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Footprints (Digital Structures, Nov. 2001)

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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 08:19:22
[b][u]Footprints (Digital Structures, Nov. 2001)[/b][/u]
1. P-Woland- Secrets 7:32
2. Son Kite- Air Play 10:58
3. Vibrasphere- Out of My System 7:33
4. Qlap- Puck el Pisto 8:30
5. Tegma- X-Calibur 8:01
6. Ticon- Shaken Not Stoerd 8:12
7. 12 Moons- Bad Pets 6:53
8. Bigwigs- Wodny Prezes 6:37
9. Etnoscope- Flosiploskan 9:04

The label of the year, no doubt, comes back with its second compilation. Not an easy job they have here after releasing two of the best artists' albums of the year, they've set themselves a very high standard. They make it on one aspect, fail a bit on another. All the tracks here are great dancefloor material, it's a groovy CD, with great percussion work, very powerful and with great sound and production.

P-Woland, the next promise from the DS gang opens with a hypnotizing airy slow tribal piece, which is definitely one of my favorites here and leaves me with a taste for more from this guy. Then it’s the Kites themselves. Air Play gives the usual irresistible Son Kite percussion mayhem in that huge crisp clear sound of theirs, for 6.5 minutes. Than it opens up into a melodic clubby build up, which is beautiful but somehow losses it. Vibrasphere hits hard next with Out of My Systems (T3) that shows their harder side, though those typical dubby sequences are still here. A killer.  Qlap's Puck el Pisto (from the latest Qlap vinyl on DS) starts the heavier part here, no-nonsense in yer face kick and bass, with powerful drive and great grooves. Be warned- this can make a porridge of your brain! Tegma hits next with the great X-Calibur (T5), an already established raw power dancefloor scorcher. Go for the ride- simple and great. Then Ticon ease up a bit with a solid Ticonish track that hits the mark, but somehow fails to excite me. Here also I think the compilation looses the story line and gets lost a bit. After that, 12 Moons will surprise those waiting for his known morningish transient tunes. Bad Pets (T7) is a hard tech-trancey track, totally psychotic with an on-the-edge feel and qute dark in atmosphere. Excellent stuff. Bigwigs follow with a totally groovy piece with the Polish weirdness factor working hard- the happy jumpy kind of weird- beautiful morning sounds. Etnoscope caught my ear with the recent Dus Fug 12", these guys manufacture total tribal madness, Flosiploskan is no exception, fast tribal drumming full of surprises and a great energetic and happy ending to this CD.

[b]Bottom Line:[/b] This is a collection of 9 blasts for the dancefloor, all will work wonderfully, no doubt. A definite must for every DJ. As a compilation it somehow looses the story on the way. Still it's one of the best compilations of 2001.
[b]Favorites:[/b] 1(!), 3, 4, 5(!), 7(!), 9.

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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 00:43:12
Hey shahar,as always great review bro!
but i sometimes get a little bit confused when u talk about the history of the compilation...
Sure, the Vibrasphere trak is not exactly what I would put after Son Kite, but they both are AWESOME traks, so why not?
I think that the underlying theme in this comp is great music, simply. No need for anything else...such a collection of traks is hard to come by, and the compiler can do nothing but randomly choose what goes after what.
np: makyo - clarity (melting snow mix)
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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 00:47:58
Well, that's not how I see it- when I buy a CD, I plan to listen to it as whole, so I want a story inside- I want it to flow, I want it to stay interesting. If a compilation is made of great tracks (as this one is) and still I lose interest or patiance in the middle everytime, than something is wrong with the flow, with the story.
After another listen, I think I would have moved the Ticon befor or after Visrasphere, and then maybe it would be perfect.
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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 02:34:37
Well shahar now i agree with u.
The thing is, when u said story i thought u meant the similarities and differences between traks, know what i mean? Like the always on-going discussion between one-style compils and varied-style compils. That's why i mentioned being confused.
Anyway, FLOW is the word imo. Now that is something that every single disc should have. It's though to listen to something that grows boring on u...
cheers mate!
np: silicon sound - topple over
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Posted : Nov 26, 2001 19:12:36
Just listening to it now, got it on the web. Tegma rock!
And I love the Ticon to.
And for sure I like an etnoscope album.
12 Moons disappointed me though, I prefer his amazing emotional tunes.
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Posted : Nov 28, 2001 17:53:04
Hey Tegma i asked Skivhuset in Malmoe about the release and he said its coming its coming! I think its been coming a while now? When is the release planned? Or is it already released but Skivhuset is a bit slow? I mean they have a good trance/house/techno section....


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Posted : Nov 28, 2001 22:06:54
Good one favs 3-4-5
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Posted : Nov 29, 2001 00:58:46
hey mental .. if u go over to cosmic one u will find it on vinyl.. the cd version is still not out yet though.. i think it will be next week or something:-))
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Posted : Dec 3, 2001 22:05:59
Heard it and i think it has a great compilations of artists and in general a very good cd ;)
Especially  Temga=x-calibur ;) ;):D
And also etnoscope-Flosiploskan
Keep up the good work !!!!
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Posted : Dec 8, 2001 01:06:11
really great comp :). Those scando sounds really gets me going ;)
favorites: 3,5,7

good review Shahar ;).

      bye, Alon.
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Posted : Dec 8, 2001 05:55:19
Great review, my favorite tracks are 5 and 6 I just cant stop listening to these songs!!!
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Posted : Dec 9, 2001 04:20:11
Ohhh yes got my hands on the compilation today and the fav. is nr 5 & 7...

Old Forum Member
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Posted : Dec 29, 2001 04:41:53
really interesting compilation..
very different tracks.. this cd is "talking" to a lot of different music opinions..
first son kite track that i (almost) actually like ;) tegma iz very clever, really rockin'..
etnoscope sounds great if you lower the bpmZ...

p.s. i hope though i am not the only one who thinks the mastering could use a little less "FULL ON BASS & TREMBLE"... everything is hiting red in the mixer... makes that gain knob prohibited to touch.. ;)
Solid Snake

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Posted : Nov 14, 2010 21:25
Hehe fantastic release and I even see my profile from the old forum.

This was a great compilation at the time.

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 10:29
gotta give it another listen. I can even see it in my CD rack from across the room

Old forum was nice, eh? People actually talking about music, and without any fighting...           ---------------------------------------------
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Footprints (Digital Structures, Nov. 2001)

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