Feedback on this new track needed
Codex Astartes
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 4, 2017 20:16:47
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Posted : Sep 5, 2017 17:42
Hey there!
It seems to my your bass is louder than the kick, and I hear a very loud click on each bassnote start.
I think you should point to have more power coming from the kick and less from the bass
For the full track, the drum section is a bit shallow, not much going on.
You have a nice array of small random sounds and blips, but everything has a big reverb and delays, everything is in it's own little space, making your mix very spaced out. A little less on the mix know, of carefully selecting a few elements (across the timespan) with less delay effect would help the whole mix sit together.
For example, around 7:00, you have less sounds and most of them are a little lower, which helps the beat come to the front, and defines a very nice ambient.
Mix wise, I think you could lower all the synths a small bit, which in turn would help place the beat on top in the front
Not much is happening on the beat throughout the tune, 2 beats and little breaks or plays with this. The beat marks the tempo, and playing with the tempo (even if only to go back to exactly the same) is a ton of fun for the listener
Keep it up, and show us more!
  Super Banana Sauce |
Codex Astartes
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 5, 2017 20:16
Hello, thanks for your feedback!
Yeah, indeed, it's what i notice listening to the previews. In a first phase, i wanted to increase the bass level; now i don't know why it's louder! Though i could simply decrease its level.
About the click, maybe is it due to the enveloppe settings (i want to get a clicky bass sound...but maybe it is too much), maybe is it also due to the multiband distorsion, i've to check it again. How is it hard to mix a such low bass!
The kick, made with bazzism, is also a bit low (normal you gonna tell me, it's a kick ) but i'd like to give it more presence. Maybe i'll made a new one shot, maybe it will sound better when the bass will be softer.
I also wanted to follow a kind of "dub" way to make evolve some sounds and give them this ambient feeling. It's why some synths see their delay level increase, especially the resonant one. I've tried to carefully cut potenially unwanted/ masking frequencies on the reverb.
I 'll send you an updated version quickly! |
Codex Astartes
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 22, 2017 19:29
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Posted : Dec 21, 2017 21:24
On 2017-09-22 19:29, Codex Astartes wrote:
Bass and kick should be better balanced.
I totally agree, sounds like a K+B to me But you've only posted a 56 second example of the kick and the bass, not how they sound in the context of the track.
Just as it is, it sounds as there is something off between the "K B K BB" and the deep "KBBBKBBB" that comes after, and I would immediately reach for the bass VST's filter envelope amount knob or decay, or maybe EQ the highs out a bit after the VST --- but this is complete 100% totally nonsense and gibberish, if this beat sounds amazing while in the mix.
Yet again, the quest for The Beat is like trying to find your ultimate guitar tone.. just as you are not the same person today, neither will be your definition of "ultimate", and you'll be in the constant quest for fine-tweaking it until you give it up and move on. In the end, all that matters is how it sounds together
And even then, it depends if the listener is actually giving a crap! I've never stopped stomping on the floor and thought "yeah this guy really needed to lower the sidechain compressor threshold -3dB to make this work".
And in theory you're going to squish the mix together when mastering (maybe?), and then someone is feeding it to an amplifier which is boosting the signal up to a gazillion watts (with minimum distortion possible), so what actually counts towards the whole tune is the balance between all the elements in the mix.
I couldn't say it's too bassy, or that having a +3dB notch at 2kHz is either good or bad, without hearing and understanding the frequency dynamics of the entire mix together
  Super Banana Sauce |
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Posted : Dec 21, 2017 21:34
And now thinking some months have passed, I see you've finished it Ha!
Sounds very nice, good balance. Up until the KBBB all is great and sounding good.
But somehow the KBBB seems a bit overpowering.. or maybe I heard the elements separately and now I'm completely biased
Perhaps take a little of the really low end off the bassline in the BBB part - the kick is already powerful on this section and all those B's trying to push the air so fast gives it a little less time to respond.. Or make the bass notes shorter.. or maybe just the first B note right after the kick needs a little attack to let the kick come out.. or grab the filter params and re-tweak - I don't know Never happy about this
Nonetheless great job on this tune. Very clean, not many distorted or rhythmic leads, but the idea is to relax and re-tune, and not glitch up the brain. Ever considered adding some meditation vocals on the tune?
  Super Banana Sauce |
Codex Astartes
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 22, 2017 19:17
Hi Knocz!
Thanks for your answer & appreci, and also for following my track!
Yes, it is almost finished, notice that i have added some multibands distorsion (saturn) on the bass. I've noticed that the bass notes are a little bit too long, i've tried to decrease the realeases on the amp &filter enveloppes, but it is still a bit too long, their tail is on the beginning of each quarter note - in theory it must be squashed by the sidechain compressor? But i have to improved it anyway! Maybe have i to take a better look at the synth! What do you mean by "needs a little attack"? The low cut is set at 40 Hz. I've resampled one single note for the **BB & for the *BBB parts, because saturn does not produce a constant level. It sounds more powerful doing this imo.
Yes, indeed, it is more a meditative track, with ambient & creepy elements, a bit fast (for my relative standards - i'm more a deep progressive and psybient lover) but centered on inner space!
The actual is a bit different from the online actual one, i've added new weird percussions and i'am looking for a nice ethnic female vocal (not indian, too usual) - something special so i've to dig!
Thanks you again |