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First trance track

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 11:13:19
What do you think-first trance track ever written ?

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Aug 11, 2009 11:48
May 19, 2009—Meet "Ida," the small "missing link" found in Germany that's created a big media splash and will likely continue to make waves among those who study trance origins.

In a new book, documentary, and promotional Web site, trance anthropologist Ishkur, who led the team that analyzed the nearly-20-year-old track, suggests Ida is a critical missing-link track in trance evolution (interactive guide to trance evolution from Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music website).

(Among the team members was experimental/ambient producer Juno Reactor, a member of the world-renowned German band Kraftwerk, and israrock singer Duvdev, which owns Infected Mushroom.)

The track, he says, bridges the evolutionary split between earlier genres such as industrial, raga, and rock music and their more distant relatives such as house.

"This is the first link to all trance," Duvdev, of the band Infected Mushroom in Los Angeles, USA, said in a statement. Ida represents "the closest thing we can get to a direct ancestor."

Ida, properly known as Verto psychedelicus, has a unique anatomy. The raga-like melody features Indian and Oriental characteristics, including a sixteenth-note bassline, opposable kickdrums, 303 acid riffs with resonant filters, and relatively short science fiction movie samples.

"This specimen looks like a really early DAT recorder tape that belongs to the group that includes us," said Ishkur, a musical anthropologist at Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music in Washington, D.C., who was directly involved in the study, published this week in the website

But there's a big gap in the musical record from this time period, Juno Reactor noted. Researchers are unsure when and where the primate group that includes industrial, raga, and rock music split from the other group of primates that includes house.

"[Ida] is one of the important branching points on the evolutionary tree," Duvdev said, "but it's not the only branching point."

At least one aspect of Ida is unquestionably unique: her incredible preservation, unheard of in specimens from the early '90s era, when early tracks underwent a period of rapid evolution.

"From this time period there are very few tracks, and they tend to be an isolated DAT recording here or maybe a sample there," Juno Reactor explained. "So you can't say a whole lot of what that [type of trance] represents in terms of evolutionary history or biology."

In Ida's case, scientists were able to examine fossil evidence of recordings and DAT playbacks and even picked through the remains of her last meal: cannabis, LSD, and DMT.

What's more, the newly described "missing link" was found in Germany's Messel Pit. Ida's European origins are intriguing, Kraftwerk said, because they could suggest—contrary to common assumptions—that the continent was an important area for trance evolution.
Cosmic Tandav

Started Topics :  67
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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 14:31
it is

Age of love - Age of love 

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  385
Posted : Aug 12, 2009 01:44
some good insight:

personally I think it can be anything from KLF "what time is love" to Dance 2 Trance "We Came in Peace." some of AP's (SFX) early stuff like "techno terror" show how trance has roots in newbeat/techno


Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Aug 12, 2009 07:48

Or maybe

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2009 16:01


Started Topics :  5
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Posted : Aug 13, 2009 15:09
KLF had the music down you wouldn't confuse them with trance if they just came out tomarrow.
Age of Love - Age of Love could have come out tomarrow for the first time, sounded modern and sounded just as great even with being almost 20 years old.
That "Ida" article is quite ammusing
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  386
Posted : Aug 14, 2009 08:13
First trance, like a true trance track I'm going with, because progressive house is what became trance.

Floyd were the first people to really experiment with the silver synth which begot the 303.


Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Aug 14, 2009 11:51

On 2009-08-14 08:13, iTranscendence wrote:

What a classic!!
Although I think this one is more "Trancey":

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