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Finding studio time

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2015 06:50:39
Just curious as to how often you all hit the studio and when ure in there, how long do you work? I find it extremly hard lately to find time and when I do have the time I find it hard to get motivated. Some days I open cubase just for the sake of it but find I dont end up being productive at all. Bazille has defiantly sparked my interest but still struggling.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2015 10:35
I work in the music industry but I hit the studio for private productions just a few houres in month :/ I usually got one day freetime in 2 weeks. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2015 13:42

I have a full program worked out for myself which keeps me educated and fit. One hour for each activity. Music production being one of them.

By limiting my time with it I find a state of mind where within that hour there can only be productivity. If you don't get anywhere - tomorrow is another day.

Also by having many different activities provides, in a way, indirect inspiration.

          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "

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Posted : Apr 20, 2015 21:28
The attic's my studio, but that doesn't guarantee much time. Sometimes, giving it a limited, fixed amount of time a day will do the job (if you don't oblige yourself to achieve anything, just work on it). Sometimes some home-alone time enables me to spend more hours on it. Third option: call in a producing friend
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2015 22:17
I study production on part time and the on the rest i produce. So now my whole life pretty much involve production or studying it.
Before when i studied other subjects full time i could only feel restful enough to produce on the weekends. Hard to feel motivated after a full day otherwise.
Id say continuety helps alot, once theres some consistancy, even if its not for so long duration, each time it makes it easier, after a while you just gtta sit down and you get into the flow.           .

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Posted : May 22, 2015 00:39
I've been hitting the studio less and less. right now, I don't feel inspired to make or play music.
I still hang out at forums to keep up to date.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 22, 2015 12:24
i was kind of stuck for years, not much energy for it but now enjoying a lot to be productive. finishing the studio helped but was not enough. probably biggest change because of a change of mindset; just enjoy making music. knowing very well that my tracks are not the greatest tunes in the world, but i dont care about that so much as long i enjoy making them. its feels sometimes as a magical proces. with all the amazing tools we all can be wizzards sometimes. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 22, 2015 13:22

I do enjoy the creation of music, but I really want to get somewhere with it. Being a musician is a passion you have to have but also I want it to mean something.

You get those guys that love composing but never release a track - kind of where I am the past years. But you get to a point where you feel you want to share at least some of the stuff you're working on.

Cause maybe to you it's not yet good enough but for others may give inspiration, or something.

Still I told myself that if I cannot create a loop that rocks the house in feeling and quality, i'am not going to look like a dumbass - uploading it to soundcloud etc. just because working so many years with music, I know what sounds good and what doesn't.

So my latest solution the past few months is forget about composing a track, just for the sake of it. Or you feel that you should. Just enjoy experimenting with new ideas and stuff you learn on the forums and the web.

I don't save my projects anymore. Everytime I start from scratch - synthesize a kick, bass, perc, lead... play around with it. Listen how EQ, compression, saturation, distortion, phasers change the sound, trying to reach new hights.. then I close my DAW, and next time start over again.

This takes out the seriousness of expectancy. Sure I am going to produce a track soon,, my SC profile is standing empty at the moment, but like i said.. don't join the world and be one of those producers releasing a bad sounding mix. I'd rather go about it for the next few years until I tell myself,, wow is this my track.

Learn, experiment, understand... and in the end when the time comes, remember that the key in life ... is following through.


          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "

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Posts :  657
Posted : May 22, 2015 15:10

On 2015-05-22 00:39, splikz wrote:
I've been hitting the studio less and less. right now, I don't feel inspired to make or play music.
I still hang out at forums to keep up to date.

Same here, it's been a year I ditched everything, now just hang around, sincerely I'm more into production, than music, barely listen to music, got sick of everything.

It should be fun as somebody said, hobby, people invest in their hobby and that stay hobby forever, but I guess it's kinda hard letting vanity out of it when you know you can do it, when everyone is on your case why aren't you doing it and you would really rather make money doing this, than something you go at it and you feel empty, why, because you started hating every bit of dark, ugly, depressing and shallow reality, it's no longer your magical time, it's business, lot's of vanity and ugliness, proper donkey following carrot, you aren't that kind of person deep inside, guess one needs manager for a reason.

Having said all that, if I ever start again I'm going to actually try to embrace the fun and just make the music without any BS on the side, just unleash all this nonsense I have in me and have massive fun doing it.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 22, 2015 15:31
well what about the weekend dude ? if we do to much in life we forget to play ! like to much work to survive in this economy kills our creativity ! treat yourself in the weekend for a good session for your self . and enjoy and succes and find the child in yourself NAMASTE
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 22, 2015 16:03
any way you look at it, everything related to the arts takes a lot of work - and that obviously includes taking the time to actually do it. one way or the other, you'll have to pull this out and that always involves sacrificing other things. it's a matter of choice, really - where such choice is available of course.

know that old saying? takes 20% inspiration and 80% work? I, for one, totally subscribe it! cheers
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
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Posted : May 22, 2015 19:29

So my latest solution the past few months is forget about composing a track, just for the sake of it. Or you feel that you should. Just enjoy experimenting with new ideas and stuff you learn on the forums and the web.

I don't save my projects anymore. Everytime I start from scratch - synthesize a kick, bass, perc, lead... play around with it. Listen how EQ, compression, saturation, distortion, phasers change the sound, trying to reach new hights.. then I close my DAW, and next time start over again.

This is good to learn synthesis and creating a good loop. But to learn how to make a full track you ll need to start making tracks sooner or later. Making a loop or 1 minute piece of music is a different thing than making a whole coherent track. You ll need to push yourself to get beyond the loop point 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  75
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Posted : May 22, 2015 20:53

Thisis good to learn synthesis and creating a good loop. But to learn how to make a full track you ll need to start making tracks sooner or later. Making a loop or 1 minute piece of music is a different thing than making a whole coherent track. You ll need to push yourself to get beyond the loop point

Yeah i totaly agree with this. It is sometimes challenging to get everything in a tune to sit right but in even the areas which are more abstract you become better at. For a while i had big problem with the main climax part, what kind of the whole tune was building up towards. To get the power, combined with the right build and everything else to it was difficult, but even such a particulare thing you learn and become better at, so is for sure worth indulging in it.

But i guess it all comes down to what you want to get out of it, just dont procrastinate           .

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Posted : May 23, 2015 00:18

On 2015-05-22 20:53, Grevinsky wrote:

But i guess it all comes down to what you want to get out of it, just dont procrastinate

Spot on
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : May 23, 2015 14:58
Have you guys checked out the newest (and I believe it's the first?) book from Ableton? It covers a lot of ground on such (creative) issues and is a very nice read. Got the ebook version, cheap as peanuts.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Finding studio time

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