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Excitement of New

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Jul 14, 2010 07:59:59
how long does the excitement of the new album/ track/ last for you on a scale of 1-10
1-being less than 3 days'
10 being more than month

and how often do you crave the new track album etc..same scale..

do end up feel that this craving for new track album stuff etc is artificial or is it natural

does it stop you from enjoying the tracks albums and stuff you already have ?

would you repeatedly buy the same album track over and over again made by different artist with variations-
like Mozart and Beethovens are made by different orchestras yet its the same notes played with different instruments...would this type of business model be effective-rather than have artists create new new products have them create perfect compositions.

just curious
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Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 14, 2010 08:37
10 for both.

It's natural to want to hear more of something you like and I"d probably buy it if the artist produced that quickly.

No, I enjoy everything I have so far and if I don't it's coz I just have no use for it. See the second hand forum.

I have bought many drum and bass mix cd's that have similar tracks because I always find it's interesting to hear how each dj mixes it up. I rarely buy psytrance remixes as usually they are shite. As for other music, I find covers rarely work as well as an original, sometimes they work as a laff such as a metal band taking the piss out of a pop band           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posts :  157
Posted : Jul 21, 2010 23:02
There so many many new music coming out every corner that I sometimes find myself totally forgetting about an album or track maybe after listen to it once, maybe the reasons being not in the right mood or setting whatever then later at a friends place I happen to hear it and booom! or somehow realize its that kind of music that needs to grow on you before you get it but then it plays on repeat for months coming... so then i wonder how much amazing stuff I must have just walked away from all these years
So many music so little time?
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Excitement of New
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