is psytrance/forest music, or cheesy full on is psy-trance that makes you fly...etc.

Peace out.  

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 14:04
Dark psy has more nuances in common with psytrance than Perfect Stranger does. Undeniable. Just 'cos you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't psytrance.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 14:18

On 2011-02-24 14:04, psychedanic wrote:
Dark psy has more nuances in common with psytrance than Perfect Stranger does. Undeniable. Just 'cos you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't psytrance.

Jus coz you like it, it doesn't mean it is.
We can talk about it all day and night and say my taste is better than yours.
Psytrance is not anything that has a 4/4 kick and a 16th bassline, especially when its at gabba tempo is ridden with walls of glitch and mad FM.
An LFO modulating the pitch of an oscillator whose output goes into a resonant high pass, does not mean "forest" music.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 14:19

On 2011-02-24 14:04, psychedanic wrote:
Dark psy has more nuances in common with psytrance than Perfect Stranger does. Undeniable. Just 'cos you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't psytrance.

Ok lets start a debate about what the little word TRANCE is all about. Some seem to think that just because a style has the word trance in its genre description then its trance. I say WRONG!!! Music does not become trance just because it use the word trance in it's description.

So what is the description of the Word Trance when talking music (I think many people need a crash course in the term Trance these days)?:

"The usage of repetitive rhythms to induce trance states is an ancient phenomenon. Throughout the world, shamanistic practitioners have been employing this method for millennia. Anthropologists and other researchers have documented the similarity of shamanistic auditory driving rituals among different cultures.

Said simply, entrainment is the synchronization of different rhythmic cycles. Breathing and heart rate have been shown to be affected by auditory stimulus, along with brainwave activity. The ability of rhythmic sound to affect human brainwave activity, especially theta brainwaves, is the essence of auditory driving, and is the cause of the altered states of consciousness that it can induce."

Note: Theta Brainwaves are best affected with slower bpm's (180 wont work) and especially simplicity!

It's is pure nonsense to claim that example Techno is not trance. Simply because trance is not a genre. It's a term and a state of mind caused by especially repetitive patterns and rhythms. I personally claim that the more a track is repetitive and simple the more hypnotic it is and the more it has the ability to put the listener/dancer into a state of trance (without drugs).

I also claim that the more complex a track is and the faster it is the harder it is to get into a state of trance from it because of a few reasons:

1. It is easier to reach a state of trance when your heartbeats is calm and not running 180bpm with the music.

2. Simple drum patterns and by that simple repetitive tracks (example some tribal or techno) has the ability to hypnotize you. Complex patterns usually makes your brain too active and by that its way harder to reach a state of trance.

These are just two examples our of my head.

One thing is sure. And sorry for repeating myself here.

Just because the word "trance" is added to a genre does not make it trance! Just as adding psy does not automatically make a track psychedelic.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 14:30
this video make me want to check his music cause i like it, but tbh if i would go in a party and here this stuff all night long or at 9 am i would be pissed , but it s good for late morning in a psytrance party.
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 14:51
killer , look like a fun party

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 15:46

On 2011-02-24 14:18, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2011-02-24 14:04, psychedanic wrote:
Dark psy has more nuances in common with psytrance than Perfect Stranger does. Undeniable. Just 'cos you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't psytrance.

Jus coz you like it, it doesn't mean it is.
We can talk about it all day and night and say my taste is better than yours.
Psytrance is not anything that has a 4/4 kick and a 16th bassline, especially when its at gabba tempo is ridden with walls of glitch and mad FM.
An LFO modulating the pitch of an oscillator whose output goes into a resonant high pass, does not mean "forest" music.

This isn't a case of "my music is better than your music" (did I imply that anywhere in my post? Nope, didn't think so). I just get the impression that you discount anything you don't like as not being trance... that the only real trance music is the morning full on style you play, and that anything slightly darker can't be trance because "o' noes, it's hard and scawy and twarnce should be fluffy only!!!11"

I agree that the 170bpm glitchy stuff isn't trance by the true definition of the word (as pointed out by Beat Agency above), but it still has a lot more in common with psychedelic trance (the genre, not a break down of the true meanings of the word) than Perfect Stranger does (even if the latter's music fits in with the trance definition more). The synthesis techniques, kicks, basses, etc., in (for example) Kindzadza is closer to the stuff you produce (even if you'd hate to admit it ) than that of Pefect Stranger, innit.

Again, I'm speaking purely from a established genre point of view and not about the semantics of the word 'trance', in which I'd have to agree that more techno is trancier than trance itself (which makes Israeli psychedelic trance a double misnomer!).

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Feb 24, 2011 16:08
you dudes have taken the worst example of what's called darkpsy and say it all the time(180)
ok...i dont like either 123 hypnotic eyes down techy housy meaningless music...but it's the edge of techno...
all styles AGAIN have their purpose which have to be plaied at the right time...i think that's a dj's work...
and's techno plaied on festivals and people like it cause it's GOOD MUSIC plaied at the right time...
organizers are the djs of live acts...perfect stranger was in time to rock there!!
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 16:58
Well, if you know me a little from my posting here, you know that I care very little for genre and names. I'm in it for the music and the party. But anyone that doesn't want to be there in that party in 9:03 in that video (watch again), well... I honestly not sure I understand what are you doing here (it's ok, you're more then welcomed to stay, but I just don't understand....).

And I enjoyed the posts from Colin & Beat Agency.
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Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Feb 24, 2011 16:58

On 2011-02-24 15:46, psychedanic wrote:
This isn't a case of "my music is better than your music" (did I imply that anywhere in my post? Nope, didn't think so).

You didn't and as I also did not. If you read what I wrote you'll see that I said that we can talk about tastes all day long. It will not get us anywhere as it is something entirely subjective.


On 2011-02-24 15:46, psychedanic wrote:
I just get the impression that you discount anything you don't like as not being trance... that the only real trance music is the morning full on style you play, and that anything slightly darker can't be trance because "o' noes, it's hard and scawy and twarnce should be fluffy only!!!11"

You're way off again. For example I think this tune

is THE definition of deep driving hypnotic trance.
Its not only "slightly" darker, than morning full on, its darker than any darkpsy I've heard.

On 2011-02-24 15:46, psychedanic wrote:
I agree that the 170bpm glitchy stuff isn't trance by the true definition of the word (as pointed out by Beat Agency above), but it still has a lot more in common with psychedelic trance (the genre, not a break down of the true meanings of the word) than Perfect Stranger does (even if the latter's music fits in with the trance definition more).

That's the thing tho, the reason trance tunes were called psy-trance, is because they did not simply tick the boxes of using the typical kick/bass/lead/elements used in trance tunes, they were actually deep driving hypnotic and psychedelic.
An awful lot of music that is called trance today lacks the deep driving hypnotic feeling and by definition, every single darkpsy tune that has all the noise that prevents the mind from getting into hypnotic deep drive, simply because there are an awful lot of breaks (full-on), an awful lot of of mad sounds that are there for the sake of "crazyness" yet put everyone else off that want to get a groove on. In that perspective Yuli's music is a lot more hypnotic deep and driving, cause there is something to dance to, a groove to hang on to and get lost in the music.
You may disagree and to your taste, this music with mad FM, chaotic randomness, "kindergarden" bleepy leads with myriads of breaks and odd kick patterns (recently listened to Tanetsveta's clips on youtube), this may appeal to you...BUT I just want to point out that psy-trance and trance music played in forests, rivers, beaches...etc was about the minimal hypnotic deep drive. This is how it was from the beginning and it is that sound that gave the music the name, trance.

On 2011-02-24 15:46, psychedanic wrote:
The synthesis techniques, kicks, basses, etc., in (for example) Kindzadza is closer to the stuff you produce (even if you'd hate to admit it ) than that of Pefect Stranger, innit.

I use a kick and a bassline and a hi-hat and similar elements, but the stuff I produce has absolutely nothing to do with KDD's music. Which is the point I am trying to put across, using similar elements does not mean having the same vibe.
99% of the people releasing trance tunes have a kick and a single note 16th saw bassline, yet IM's music is completely different to KDD's music which is completely different to Tristan's music, which is completely different to Transwave's music, which is completely differnt to Etnica's music...etc.

On 2011-02-24 15:46, psychedanic wrote:
Again, I'm speaking purely from a established genre point of view and not about the semantics of the word 'trance', in which I'd have to agree that more techno is trancier than trance itself (which makes Israeli psychedelic trance a double misnomer!).

Which is what I am getting at. It would be better if the "established genre" got back into the essence of the word that is used to describe it. After all that is where it belongs.

Peace out.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 17:33

On 2011-02-24 08:26, Login wrote:
THe concept "psytrance" has been kidnapped by a bunch of facists.

Open minded people? BS.

Uhuu, let's gladiate then!
You're right to some degree. Let's not forget that TRANCE was called PROGRESSIVE HOUSE in the 1980's when it started being played (listen to Miro's Pure Silk to see how trance and house are siblings, indeed). And that 1980's HOUSE was a direct relative to TECHNO (Detroit techno, I mean). So, house, trance - and later, psytrance, are all under the same umbrella called techno.

But this explanation is not so clear nowadays. Psytrance, trance, house, and their subgenres are quite distinctive from techno.

And let's be honest, techno was and is powerful, never had the downs and mediocrity we see in psytrance today.

That's why saying that techno and psytrance are the same, is an injury to techno scene.

Even when techno is meshed with psytrance, the so-called tech-trance in the early 2000s - (like the above Spirallianz tune) - it's quite better than "pure" psytrance.
No wonder X-Dream, Eargear, The Delta, Charm, are all in a league of their own.

A taste of how good tech-trance was:

Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Feb 24, 2011 17:49

Fullmoon 2010 - Parvati Floor - No need to say anything else, psychedelic trance going on here !            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 17:58

...We do what we want and we do it with pride...
...I'm making techno and I am proud...

techno           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
Martian Arts

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 18:04
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 18:17
+ Beat agency, I totally agree with you. There is techno today (the kind championed by Sven vath, Minilogue, extrawelt) that truly preserves the hypnotic and deep nature of trance.

Trance is a son of techno, born a with a little bit more melodic content and more hypnotic vibe.

Darkpsy is a mixture of late full on (the mysted puppet) and hardcore for me. There are good artist of course but they dont go over 160 bpm and keep a good groove.

People who think techno cant be psychedelic or trancey is obviously ignorant of electronic music history.
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - For anyone wondering what is Karahana...
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