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for all the org. ppl

Shanti Alien
Vectro Electro

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Posted : May 8, 2007 02:22
I don't know what happened that day, But from My experience from playing on his system and from renting it for a party I got to know Alex as Pro who knows his job very well.

It looks like a very serious misunderstanding with very sad consequences.I know some ppl from this org. good vibe people Hope for better luck next time.

Hope that it will be settled for both side's good.

BoooooM!!!  - new techno project >>> also available on

Infinite Diversity in infinite combinations
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 8, 2007 13:39

It looks like a very serious misunderstanding with very sad consequences.I know some ppl from this org. good vibe people Hope for better luck next time.


we talked with him bagging him to come back telling him we are in the
new spot with 400 ppl waiting only for the sound system!
he just said no and turned off his phone!

          db Productions
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : May 9, 2007 14:26
im sorry , but delete lebrev answer with the explain realy show me something fishy here and not him.

there was all explained there , with police threat to take his gear... why the fuck it deleted ??? not fit to your way of telling the story

if u want it or not , this system is ok , this guy is ok , and im very sorry to hear there was problem. but u know why , and also evryone read this topic before u delete his answer.

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : May 9, 2007 14:27

On 2007-05-07 16:46, Oran wrote:
@tushita you have no idea what you are talking about so please stop spreading false information!!

and why is that ?

i think as being one of the biggest producers in israel , he got pritty good idea what he talking about.

p/s - i dont have anything pro/sgainst this at all... i just enjoy playing on alex system more then most of crappy speakers usualy peaple get when its not him... and wish many peaple will keep on work with him , as playing on other systems just makes me sound not as good as possible (well i wouldnt mind 3-4 sets of function 1 )

Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 9, 2007 15:38

On 2007-05-09 14:26, tsabeat wrote:
im sorry , but delete lebrev answer with the explain realy show me something fishy here and not him.

there was all explained there , with police threat to take his gear... why the fuck it deleted ??? not fit to your way of telling the story

If what u say is true, then it's really not right.
By the way, I've worked with Alexsound at least 5 times, and he was always professional. Now, I also know that Asi is a good person, and i don't really know what was going on last Friday night. You're both good people so i'm sure you can work it out. peace!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 9, 2007 19:09
maybe it's time to make a summery of facts from what happened only by facts without any personal opinion here.

2:15 am: pakah came to the dancefloor, spoke with us and told us to leave the area unless he will call the cops and take all of us with the system to the station.

3 am: orginaizers leave the area with security and chai shop and drive to the new location.
some crew members clean and take all the equimpent.
the sound guys AGREE to transfer location!!!!!

4:00: orgizaizers contact alex to ask where is he , when the party venue is alreay set and something like 400 people already in location b.
alex says: sorry we are already on the way to tel aviv...

4:02-4:30- orginaizers bag in the phone for alex that just come to look at the place and than decide,
alex calls us layers and ask us to stop lying to him and just turn his phone off.

4:30-5:30 orginaizers trying to find alternative sound system but it was already too late.

5:30- party is canceld.

now personal opinion:
our main problem here is the atitude and the lies alex spread in that evening and the following days after the party while he is trying to shake every responsibilty of his back.

we dont have any problem with a decision not to come to location B, but if he didnt want to come, the best time to tell us that was when he decided he aint gonna come!!!!
in that time it was still possible to find another sound system!!!!!

so we stood there for 2 houres holding the people in the parking lot, so we wont charge them for the ticket until everything is ready, and the man didnt even bother to tell us what is going on, instead of that, in faradis junction, the sound car just changed direction and didnt follow the crew members (who obiously were in tottal shock at that moment) to the new spot.
there is nothing we can do besides warn producers from this snake, who read what i wrote here, at least know what kind of person he is dealing with.
who knows me , know what me and tom and our production is all about.
it's your choice to do whatever u understand with this information,

all i know is that i will never work with this man again, and so most of the Plur producers who knows us and heard this story.
so that is the karma that man deserve
that's it.

          Bottom Line Presents
The new minimal techno haifa line
saturday night. The 14/03/09

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  19
Posted : May 9, 2007 22:11

On 2007-05-07 16:46, Oran wrote:
@tushita you have no idea what you are talking about so please stop spreading false information!!


and why is that ?

i think as being one of the biggest producers in israel , he got pritty good idea what he talking about.

p/s - i dont have anything pro/sgainst this at all... i just enjoy playing on alex system more then most of crappy speakers usualy peaple get when its not him... and wish many peaple will keep on work with him , as playing on other systems just makes me sound not as good as possible (well i wouldnt mind 3-4 sets of function 1 )


thats funny , it vs allways like that here. ppl control this forum making favours for there friends and what they dont wwant ppl to see they delete, soo i guess me and other ppl who soopourt sometimes ppl this forum dont like they just delete the massage probabley they will do the same to this massage, hehehe, but as we all knew it soo its ok, as oran said allready i knew nothing soo he might be right, hehe
and about asi and all the pro. i knew u r very nice and good vibe ppl , i wish u the best allways, just had to say my own experience with alex nothing agginst nobody u knew, and even personnaly i was on the way to your party, i wish next time we will celebrate hardcore for the last one and next one toghter!!
and for the rest of this forum ppl, isn't u think its weird that the modorators allways delete what they dont like its abbsourd even, i understand that if we use words as sun of a birch and etc. u can delete it, but ppl opinion..... its a free democracy forum whice any person can write his opinoin about it , soo obviously u cant delete what u dont like and what doesnt feet to your personal life, soo please take step back and think about it, and again allso no have nothing against u oran , but whats the reson u delete what alex said , u talked with him personnaly and heard the story , maybe u knew nothing acctually man, how can i say i knew nothing if acctually i work with alex 10 times and u probbabley didn't, soo think about it too
everybody have lovely week

Started Topics :  -1
Posts :  3
Posted : May 9, 2007 23:32
3;00 i get the massage frome my crew that party closed by the pakahim,and i said to get sound eq end wait with avram on gas stashion eliakim
4:00 my team call me from gsolin station were was avram too and tell me he/ they want to change the place but still in the same arie of carmel
in same time i talk with avram and speak him severall time on telefon and ask that we not going in this arie ,we go only in other places but not carmel like afulla as axzampl and i get him 30 minuts to decide
but about 4:30 call me asi with the same story and bag me to go in the same second fuced place
.after this fone talkin i decided to get my crew get home
and this happand in same time when the crew and avram get out together frome the gasolin station becaus my crew afraid frome the peopl what was in the station
look i didnt take the mony from this party
the mikdama dont cover me alls (but this was a deall)
finally ask all sound teams after blowing the party we have all rights to decide to do only by interest of sund equpmant
i think we did more and get back only problems and derty wards and some others things u know by the sms massges to me
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  1362
Posted : May 9, 2007 23:39
@tushita, listen dude, i have never met you in my life and you already starting to piss me off (and not for the 1st time but thats a story for a different topic hmm..hmm...).

I didnt delete anything in this thread so once again and in the last time im asking you to stop spreading false information!!
          Always agressive never progressive.

Started Topics :  -1
Posts :  3
Posted : May 10, 2007 08:11
the time discation is not a qustion in this problematic case at all and i didnt want that u go inside too its mistake.+/-10 or15 minuts it not a problem ok
and this case dosnt matter were was in second by second my team at all,becouse im the boss of my crew and ididnt sleep until the morning.
its correct that i stop talking with org people by phone after understanding that org ppl didnt understand what im talkin whith them.
so after i stoped talkin by phone i still chaked the mobill all the time and??????
nothing no vois massag no sms massage from org ppl about changing the plase didnt come
u know if it was come i could brack my crew to return to new good location at any time it was no problem
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  917
Posted : May 10, 2007 18:41
it's good to know that at least you understand yourself, you'r the only one by the way           Bottom Line Presents
The new minimal techno haifa line
saturday night. The 14/03/09
acid abe
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  246
Posted : May 10, 2007 21:34
Asi and every one ,
I need to put a word on this matter (Alex I hope you are reading).
Alex this is Avraham , the fact that I spoke to you on the phone several time is clear and known to all but the fact that you at one point decided to hang up one me really is not professional and even an act of stooped person .
If I recall you were given 1000 shekels deposit for the job, at that point you were to stand in our agreement which you did not !!!
so if you regret and you clam to be so professional I expected you to return the deposit money you got for the sum of 1000 shekel for a job you never done.
Now the ball is in our court you decide if you want to be professional or just to be anther crock that spoiled some ones day.
I am apologize to this forum that you got involved but we need to warn others of these kind of people that supply us with equipment ask for a lot of money ask for a deposit and never do the job and don’t even batter to return the money for a job that was never done.

All the best to fear and honest ppl
Acid abe
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  3074
Posted : May 10, 2007 23:00

On 2007-05-06 14:00, PeYoTe KiNG wrote:
yes, he is causing trouble lately,
not only not showing up, but also sound problems with his system...
and sending ppl that dont know shit about sound, i tell him that there r too much highs so he pulling up the lows...

2 bad that Eraser vs Yojalka's set was in dirty sound.

i'll never work with him again after the last expirience.

batter luck next times all ppl who got screwd because of him.

hey just wanna add i heard from some pplzz that u guys know about his shittyy system so why 2 be smart after and dont doing things before some more cash but getting quality sound system is the most smart thing to do.

hope iam right

and yeah if this guy dont know how to work and hav a bad (fake) sound system is better to not work with this kind of pplz.

salam aliekom.           Happy Happy,Joy Joy.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  917
Posted : May 11, 2007 00:43
u see, it's not the soundsystem quality that sucks in this case           Bottom Line Presents
The new minimal techno haifa line
saturday night. The 14/03/09
Fractal Family

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  75
Posted : May 12, 2007 13:23
huga_generation -> Im behind every single word you wrote man, don`t let `em get ya......


Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - for all the org. ppl
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