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Expert Sleepers ES-4

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Mar 18, 2014 19:11:55
What a fantastic module this is.
Dead easy to set up in Logic and use. Sample tight modulation/triggering, calibration to have VCOs track perfectly across the keyboard and comes jam packed with plug ins that sync to host tempo (with divisions/multiplications).

Its like getting *a lot* of modules for the eurorack, but only using like 8hp.

Only spent a couple of hours with it and love it already!

This is fucking great
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 18, 2014 19:45
that's some nice setup you have going! sounds like proper old stuff to!

may grab this soon, but need to change interface first 'cause mine doesn't have a surround spdif connection on it (god damn)...

did you get the intelinoise's oscillator? couldn't tell by the video (yeah, a bit blind from smoking but didn't spot it), and the make noise's filter, how are you liking it?

oh, and have a blast with the new stuff of course cheers

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 18, 2014 19:55
I have 0 VCOs on my eurorack right now. Waiting for China tour to get cash and start off with the Make Noise STO. Then I don't know which way I am going to go regarding getting the Atlantis, or getting a combination of modules that will do what the Atlantis does and then some.

The source of the clip is the Virus C. I used that as it is something most people have heard of any case the sound is mono from crappy iphone mic.

I love both the MMG and Multifilter.
The Multifilter I got as it has heaps of input gain that will allow me to plug my other synths, into the modular.
The MMG is punchy as f@ck. The Multifilter sounds very different and although the MMG has that rapsy metallic sound, the Multifilter is juicier than a phat girl's bottom.

I use the Focusrite Saffire (the old silver one). I had no idea if it supports 5.1 surround but Silent Way via SPDIF works just fine with it. The modules inside the Silent Way suite are going to be tons of fun. Envelopes, stepped LFOs, LFOs with mix knobs for waveforms and PWM to the square wave, to create new LFO shapes.

I heard about issues with Logic, but it took me 5 minutes to set up and it just worked.

I love my life right now, the MMG and Toppo VCF swipped all the "plasticness" of the Virus away. Right now it sounds as I always wanted it to, as for me the Virus filters where the biggest let down.

I just have to record it twice for dry stereo as I do with my other synths, or record it through the Moog MF-103 in bi-phase mode (with the LFO from the Moog MF-102 or CP-251 into the Sweep In input), or Moog MF-108 for out of phase wet effect, that spreads far wide.

Here's a manual sweep of the MMG, Virus C is again the source.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Mar 18, 2014 21:42
Look after that toppo fikter bud,, I miss it so much


May I suggest using a stackable to split the audio into the mmg and into the freq input, nice fikter wobble fmish           Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 18, 2014 23:34
Its in a loving home mate. Cheers  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Mar 18, 2014 23:57
Check out the uncalibrated gain comp variable resister on the back of the mmg,
Just a simple circuit on the back that stops the res getting to loud
But when you use the ac in you dont get the full squeal when this is on,
Try it, if not sure mark the origional position with a fine marker and turn it fully off

In the manual what one           Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Mar 19, 2014 00:01
Yep those 4 modules are a solid start buddy

Try sending a trigger to the strike input on the optomix for a vactrol env vca
Plucky as fuck

Can also be used as an accent on the vca if you set up an env to the control input and set it to 50%

          Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 19, 2014 00:13
Went through the manual quickly. Gonna keep it uncalibrated until I am used to the sound abd then see how I like it with the calibration.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Mar 19, 2014 00:29
Also when you get an osc, the toppo filter lowpass and band pass sine wave is the best fm for another sine wave on the make noise sto, rubbery as fuck

Its great get euroracked eh!,..?           Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 19, 2014 00:45
Only just a few modules in but I love it already. I missed my old 12U a lot. This one is gonna grow, fast and will be far more interesting  
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 19, 2014 14:26
I uploaded the same video twice by mistake on the original post, here's the LFO module with combined inverse saw and square waveforms. Another great feature of the Silent Way plug in suite, you can mix waveforms to create new LFO shapes.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Mar 23, 2014 15:56

On 2014-03-18 19:55, Nectarios wrote:

The source of the clip is the Virus C.
(..) the MMG and Toppo VCF swipped all the "plasticness" of the Virus away. Right now it sounds as I always wanted it to, as for me the Virus filters where the biggest let down.

I think their filters sound better then most software (dsp based) filters out there, to this day. but does depend on the expectations one has, you've got some very nice analogue circuit filters in there against which the Virus filters fall short by comparison. but coupled with their saturation and modulation that injects it at the very core of the sound design, it can be made to sound very well, even the analogue filters - and to some degree, even with more options it's still what I end up choosing for some uses. of course for those goa style kind of leads you're doing in the videos, real analogue blows it out of the water and manages to give me chills even with the crappy iphone mic you used.

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  71
Posted : Apr 17, 2014 22:52
Spent the last 6 hours working out how to set up ES-4 with ableton,
getting the Pitch and envelopes working correctly was starting to be frustrating.

But now I'm damn happy, can use the Push step sequencer to control my modular, Now I can sell my Octatrack!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Apr 18, 2014 23:23
Expert sleepers awaken,,,,,,,

Cant beleive I nearly sold mine,
Just as well no one wanted to buy it,
Or maybe fate played a hand

Keepp wiggling you eurorack isratrancers           Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  71
Posted : Apr 19, 2014 11:37

Is a really good module, but takes a while to set up.

Have only tried it with the SW voice controller in es-4 mode.
Still have to work out how to get the other ES -4 plug-in going so I can route LFOs and such into the 5 outputs.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Expert Sleepers ES-4

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