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Flashbacks Project 001

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  8
Posted : Nov 15, 2022 18:32:01
I was recently asked by a good promoter friend for links to any classics mixes and a couple of months ago I had to wave goodbye to the best car I ever owned.

The replacement was so old it only had a CD player. When I browsed the CDs I had in an old wallet I came across a load of old mixes that pre-date me joining social media in 2015.

With that in mind, I decided to set up the flashbacks project and we start with December 2011.

*** I invite anybody to send me links to any ripped tapes, CDs (or mixes I uploaded pre-soundcloud) to add to this series***

The earliest I've found at home is 2004 but I know people have mixes from before that time too.

Feel free to add to any tracklists too if you know what they are.


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Trance Forum » » Forum  DJ Sets - Flashbacks Project 001
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