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Foods at festivals and food to fit the mystic/psychedelic mindset or experience

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 10:17
Vhen ve make ze psychedlicshe tranzen in Germany, ve always eat same food:

Sometimes I find it psychedliful ven ze chef put little colorful flag inzide zausage. He also give us some beer from little psychedelic cup:

Its special, for us it is like big celebration ve make lots of fun zen.

Sometimes ve make pig bbq in the middle of dancefloorings, ve like the smell of burning meat on acid, especially wann Uncle Günther puts ze beer on tops. Soemtimes some foreigners or vegetarians are complain about the smellings and smoke, but normally response is very easy: lol.


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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 11:55
Raw Chocolate treats, hearty vegetarian breakfast and power smoothies come to mind...           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 16:49


Sometimes ve make pig bbq in the middle of dancefloorings, ve like the smell of burning meat on acid, especially wann Uncle Günther puts ze beer on tops. Soemtimes some foreigners or vegetarians are complain about the smellings and smoke, but normally response is very easy: lol.

Ve made zis at VuuV in 2005 or zomezing like zat, it was wonderful! Afterwards we putt ze head of ze little piggy on a stick and dänced around it on ze dänceflor. Ze people lovet it!           Check out my album:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 16:57

On 2011-06-27 16:49, aje wrote:


Sometimes ve make pig bbq in the middle of dancefloorings, ve like the smell of burning meat on acid, especially wann Uncle Günther puts ze beer on tops. Soemtimes some foreigners or vegetarians are complain about the smellings and smoke, but normally response is very easy: lol.

Ve made zis at VuuV in 2005 or zomezing like zat, it was wonderful! Afterwards we putt ze head of ze little piggy on a stick and dänced around it on ze dänceflor. Ze people lovet it!

Maximum BruFaust!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 17:04
i once met someone who really put a pig on a stick and danced with it on the floor. it made me so angry, that i went to him to tell him to get the hell out of here. but the music was so loud, he didnt hear a word. i shouted and shouted. then i realized i have no chance and took him on the hand to get him out of the place. he was only shoutung " where are we going, help, help" as we came to a place that was far away from the floor, he told me, he was totally ready to be raped now. he didnt understand the issue till the end:). later i saw him dancing further with the pig.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 17:09

On 2011-06-27 17:04, moki wrote:
i once met someone who really put a pig on a stick and danced with it on the floor. it made me so angry, that i went to him to tell him to get the hell out of here. but the music was so loud, he didnt hear a word. i shouted and shouted. then i realized i have no chance and took him on the hand to get him out of the place. he was only shoutung " where are we going, help, help" as we came to a place that was far away from the floor, he told me, he was totally ready to be raped now. he didnt understand the issue till the end:). later i saw him dancing further with the pig.

Zat someone was probably me. Ven we dänced wiz ze pig at VuuV 2005 some stupid hippies didnt like it and vanted us to take ze little piggy away.

I laughed at ze hippies.           Check out my album:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 18:51
Fruit is my numer one choice at parties because its fresh: mangos, orange, mandarine, peach, watermellon...

Then sushi, it is also fresh, not a strong flavor and philadelphia cheese has a good texture.

What I have always wished at a psy parties is these things called ICEE:

Yes its a lot of sugar and artificial flavour, bt man at 12 pm with the sun in your face it would be a blast.
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Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 19:11
Hi dreadieg
About the pork at boom it seemed like a altered version of a traditional Portuguese dish which are usually simple and good. "Porco a Alentejana" is my favorite and it has clams in it but you could just leave out the clams which would be close to what I mentioned.

This chick makes a close but no cigar attempt at it,

you are supposed to fry the potato cubes and serve it with simple white rice and she forgot the most important part to garnish with pickled veggies , and she cut the pork too big, smaller cubes and smaller clams
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 21:43
mica that video is really bad and I wouldn't even call that porco a alentejana...

Anyways I would like to see healthy food in festival, but I don't really care about that since I always bring / cook my own food           Free album out now:
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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 21:53

I know but it was the best I could find in English ,

e falta a bela pinga tambem!!

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Posted : Jun 27, 2011 22:50
I like to grill at festivals for big protein burst for energy, combined with lots of Fruits and Vegetables. Granola in the morning with the drops!            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 13:04

On 2011-06-27 17:09, aje wrote:

Zat someone was probably me. Ven we dänced wiz ze pig at VuuV 2005 some stupid hippies didnt like it and vanted us to take ze little piggy away.

I laughed at ze hippies.

impossible. this guy was killed and put on a stick to dance with. well he was more cute on the stick than the pig in the picture, you know. after that he was given to hungry people who had too much of vegi life style.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 13:17

On 2011-06-26 22:14, pr0fane wrote:
Anyways; I'd pay A LOT for some tiramisu in the morning. Of course the real deal with mascarpone, lady-fingers and lots of good liquor

my girl makes the best in the world
as for the rest of food at festivals, yep is good to have variety and some fresh vegetables/fruits. Although too much taste, I mean lost of spices etc is not the best option imo. 80/90% of festival people is on some dope, so the simple things are easiest to swallow/eat. just make it proper and do not too complicated, keep in mind to have good Fridge, otherwise your stuff after one day is not any more fresh!           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 13:27

On 2011-06-28 13:04, moki wrote:

On 2011-06-27 17:09, aje wrote:

Zat someone was probably me. Ven we dänced wiz ze pig at VuuV 2005 some stupid hippies didnt like it and vanted us to take ze little piggy away.

I laughed at ze hippies.

impossible. this guy was killed and put on a stick to dance with. well he was more cute on the stick than the pig in the picture, you know. after that he was given to hungry people who had too much of vegi life style.

Well, I am very cute, if not to say handsome and beautiful. I think I would impress the ladies even if you put me on a stick. Or you could just use my penis, it is extremely long and powerful and would make a great natural stick!
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 16:08
yeah. it is just getting funny but the new moderators are very strict and i suppose the jokes will not last long...
besides, you wouldnt make that much of a stick if you are kind of dead . although, who knows, these days, a dude died with 90 years on viagra and was in a good strategic position till the burrial. no please, get a new hair cut like this , you can become good food for festival visitors from abroad, you know, festival tourism is not that glorious recently. so dear people, visit the festivals, there is even meat ( i am planning a food chain with people on sticks:D)

back to topic.

favourite food for festivals:

but believe me, you wont make much money of that at festival. it is much easier to make a pancake with cheap unhealthy products.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Foods at festivals and food to fit the mystic/psychedelic mindset or experience
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