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Extensive booklets and DJ slip cards - do they still work for you?

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
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Posted : Nov 18, 2009 19:12
when i got the lycantrop cd there was this card including access codes for 2 free downloads was a real nice thing to do actually! The cd was lycans meeting if im not wrong.

Started Topics :  418
Posts :  3816
Posted : Nov 18, 2009 21:04
When I buy CD's it's all about the music, but DJ-inlays, extensive booklets etc. is a very nice bonus, which makes me appreciate the release even more. It gives me the impression of a professional label and - when done right - it results in a more complete release, which underlines the music and the artist.

Thanks for keeping a high quality in your releases Slater - not just in regards of music, but also when it comes to inlays etc.

I do not buy that many CD's anymore though to be honest. I copy them to straight to my harddrive anyways, so digital download has taken over most of my purchases. I have also bought so many CD's over the years, that most of the covers end up stored in boxes anyways, after I've put the CD itself in my DJ-case.          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 18, 2009 21:41
I really like the amount of time and effort Tribal Vision sinks into every full-length release.

I wish I could download all the high-resolution graphics when I purchase the lossless digital media version. Juno has this option... but I can't remember if I looked for all the Solid Snake artwork when I bought the album. Maybe this is already done?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 19, 2009 00:58
I look at the artwork once maybe twice and then it goes straight into the cupboard where it sits gathering dust. Cd is used of course. It is nice to see a well produced cd with everything thick phat and funky. But it wouldnt make me buy more cds. To keep people happy as TV customers it might make more sense to give them the feeling they are wanted by adding a 'member' part on the website where they can download new tracks/ remixes etc for free if they bought the cd. Or indeed get a discount on other cd's/ stuff.

Maybe you can add a poll to the topic for easier statistics on what people actually do with the booklets

Looking forward to the jaia remixes!
Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 19, 2009 05:22
lots of good ideas around here ... i think the dj slip is nice to put on the case and very useful but like someone said, keep it simple just the track names and bpm would suffice ... so you can keep the booklet with the artwork and the bio at home on the box ...
... i think it would be a very good idea with every cd purchase getting a code to download 1 or 2 tracks from the artist or the label that would be nice ... stickers caps and tshirts are not my cup of tea 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 19, 2009 06:35
You Recognize a buyer by the T-shirt he/she wears and the shoes and the beer and ciggarette they hold...its very simple...force and if that fails lure and even that fails call Che Guevara...see he is a legend firstly because he told everyone to Liberate..secondly after that he said "Give me protection money" and when that failed he got into T-shirts, bags, clothing etc...thats how CHE t-shirts started selling like hot pancakes with blueberry Che jr. is like to be announced as the next chief of the US Federal Reserve Bank...he will be working closely with Greenspan and roll it like a joint that smoke thang makes me wanna go BANG BANG--Dj Suicide Boombass or you can call me XolveXS           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
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Posted : Nov 19, 2009 09:06
i like it. makes more of personal or special feeling.
specialy if there are lyrics/pictures/cool art.
hate those 1-sided sleeve.. like someone had no power to put just abit more efford into it.

the most fun ever was to get cd with extra blank cd that look the same and extra dj sleeve so you can keep the original plus copy it and its all leggit
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Nov 19, 2009 09:12
The less art, booklets etc you include with the CD, the more people will decide to just buy digital.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 19, 2009 10:55
Thanks a lot guys for all the constructive feedback, there are many good ideas and suggestions.


On 2009-11-18 21:41, Basilisk wrote:
I wish I could download all the high-resolution graphics when I purchase the lossless digital media version. Juno has this option... but I can't remember if I looked for all the Solid Snake artwork when I bought the album. Maybe this is already done?

Fully agreed. It is such a shame that Beatport does not support this. Anyway, if there is anyone out there who bought some of our albums/compilations digitally (let's say at least a few tracks from it) and would like to get a full cover art, just send me an email to with the order receipt from Beatport or some other digital download shop and we will provide you with a link to full pdf print files.

          Out now:
*V.A. - Vanguard vol. 3 compiled by Duca & DJ Slater
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  512
Posted : Nov 19, 2009 14:33
The more you give me for what I paid for the happier i am.

it also shows me u r seriois about what u do.

your distributor is dumb (or has other interests).
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  193
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Posted : Nov 19, 2009 14:33
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