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Essential Nighttime Music For the Next 2 Years

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 01:58:11
Hello all,

I have a question for you all. Say you were movie to Uganda for 27 months.. and all you could bring for music was an 8 GB iPod, so you can only pack the essential nighttime music package. And you really only prefer night music (unless it's OUT OF THIS WORLD AMAZING twilight/morning). Of course, you're going to pack Kindzadza, Cosmo, Derango, Psykovsky. But you haven't been paying attention to the new album scene for at least 6 months, so you really need the forum's help!


Help! Please list some essential (newer/some older) nighttime tunes for me to listen to on my 2 year humanitarian journey into the African Bush!!

P.S. And if anyone knows a good place to party nearby (within 2000 miles) let me know.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 02:41
I can't label all of this stuff as "nighttime music"(it's obviously an individual thing) but I would prefer:

-VA Forest Frequencies
-VA Freaks United
-VA Jupiter Toadstool
-Atriohm and Encephalopaticys - Ukalen
-Battle of the Future Buddhas and Ka-Sol - Masters of Outhouse
-VA Yggdrasounds 1 & 2
-Last two albums from Furious
-Polyphonia - Future world
-Tryambaka - The colour of time Bhooteshwara records
-All Sanaton compilations
-Many Timecode releases
-VA Jitter Glow
-Alien Mental - Mind Hack
-Fragletrollet - Playground of Spirit
-Deja Vu Fabrique - Fabrique
-Some Electrypnose albums
-Enichkin - In Memory of Love
-Parasense albums
-Horror Place - Time Travel
-Dissociactive 2 albums
-KDD, Psykovsky, Osom Music stuff for sure
-Ghreg on Earth 2 albums
-All 7 Schlabbaduerst compilations
-Some old scandinavian Kavator/Boom records/ Stone age alike stuff
-Frantic Noise - The Nordland Orchestra
-Silent Horror - Nemesis + Patterns ep
-Megalopsy album
-Cydonia - In fear of a red planet
-Some Mind Funk/Bom Shanka/Doof/Free Radical quirky twisted music (I'm hooked with this labels lately)
-The Nommos - Digitaria
-Derango - Tumult
-VA Peace for the wicked
-VA Temple of chaos
-Some Goanmantra/Discovalley compilations
-Also Vertigo stuff
-Ajja/Yub-Yum albums
-Deja vu records compilations
-CPC - Subliminal Messages
-Sulima/Manifold albums
-VA Remedy
-Some Kashyyyk, Insector, Glosolalia, Will'O Wisp, Highcosmos, Terranoise, Kerosene Club tracks..
And... I would bring my homemade compilations aswell
          Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 05:23
Thank you! More please.. this was great.
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 07:57
most of what was said is good.

I'd also tip getting the last 2 or 3 Goa Gil mix cd's... they get paid out a lot but I find them to be pretty amazing and my most played dark psy on my iPhone.

I think you should add some other music as well, I lived in Japan for 9 months in '06 and only took 20 gigs of one style of music and after 3 months I was bored shiteless           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 16:24
VA - In Plants We Trust (great mischievous forest trance)

Free stuff from Ektoplazm:
"Under the Moss" and "Swampology" by Dohm (for more classical / forest darkpsy)
VA - Tandava Dance (for more hardcore / machine-gun darkpsy).

It's very much off-topic, but I think the most important thing to "take" to Uganda is a TB vaccination. Since you are a young American, you have not gotten a BCG shot as a baby. I am sure whoever is sending you there will make sure you get all the shots, but thought I'd mention it just in case...

Best of luck with your mission.
Mad Piper

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  62
Posted : Jul 19, 2010 18:06

P.S. And if anyone knows a good place to party nearby (within 2000 miles) let me know.

Cape Town is 2,528 miles / 4,068 km away... Try make a mission during your 27 month stay. Psytrance season starts in September until about April / May.

Cya there!           Facebook:


kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 18:17
I´d strongly recomend you some James Holden Sets they´re ussually 3 - 5 hrs long and are very interesting for a journey like yours, happens to be a sure thing to my crazy fellas that love that twisted fast blast beats of night music, and believe me James Holden has nothing to do with dark killargh music.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 18:23
Don't forget to take with you:
The Delta - Scizoeffective           Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  665
Posted : Jul 19, 2010 18:43

On 2010-07-19 02:41, Balcannibal wrote:
I can't label all of this stuff as "nighttime music"(it's obviously an individual thing) but I would prefer:

-VA Forest Frequencies
-VA Freaks United
-VA Jupiter Toadstool
-Atriohm and Encephalopaticys - Ukalen
-Battle of the Future Buddhas and Ka-Sol - Masters of Outhouse
-VA Yggdrasounds 1 & 2
-Last two albums from Furious
-Polyphonia - Future world
-Tryambaka - The colour of time Bhooteshwara records
-All Sanaton compilations
-Many Timecode releases
-VA Jitter Glow
-Alien Mental - Mind Hack
-Fragletrollet - Playground of Spirit
-Deja Vu Fabrique - Fabrique
-Some Electrypnose albums
-Enichkin - In Memory of Love
-Parasense albums
-Horror Place - Time Travel
-Dissociactive 2 albums
-KDD, Psykovsky, Osom Music stuff for sure
-Ghreg on Earth 2 albums
-All 7 Schlabbaduerst compilations
-Some old scandinavian Kavator/Boom records/ Stone age alike stuff
-Frantic Noise - The Nordland Orchestra
-Silent Horror - Nemesis + Patterns ep
-Megalopsy album
-Cydonia - In fear of a red planet
-Some Mind Funk/Bom Shanka/Doof/Free Radical quirky twisted music (I'm hooked with this labels lately)
-The Nommos - Digitaria
-Derango - Tumult
-VA Peace for the wicked
-VA Temple of chaos
-Some Goanmantra/Discovalley compilations
-Also Vertigo stuff
-Ajja/Yub-Yum albums
-Deja vu records compilations
-CPC - Subliminal Messages
-Sulima/Manifold albums
-VA Remedy
-Some Kashyyyk, Insector, Glosolalia, Will'O Wisp, Highcosmos, Terranoise, Kerosene Club tracks..
And... I would bring my homemade compilations aswell

but i wouldn't go anywhere without:

GOW and meteloids_Tits on fire

and also don't forget (at least):
VA_13 dimension connection
VA_psystories 1 2 3
kraft_the mysteries of the sacred universe
VA_don't take it personal
Va_generetor operetor destroyer
VA_Nritia shastra
Va lysergic lesson vol 1
Zik collection vol 1 2 3
Lycantrop rec stuff for sure

I think is better if u buy a 20Gb ipod ehehehe!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 22:43
mate if you're going to stick to the same style for 2 years your either a retard or not thinkin straight. since your going on a humanitarian mission you probably not a retard. So think straight- 2 years! you should be as diverse a possible- take different new sounds (for you)- let yourself wonder in the world of music. develop your self and your taste! also you should be sure to check some local african music!
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 13:59

On 2010-07-19 22:43, Bom*shankar wrote:
mate if you're going to stick to the same style for 2 years your either a retard or not thinkin straight. since your going on a humanitarian mission you probably not a retard. So think straight- 2 years! you should be as diverse a possible- take different new sounds (for you)- let yourself wonder in the world of music. develop your self and your taste! also you should be sure to check some local african music!


And some chillout also , in 2 years your preferences will probably change a bit
A nice chillout on those sunset must be something to remember
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 14:05
its not pluto , its africa .. , problem solved ? ...u will be carrying a laptop , wont u ?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 08:06

On 2010-07-19 22:43, Bom*shankar wrote:
mate if you're going to stick to the same style for 2 years your either a retard or not thinkin straight. since your going on a humanitarian mission you probably not a retard. So think straight- 2 years! you should be as diverse a possible- take different new sounds (for you)- let yourself wonder in the world of music. develop your self and your taste! also you should be sure to check some local African music!

It was a hypothetical question to get answers about nighttime music, because I have my other genres that I like sorted out already. I didn't say that was the only thing that I'm going to put on my iPod.. no need for harsh words.. I also have chillout/ambient/techtrance/trance/dnb/dubstep/full-on as well as other music on my computer/CDs.. so I can change what is going to be on my iPod. just not very often, because I don't know if I'll have electricity. But if you have any recommendations instead.. that would be cool.

I've already gotten some African music so that when I travel around the country I can have African music playing, as well as being able to get more music from the locals while I'm there. Plus, I will be in Africa, so there will be music everywhere! I'm sure I will get my fair share of other types, which I'm incredibly excited for! Nighttime is my favorite, and I want to buy as much as I can now before I leave, because I won't be getting paid enough while I'm there. I'm a volunteer.


On 2010-07-19 16:24, Maine Coon wrote:

It's very much off-topic, but I think the most important thing to "take" to Uganda is a TB vaccination. Since you are a young American, you have not gotten a BCG shot as a baby. I am sure whoever is sending you there will make sure you get all the shots, but thought I'd mention it just in case...

Best of luck with your mission.

I'm joining the Peace Corps, which is an American government sponsored volunteer program, where you live in a village for two years and work with the community doing health, economic and AIDS programs. Don't worry, they will give ALL of the necessary and 100 more shots before we go! Thanks for your concern though!! I'll be good and taking malaria prevention medication the whole time as well!

Thanks for the responses, they have been very helpful! Thank you Thank you! More please if possible.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 15:25
props for joining the peace corps!  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 18:49
          Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Essential Nighttime Music For the Next 2 Years

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