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EQ Simplified

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  204
Posted : Nov 12, 2014 10:41:10

For those still finding EQ confusing.

Panning: Left & Right
Volume/Reverb: Front & Back
EQ: Up & Down

As seen in the image above, the frequency areas correspond to locations in the speakers. It is important to align your speakers correctly with your listening position, to get the full benefit out of this.

Try some exercises by closing your eyes and high-passing a mid frequency lead. As you’re cutting out the lows & mids, you will hear the sound move up your face. Position the sound across your mouth, then cheeks, then eyes and then forehead. Highpass takes the sound up, lowpass takes the sound down. Low-high passing aint the only way.. Just by decreasing low-mids, will change the position of the sound.

By doing this a few times - will help you identify locations within the speakers, where frequencies resides. When you are familiar with different heights, everything will start to make more sense and you will suddenly find all this space, for everything to fit in.

Lows - below the chin, Mids - in the face and Highs - above eyebrows.

After you can see it, it will be easy to hear that the mid instruments has low end rumble, because its below the chin.

Stay in the listening position while producing and soon, eq will become second nature.


          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  134
Posts :  1516
Posted : Nov 12, 2014 13:34
Like           Tudo que é melhor e mais superior em mim saúda tudo que é melhor e mais alto em si
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - EQ Simplified
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