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First-timer Festival

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
Posts :  7826
Posted : Jan 12, 2010 17:59

On 2010-01-12 16:58, el presagio wrote:

On 2010-01-12 16:33, danieLs@n wrote:
I wouldn´t recommend Boom as a first festival

Really?? can i ask why you wouldnt recommend Boom as a 1º experience to someone, because i feel i even could ( but i will not :-P) invite my mother to come!

It´s not only a dancefloor it´s much more than that, so people have much more to choose and for a first timer i think diversity is a good thing! Don´t you?

i would still recomend boom to 1st festival goer, well it was my first, in 2002, and i never went to other festival besides boom - it is defenetly something worth going to.

nevertheless i feel the magik is somehow slowly fading, and speccially after had observed the "chansing people phenomenon on the dancefloor by the cops"..well it is a weird feeling.          ...
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