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First Trance track that hooked you?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 01:58
So hard to remember!
i can remember a CD though
Va - Sun Trip - Goes Fourth it was back in 1997.. not that long ago really...

And Also The Delta - As a child i could walk on the ceiling
and E-rection - Out here we are stoned (x-dream remix)
Some SpaceTribe and Koxbox
Sleestak Jones

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Posts :  3
Posted : Oct 1, 2009 05:01
Astral projection- Searching for UFOs... I did not even know what psy was at the time all I knew is I had to find more stuff that sounded like it.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - First Trance track that hooked you?
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