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everything would be much easier if...


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Posted : Jun 25, 2010 16:17

On 2010-06-22 21:11, Beat Agency wrote:
The old story about artist getting gigs if only the do A+B+C is utopia. First it was sooooo easy if they only would add something to the CD releases. Result UTOPIA. Then if only they would release it for free. Result UTOPIA. I do not know how many times this has been debated and people come up with the usual IF ONLY YOU DO...... Reality is that very few artists will get bookings (especially bookings they can live off) simply because the organizers want to attract as many visitors as possible and by that most of the time bring the top names party after party, festival after festival, year after year. Artists who these days has such a huge fee that it drain the overall budget preventing the less known artists, but equal as talented, from getting any gigs unless they play for free. It's a vicious circle and I do not see it change any time. Let's face it. It's all about who's "popular" and not so much about diversity and quality any longer. Yes some big names make nice music but the fact is also that way too many, especially the festivals, bring the same names year after year which in my opinion kill diversity and prevent new names to get their chance.
MY 2 cent rant

Couldn't agree more on this one. So true.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 25, 2010 16:34
So true for who? for beat agency ?>
everyone has a "truth" and it doesn't mean anything, i would like to know if beat agency is wet enough with labels like osom, noise posion, tantrum, temple twisters, licantrop, 2 to 6, dark prisma etc.. and all the ones that are part of the present psychedelic scene, that are making extra big efforts to keep this little psyworld spining. i was in his space and honestly i didn't see any connection.
and also is not about festival super massive gigs and being famous, is just about realizing yourself as an artist., playing in small to big whatever but to play and release your music simply as that.
and if a song in a VA will get the attention of an organizer that probably will book you for that well i think is worth enough to try.
so if u are constant u can have many releases and someday u will get to play. there is a lot of artists that have no album and they are playing all around the world just because of releasing in compilations, and there are also artists with albums that never played out of their countries or even in their is not a rule that the " IF ONLY WE DO" will fail, northing is a rule and less in the music world where is all about tastes.

and also i think that there is no problem to talk about this and try to find an alternative even when there is people like beat agency (no offense) that thinks in this negative and pessimist way.

we create our own reality and if we want to do things we can.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 21:01

On 2010-06-22 20:26:33, Serag wrote:
In this times where is so difficult to release music cause labels are loosing money all the time and therefore artists dont get payed, i have thought in a way to solve it so everybody will have what everybody needs without putting is jeopardy any of the parts, the artists and the labels.

in order to make a compilation,
instead of waiting for the label to buy the tracks, the artist would cooperate with 150 euros to make it happen.
the label manager would coordinate all and materialize it.
10 artists is 1500 euros that u can use in many intelligent ways like paying art printing and some advertisement.
artists would have promotion which eventually would bring them the gigs which thats why artists make music so they can play outside their countries right?
and also after sales they would recover their 150 euros plus an extra percentage of the sales of coarse.

what do u think about this plan?

I'm thinking that if the music is good enough, it would get released on a label like Ektoplazm. No need to put your own money in, big exposure and an option to but the CD.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 25, 2010 21:04
Ektoplazm.......Rocks!!!!! Free music           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 25, 2010 23:01

On 2010-06-25 16:34, Serag wrote:
So true for who? for beat agency ?>
everyone has a "truth" and it doesn't mean anything, i would like to know if beat agency is wet enough with labels like osom, noise posion, tantrum, temple twisters, licantrop, 2 to 6, dark prisma etc.. and all the ones that are part of the present psychedelic scene, that are making extra big efforts to keep this little psyworld spining. i was in his space and honestly i didn't see any connection.
and also is not about festival super massive gigs and being famous, is just about realizing yourself as an artist., playing in small to big whatever but to play and release your music simply as that.
and if a song in a VA will get the attention of an organizer that probably will book you for that well i think is worth enough to try.
so if u are constant u can have many releases and someday u will get to play. there is a lot of artists that have no album and they are playing all around the world just because of releasing in compilations, and there are also artists with albums that never played out of their countries or even in their is not a rule that the " IF ONLY WE DO" will fail, northing is a rule and less in the music world where is all about tastes.

and also i think that there is no problem to talk about this and try to find an alternative even when there is people like beat agency (no offense) that thinks in this negative and pessimist way.

we create our own reality and if we want to do things we can.

"Wet enough"????

Anyway you seem to have missed my point. And the thing about that I am not "connected". Honestly I am probably more connected than you'll ever be

Anyways. move on with the debate.... 
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 23:24
well i dont know, i just see that u dont have even a pseudo psychedelic trance artist in any of your pages and spaces. so i base my thoughts in what i see
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1752
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 23:32

On 2010-06-25 23:24, Serag wrote:
well i dont know, i just see that u dont have even a pseudo psychedelic trance artist in any of your pages and spaces. so i base my thoughts in what i see

That's your definition of psychedelic. Not mine!!! 
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jun 26, 2010 06:07

On 2010-06-25 23:24, Serag wrote:
well i dont know, i just see that u dont have even a pseudo psychedelic trance artist in any of your pages and spaces. so i base my thoughts in what i see

The person you are quoting is Elysium, one half of Sheyba. He's the man behind tunes like Trance Africa Express. Just giving you the heads up on who it is you are speaking to, Serag...even if "Beat Agency" don't sound even remotely, "pseudo psychedelic".
After all, "appearances can be misleading"

Peace out.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Jun 26, 2010 08:35
Look, please dont feel ego hurted
forgive me if i dont know him.
really in the last 10 years i have been trancing the only music i hear is the underground psy, music from labels like:

dark prisma
noise posion
2 to 6
echo vortex
temple twisters
quantum frog
and many more....

noo full-on, no techi, no bubble psy, no 145 bpms, no cheese, no fashion, no poses, no festivals, no money, no nothing like that, for me this is not psychedelic trance, for me this is pop, so if you will come to say any numbers and statistics let them be known based on this side of trance music.

even in the lame votations of isra "best of the year" u can see who is representing.

so is clear.

thank you.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 09:17
no 145 bpms? so all music made at that tempo is horrible, or cheesy, or what?

dude, that's a pretty close minded view in my opinion. It's one thing to say "hey I like these labels/artists" but its another thing entirely to say I like these labels and everything else is garbage/plastic pop because I don't like it, and everything produced at X tempo is encompassed by my generalization, even if I haven't heard it.

or is it not 'underground' enough?? I don't understand what your post is attempting to accomplish other than stroking a judgmental 'my music is more psychadelic than your music' mentality. festivals? wuuuuuuutt?
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 10:06
Psychedelic is a state of mind, not a type of sound and in such the music made by any person can be psychedelic for them but not so for others so stop throwing the word around wrongly.

I for one think Zenon Records is a billion times more true to traditional psychedelic music than any dark psy label.

On Elysium, well I find that while his online attitude can leave a sour taste in your mouth he is at least honest and knows WTF is down with psy music more than most here.

His early works under Elysium & Sheyba I rate more than many of the bigger names from that era, and Beat Agency I have gathered has a lot to do with his original music background which i have read him post about elsewhere.

I think commercial music can be great, not much grabs me but I think it is also a failing of this scene not to support commercial aspects and it is why we see a lot of top acts move off. Why would you stay doing something not profitable? Why work in a scene that pays little and judges you so harshly?

I love DnB since like '95 because it is a scene that is happy to support artists under and over ground... Chase & Status for example did some of the hardest darkstep DnB I know of, and now they are doing great dubstep and remixed some Bollywood & Dizee Rascal, as well as working on some highly commercial U.S hiphop/RnB and still are supported by their DnB scene & respected for achieving so much.

I was wrong for paying out a Lady Gaga remix of Disco Hooligans, as I have gone back to listen to said remix and it is well done & they deserve credit for it.

I find the whole "underground" attitude of this scene laughable now. I think some of the commercial full on is actual pretty cool in the right setting & mood, as is the housier n; electro side of prog... it's a bit shallow to write off things for not being in your own definition of "underground".

Rant out.

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 11:09

On 2010-06-26 08:35, Serag wrote:
noo full-on, no techi, no bubble psy, no 145 bpms, no cheese, no fashion, no poses, no festivals, no money, no nothing like that, for me this is not psychedelic trance, for me this is pop, so if you will come to say any numbers and statistics let them be known based on this side of trance music.

wow! you seam to be an open minded person           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 11:13
at least selective and for sure with way more taste.

i think i have been invaded by strange people in this topic... with principles

but anyway i wish that some of the freaks that support the real psychedelic music would post something...

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 12:47
Yeah, I am also not into cheese melody crap pop style, it bores me to hell and does not convey any emotion at all for me.

I agree that there seems to be a certain circle of "big acts" that get re-booked again and again, even though their new music often sucks. I also think that cd sales per se are soon a thing of the past.

There are ways to sell cd's and downloads independently, such as cd baby and others, but to get the same exposure you get through a label is often difficult.

The other thing that unfortunately is prevalent in the Psy scene is that as soon as any track is available on places like Psyshop, it also immediately becomes a bit torrent (automatically it seems ) which results in the fact that the label hardly sells anything, which again results in the fact that a label is probably not very willing to take on the risk of promoting a new artist, when even well known artists don't sell a lot of their music.
This happens not only in Psy.

I mean what are 150 downloads or even 500 downloads compared to the masses of people that come to the big outdoor events, such as the VuuV or Sonica or Boom??? All these people listen to and have sound at least in one form or another and if everyone that can would pay for their music there would not be any problem I think.

Another thing is that it seems to be more difficult to impress a label with your sound, simply because there are so many artists out there, and good ones at that. Connections are always of great help when approaching a label it seems.

To release a cd and downloads as an artist comp I would choose CD Baby, you pay maybe $50 and then $4 for every cd sold, downloads get added and they send you a cheque every month, depending on how much you sell. Add the cost for mastering and you will find that no one needs to pay $ 150 to make a comp, it can be done cheaper !

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 13:20

On 2010-06-26 06:07, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2010-06-25 23:24, Serag wrote:
well i dont know, i just see that u dont have even a pseudo psychedelic trance artist in any of your pages and spaces. so i base my thoughts in what i see

The person you are quoting is Elysium, one half of Sheyba. He's the man behind tunes like Trance Africa Express. Just giving you the heads up on who it is you are speaking to, Serag...even if "Beat Agency" don't sound even remotely, "pseudo psychedelic".
After all, "appearances can be misleading"

Peace out.

wtf did I understood it right? Beat Agency was a part of Sheyba? I'm speechless.My high respectsł

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - everything would be much easier if...
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