Festival Fora do Tempo 2007, 20-25 july
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Posted : Apr 27, 2007 02:58
Festival Fora do Tempo
20-25 july 2007
Chapada das Mesas
Carolina – Maranhão
Ilha dos botes
Wherever there is peace, there is culture, wherever there’s culture, there’s peace! – Nicholas Roerich- creator of the international Pact of Roerich.
It is our goal to contribute to a movement of transformation of the human conscience, planting seeds of love and peace in the hearts of each individual. We praise for the recognition of nature as a sacred entity and extension of ourselves. We believe in art as a form of approaching divine perfection and as a tool for pacific construction. We view dancing as a ritual of self-transcendence and connection to our eternal spiritual essence. We know that if we cultivate love and respect for all beings, we can end with war and give birth to a culture of peace on the planet. We invite you to come give your contribution!
We are preparing a vast and valuable cultural and artistic agenda for all those who are willing to play, learn and to live new and unique experiences. The activities will happen every day and are open to all those who may be interested. We call out for all artists, clowns, musicians, activists, xamans, magicians and warriors of light to contribute so that together we may activate the energy of creativity and peace during the event. The space is free for the spontaneous expression of talents and exchange of knowlege.
There will only be 2000 tickets sold so that we may maintain the family atmosphere of the event and at the same time diminish our impact on nature.
1st lot – R$110,00
Up to April 15
Limito of 500 tickets
2nd lot- R$150,00
From April 16th untill June 1st
Limit of 500 tickets
3rd lot- R$ 190,00
From June 2nd to July 15th
4th lot- R$ 230,00
Limito of 500 tickets
The “Fora do Tempo Village”
This year the “Fora do Tempo Organization” is counting with a new and talented team of constructors and decorators. The “Fora do Tempo Village” is being very carefully built, taking into consideration the comfort of the participants as well as the minimization of the impacts on nature. Following is a list things you will find in the festival:
Dance Floor
Chill Out
Cure Tents
Cultural Tent
Food Court
Common kitchen
Sauna (Temaskal)
River with cristaline water
Camping área
Personal tents for rent
Movie Theater
Parking lot with secuty guards
Medical Center
Life guards
Security guards
Boat transport to the island
Cure Tent
The Cure Tent is a space dedicated to receiving people who are in need of psychological or energetic assistance, or who are just seeking to relax and purify their bodies and minds. It`s where activities such as massages, Reiki, Shiatsu, sound therapy and crystal therapy will take place.
Also with the purpose of cure and purification is the sauna, where the Temaskal rituals will take place. Originated from the Meso-American Indans, the Temaskal rituals bring about inumerous processes at the physical, mental and spiritual levels. It is a moment to face one`s fears, to release kept emotions, to connect to one`s essence and to experiment a state of deep meditation. The purpose is to allow the participants to perceive in heat the direct contact with nature`s profound powers.
Festival Schedule
6 days of Camping, Art, Culture and Spirituality
20/07/2007 - 12 Cauac 7 Xul
08:00 a.m. – Opening of the Camp
12:00 (noon) – Chill Out begins
4:00 p.m. – Dance Floor begins
25/07/2007 - 4 Kan 12 Xul – Day Out of Time
06:00 a.m. Dance Floor closes
26/07/2007 - 5 Chicchan 13 Xul
06:00 a.m. – Chill Out closes- Festival ends
Dance Floor
Baphomet Engine (kabrathor Recsords) GO
Cosmo Tech (Vagalume Records) DF
Crystall (Desert Records) DF
Ecliptic (Maia Records) México
Etic (Trancelucent Productions) Israel
Galaktik Wave (Mahogany Records) França
Groove Connection (Sounds To Sunrise) DF
Hamelin (Spintwist/Blue Tunes/S.O.E) México
HYT (Spectral Monn/Medusa Records) PA
Intense (SunVibe) MA
Ital (Enzyme Records) Chile
JP (Tip Wold) BA
LiftShift (Flow Records) Holanda
Mental Broadcast (Alchemy Records) RS
Temptation (Psy Moviment) DF
Vixen (Turbo Trance Records/WFC) SP
Warning Zone (Desert Records) DF
Yagé (Tupinambá Records) Argentina/Alemanha
DJ Sets
AHDI (Organizmo) MG
AseeL (ConnectionDj's/E.W.A Agency) GO
Ayahuaska PI
Azyz Vs Yuri (Cosmo Tech/Vagalume Records) DF
Bongsi (Starlight-Records) Portugal
Cairy (Buttermusic) DF
Cassiano Cruz (Mood/Psyzone) SC
Clarys (Flipout/Medusa Records) DF
Dani (E.W.A) MG
Diff (Equilibriohm) MA
Eric (Liftshift/ Holanda
Ekanta (Vagalume Records) GO
Etay aka Etic (Trancelucent Productions) Israel
Hamelin (Spintwist/Blue Tunes/S.O.E) México
Henry T (Spectral Moon/Medusa Records) PA
Husthon TO
Ital (Enzyme Records) Chile
JP (Tip Wold) BA
K.I.T.T.Y (Utopia Records) SP
Kali (Soul Vibes) ES
Lê Purinus (Fusiohm/Fora do Tempo) MA
Marcel (E-Sense) TO
Matera (Tropical Beats/Flow Records) RJ
Max (Sun Vibe) MA
Nazuk (Solar Flares) DF
Oliver (Galaktik Wave/Mahogany Records) França
Pateta (Muziverso) PE
Pedrão (Vagalume Records) GO
Pilar (Connectiondjs) DF
Piro (Desert Records) SP
PsyRed (Goadélic) PA
Raul Vs Juan (Ecliptic/Maia Records) México
Rex (Nano Records) Africa Do Sul
Roger (Combustion/KeyFrame) SP
Roma (Alchemy Records) RS
Simone Sun Vs Sabrina Flow (DayLight/Psyconautas) RS
Smurf (Groovearte) SP
Vinnix (Dutch Flowers Records) SP
Vivian (PsyBreja/Touch Sky) SP
Xamã (Vagalume Records) GO
Chill out
Lunar Sound (Maia Records) México
MicroBek DF
Pedra Branca (Chill-Art/WFC) SP
UnaZen ( ES/MA
Yagé (Tupinambá Records) Argentina/Alemanha
DJ Sets
Alph MA
Alquimix SP
Auê (N.A.T.U.R.A.L) DF
AseeL (ConnectionDj's/E.W.A Agency) GO
Azyz (Cosmo Tech/Vagalume Records) DF
Boni (Inminimax) DF
Bruno Sankara PA
Caio Proença (Lsdance) PA
Crystall (Desert Records) DF
Diff (Equilibriohm) MA
Dub Noise (Psyzone/Psyrras Trance) SC
Euzebio (Le Purinus/Fusiohm) MA
Helder (e-Dj's/CS.Project) ES
Husthon TO
Lara (Boom Shankar/Sedna Djs) SC
Lê Purinus (Fusiohm/Fora do Tempo) MA
Leo (Fusiohm) MA
Loverdose (Equilibriohm/Psygo) MA
Marcel (E-sense) TO
Max Grillo (Freak) MG
Mental Control (Psytropic Records) GO
Murilo Ganesh (E-musicbrasil) SP
Nomira (Ethereal Agency) MG
Peyote (eFe-X System) GO
Pilar (connectiondjs) DF
Prze (Tierra Progresiva) PA
Radiola Rasta (Psygo) CE
Roger (Combustion/KeyFrame) SP
Sallun (Chill-Art/WFC) SP
Smurf (groovearte) SP
Sonicz (Wfc Records/Soul Vibes) ES
Tinick (Insanity) PA
Toari DF
WP (Le Purinus/Fora do Tempo) MA
Xamã (Vagalume Records) GO
Yuri (Cosmo Tech/Vagalume Records) DF
The Line up is subject to change, and more attractions will be confirmed.
We will soon publish the names of the bands that will be playing in the Chill Out area.
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IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Apr 27, 2007 05:40
For sure one of the most thrilling events ever to take place over and out of this country. Big hand of applause for everyone who is making this happen. I will not be able to physically be there this year but truly hope to go in the years after, so good luck and all the best !!
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2007 22:32
Now this is a festival id def wld like to go, the place looks amazing, and i know it will have a special vibe going around, it doesnt look like a pop/dance festival and more like how a real psy festival shld be
![](/images/pixel.gif) ![](/images/bluepixel.gif) "Great things are only possible with outrageous requests." Thea Alexander |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Apr 28, 2007 07:43
Definitely a great place to be. NeutroN just said everything.
Good luck to all involved and please keep it happening.
![](/images/pixel.gif) ![](/images/bluepixel.gif) .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
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Posted : Apr 28, 2007 08:48
Im really looking forward to it.
![](/images/pixel.gif) ![](/images/bluepixel.gif) Lsdance Crew @ Belem do Pará, Brazil. |
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Posted : Apr 28, 2007 17:37
Just awesome!
Maranhao is an amazing location.
Wish the best to all you lucky bastards!
Working sucks sometimes...
Regards dudes!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 2, 2007 00:54
Earth Soundz
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Posted : May 4, 2007 05:06
Keep it UnderGround
all the luck to this festival and good luck to portuguese dj rock the place bongsi
Earth Soundz |
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Posted : May 11, 2007 16:33
great place! its going to be a beutiful festival!
hope i can be there!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 12, 2007 04:31
A shame we can not play there
Good luck wished to our friend liftshift and ofcourse all the other participants!
![](/images/pixel.gif) ![](/images/bluepixel.gif) SQL:
Coming up: Releases
Planned: make tracks |
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Posted : May 15, 2007 15:26
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Posted : May 17, 2007 18:12
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Posted : May 19, 2007 00:06
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 14, 2007 16:27
Festival Fora do Tempo
July 20-25th, 2007
Carolina – Maranhão (MA)
Festival Fora do Tempo (Festival Out of Time) is being recognized in Brazil and the world for maintaining the essence of the trance psychedelic movement.
“Wherever there is peace, there is culture, wherever there’s culture, there’s peace!” – Nicholas Roerich
It is our goal to contribute to the transformation of the human conscience, planting seeds of love and peace in the hearts and minds of each individual. We praise for the recognition of nature as a sacred entity and extension of ourselves. We believe in art as a form of approaching divine perfection and as a tool for pacific construction. We view dancing as a ritual of self-transcendence and connection to our eternal spiritual essence. We know that if we cultivate love and respect for all beings, we can end with war and give birth to a culture of peace on the planet. We invite you to come give your contribution!
All those coming to Festival Fora do Tempo from abroad will be able to buy their tickets at the entrance of the event at the first lot price of: R$110,00 (about U$ 55,00), with the presentation of the passport and international flight tickets.
The event will happen for six days and nights, from July 20-25th in a place of rare natural beauty, as may be seen on the following link:
To arrive in the city of Carolina by airplane, one must fly from any capital in Brazil to the city of Araguaína (TO) or Imperatriz (MA). From these two points, just 100 and 200 km kilometer away, respectively, there will be vans going back and forth to the festival at all flight times.
We are preparing a vast cultural and artistic agenda for all those who are willing to play, learn and to live new and unique experiences. The activities will happen every day and are open to all those who may be interested. Some of the activities in the program are:
Circus workshops
Active Meditation
Poetry Recitals
Film presentations
Mayan Culture activities
Brazilian Regional Folklore workshops and presentations
Deeksha blessings
Astrology lessons with Telescopes
Exchange Fair
Sweat Lodge
Drama Activities
Mandala Creations
“Xamanism” Lectures
Plastic art workshops
Healthy nutrition lecture and distribution
Ecological lectures
Sacred Dance Rituals
Baphomet Engine (Kabrathor Records) GO / BR
Cosmo Tech (Vagalume Records) DF / BR
Crystall (Desert Records) DF / BR
Ecliptic (Maia Records) MEX
E-jekt (Phonokol Records) ISR
Etic (Trancelucent Productions) ISR
Galaktik Wave (Mahogany Records) FR
Groove Connection (Sounds to Sunrise) DF / BR
Hamelin (Spintw ist/Blue Tunes/S.O.E.) MEX
HYT (Spectral Monn/Medusa Records) PA / BR
Intense (SunVibe) MA / BR
Ital (Enzyme Records) Chile
JP (Tip World) BA / BR
LiftShift (Flow Records) Holland
Mental Broadcast (Alchemy Records) RS / BR
Vixen (Turbo Trance Records/WFC) SP / BR
Warning Zone (Desert Records) DF / BR
Yagé (Tupinambá Records) Argentina / Germany
AHDI (Organizmo) MG / BR
Amanito (Dreamvibe) Chile
AseeL (Connection Dj’s/EW.A Agency) GO / BR
Ayahhuaska PI / BR
Azyz Vs Yuri (Cosmo Tech/Vagalume Records) DF / BR
Bongsi (Starlight Records) Portugal
Cairy (Buttermusic) DF / BR
Cassiano Cruz (Mood/Psyzone) SC / BR
Clarys (Flipout/Medusa Records) DF / BR
Dani (EW.A) MG / BR
Diff (Equilibriohm) MA / BR
Eric (Liftshift/ Holland
Ekanta (Vagalume Records) GO / BR
Etay aka Etic (Trancelucent Productions) Israel
Gad (E-jekt/Phonokol Records) Israel
Hamelin (Spintw ist/Blue Tunes/S.O.E) México
Henry T (Spectral Moon/Medusa Records) PA / BR
Husthon TO / BR
Imagination (Sank.Ars) SP/BR
Lunar Sound (Maia Records)MEX
MicroBek DF/BR
Nagababa (PsyGo) CE/BR
Panacéia (panacé SP/BR
Pedra Branca (Chill-Art/WFC) SP/BR
Unazen ( ES/MA/BR
Yagé (Tupinambá Records) Arg/Ger
Acid Jazz (Fora do Tempo) DF
Alph MA
Auê (N.A.T.U.R.A.L) DF
Aquiles (Pedra Branca/Chill-Art) SP
Aseel (Connection Dj`s/EW.A Agency) GO
Azyz (Cosmo Tech/Vagalume Records) DF
Boni (Inminimax)DF
Code (e-Dj`s/CS Project) ES
Bruno Sankara (Sonitus Noctum) PA
Crystall (Desert Records) DF
Diff (Equilibriohm) MA
Dub Noise (Psyzone/Psyrras Trance) SC
Eco (Element Trance) PB
Euzébio (Le Purinus/Fushiohm) MA
Ganjaum (5quinto) DF
Husthon TO
Hypnos (Alegra Tribal Trance) TO
Lara (Boom Shankar/Sena Djs) SC
Le Purinus (Fushiohm/Fora do Tempo) MA
Leo (Fusiohm) MA
Loverdose (Equilibriohm?Psygo) MA
Marcel (E-sense) TO
Mau (Electro Sound/Desert Records) DF
Max Grillo (Freak) MG
Mental Control (Psytropic Records) GO
Murilo Ganesh (E-musicbrasil) SP
Nomira (Ethereal Agency) MG
Peyote (eFe-X System) GO
Pilar (connectiondjs) DF
Radiola Rasta (Psygo) CE
Rex (Nano Records) South Africa
Roger (Combustion/Key Frame) SP
Sallun (Chill-Art/WFC) SP
Smurf (groovearte) SP
Terra Tantra DF
Thiago CAP (Psychoillusion/Desert Records) DF
Tinick (Insanity) PA
Toari DF
WP (Le Purinus/Fora do Tempo) MA
Vanguard (GOA Project/Dharma) MG
Vinox (Tribo in Transe) SP
Xamã (Vagalume Records) GO
Xis (Vagalume Records) RJ
Yuri (Cosmo Tech/Vagalume Records) DF
The Line up is subject to change, and more attractions will be confirmed.
For more pictures or information, check out our website or contact us at:
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Cassiano Cruz
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Posted : Jun 23, 2007 20:35
We hope great moments on this festival...