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for all the org. ppl

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  243
Posted : May 6, 2007 12:35
well this man will never stop,
its the 4 time thate i heared about how
he is doing "partya" for pro. & runing away.
in the last event the party changed place ,
but at one time he didnt came and 2 twice he didnt wanted to get in to the pathway...

if you have a pro. pls be aware from this crook if you want a party.


IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  1362
Posted : May 6, 2007 13:06
Ill join this request please dont work with this guy..           Always agressive never progressive.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  274
Posted : May 6, 2007 14:00
yes, he is causing trouble lately,
not only not showing up, but also sound problems with his system...
and sending ppl that dont know shit about sound, i tell him that there r too much highs so he pulling up the lows...

2 bad that Eraser vs Yojalka's set was in dirty sound.

i'll never work with him again after the last expirience.

batter luck next times all ppl who got screwd because of him.           The reality is a result of acidless blood

listen 2 my music at myspace :

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Posts :  24
Posted : May 6, 2007 17:24
ill join too, no one should work with this guy again !!
man u did some fucked up thing and its time u pay the price.
i dont like good ppl getting screwd
d.j k-pax

Started Topics :  57
Posts :  472
Posted : May 6, 2007 22:35
fucked up indeeeed....

anyway not only on personal massure of this un respectble act wich ALEX crew did.....

u cant trust this sound guy in any professional lavel ....
NOT anymore
          K-PAX/EMOTIVE spintwist records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2007 22:57

his sound is really unclear and sound realy bad
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : May 7, 2007 03:19
well , from personal expirience , i have to disagree.

first , as artist that preform with original music i care alot of the sound quality and power of the system..
i played in israel in the last 3 years over 20 if not 30 sets.... as well many friends of mine.
without dought alex sound was not the best , but one of the good ones perhaps the best in the 3000-5000 nis prices.
he is very expirienced and answer to org. and dj request if they make sense. i had several times requests abou the sound , and in the places he worked i found good answers and help.

about the party 2 week ago , it was 100% EvsY fault . sorry for that , i looked forword hearing them as well.. but drunk is drunk...
but i dont remember that in my set or exuus or crazy ducks sets had any kind of problem.. and u all blame the poor sound guy that did his job OK.

about not showing at all , thats unproffesional i agree 100%. lucky i still never had this sort of expirience , not alex and not no one..

anyhow , he is one of the very few that know what is the equipment do , why , and how it sound the best with this fake "turbo" system.

defintly remember much much worse cases like peaple who dont even know how to handle simple generator problem.. or burned speakers , or simply very very bad sound .

anywayz , more Mackie and Function 1 please 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  243
Posted : May 7, 2007 11:21
its not about how pro. he is (i agry with you) ,
its about how he can make a deal with someone and then he runing away b/c he want to sleep at home or any reasen that he is disappear and letting the crwod and the org withing for a party that not going to be b/c of him.

but anyway its just a recommendation and if you want to work with im so do it and take thate risk.....

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  19
Posted : May 7, 2007 14:55
ooo ppl i have some comment for that
i am one of the ppl that got alex in the buisness siriusly , not taking any credit or soo, but he workd little in trance before working with me and spredding out
soo first of all alex became a good friend of mine talking every week about what going on in this scene
soo lets make it clear
alex is very skilld sound man at least the 10 times he work with me was pefect even with 700 ppl in negev minaralim he succeded to open the system whice is not torbu sound originaly and did it well
one thing is that alex allso knew his car limit and there is places whice without 4#4 car u cant get inside even with no equipment soo of course he cant do it and of course nobody gonna carry this system for 2 kilometter!!!
he tell me personaly every party i make to check the place good with a car to see that he can get inside, and meny other companies will not get inside were he didn't this i knew and seen meny times with katom and etc.
if u ask him personnaly to come for the party he will come and stay there if u dont he might send his gay, soo just ask him to come with the system and do it himself i am sure he will do it
be angry about the pro. that choose realy insane place that nobody can pass koz they want to hide from police prob.
i played on his system maybe about 20 times in 3 years this gay relay knew what his doing, i dont take him my self koz my parties now r about 1000-1500 ppl , soo this size he cant handle, but for 400-500 ppl his the best in his price
soo check your self again
have a lovely day
peace and love omka

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  19
Posted : May 7, 2007 15:01
p.s the evsy set was only there problam, to much drunk, cd's flying on the floor than get picked and play hehehehe super unproffesional, the laptop got rented in 30 euro couple days before the party in finland hehehe, the sound card they borow from somebody in israel and didnt update it good koz they r drunk hehe, soo easy to blame him, maybe blame this crazy drunk ppl , i was thinking to book tham for a party, now nooooooooo chance i preefer to take there music by buy it from internet and play it myself than i am sure no break beetwin the track and not playing 3 times same track, soo chechk your artist is not wasted before playing like tham or lemon slide this week same same this finnish artist are mostly just wasted, yes i like there music probabley they are sobber when they make but drunk when they play it, i can trust haltya and texxas this why i bring only tham
soo think about it

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  19
Posted : May 7, 2007 15:05
u r tottaly right i knew it, nd i write some massage in the other post they write before u can read it, u r ok 100% and u will succed dont worry the ppl who trust u r here like me and shula and friends that knew u r super sound man , soo no problam we will clear it all
peace omri
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  1362
Posted : May 7, 2007 16:46
@tushita you have no idea what you are talking about so please stop spreading false information!!           Always agressive never progressive.

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Posted : May 7, 2007 16:50
thanks for all ppl for the big suport
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  917
Posted : May 7, 2007 18:32
hey dude
this is asi, avram partner nnot donulduck, so plz check your mettirial before you attack.
second, our personal businnes will not be solved on this forum, i talked with you on the phone today.
plz dont take it lower than it already is...           Bottom Line Presents
The new minimal techno haifa line
saturday night. The 14/03/09
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  243
Posted : May 7, 2007 18:42

On 2007-05-07 16:58, lebrev wrote:
i come to make my job and not sleep
u must change quckly your dear org partner avram that didnt understand 30 minits on the fone about what im talking with him and didnt talk about this with u and at last make laying on me

i dont know avram or anyone from thate party , and alex or itsik or whoever is lebrev , as a man thate doing for long time parties, you need to understand whan you close a deal with a prod. its a deal , you cant tell those pro ppl(UNDERGROUND_TEAM)
thate you can change the party area & not coming and lett 400+ ppl waith for you and you are on your way home...
to org. parties its cost lots of mony and to go to a party its cost two days and mony ecspenses.

alex there is no dout that you are a soundpro. but you are not a man of your word
and you know beter than me how meny times you or itsik runaway back home...

Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - for all the org. ppl

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