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Energy 101

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 3, 2009 09:57:07
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My response: To start off I want to clarify that I am fully able to realize the difference between the goodness of other people and their intentions vs. my disagreement with their philosophical beliefs. My love, care, concern and hope for people doesn't change if I disagree with their beliefs. It is because I care so deeply and believe our conversations are so very important that I take the risk of coming across as an insane asshole when I post. I'm luckily very ok with wearing the "crazy guy" label. I am not attacking anyone's personhood. I do think it is vitally important for everyone's future to adopt views that are provable, demonstrable and that are in-line with the nature of our physical world.

I completely agree that you reap what you sow. You attract what you are. However, I prefer to rely on the decades of and countless volumes of psychiatric, psychological and sociological scholarly work to explain human behavior instead of some magical mystical unproven belief system that perverts actual physics to support their conclusions of human interactions. Feeling is not separate from thought. The "mind" is not separate from the physical brain. Every feeling, thought or action has it's corresponding neuro-chemical counterpart in the physical brain. Emotion and thought are the exact same thing. They are both electrical-chemical processes occurring in your brain.

I can agree with most of the physics in this Energy 101 article. Energy and matter are the same thing. String theory does suggest that everything is made up of vibrating strings. The human body does give off an electromagnetic field but it is not HIGHLY charged nor is it POWERFULLY magnetic. To suggest so is a bit grandiose. Our electromagnetic fields do not extend far beyond our skin and we are not able to magnetically attract any object greater than a particle of dust if at that. There is no proof that a neuron activated by thought/feeling in one persons brain vibrates any differently from a neuron in another persons brain. The majority of our electromagnetic field is produced by the billions of other cells in our body and not just by the minority number of cells in our brains. I think the author is speaking of physics in order to support a theory which physics does not clearly support. Meta-physics is just an attempt to give common old cognitively incorrect religious/spiritual beliefs a credibility which it does not deserve.

There are clearly typical old religious/spiritual themes present in this article. The author states that we are "vibrating at a low rate", "sticks to us like slime" and "we need to consciously learn to override". These concepts are completely relatable to the concepts of "original sin" found in a lot of religions; the idea that we are born flawed, that there is something inherently flawed about us and the universe, that we must do something the author suggests in order to escape our horrible predicament, ...or else we will end up in a worse off position or a lower rebirth if we don't do it. The author talks about "sacred ability" and "feel it into being". That is nothing more than religious prayer. If someone wants to have faith then that's fine but call it what it is. It's faith, not reason, logic and science. Don't co-opt a scientific field to give validity to your faith based belief system.

This Energy 101 article is a prime example of the completely irresponsible philosophical beliefs that are coming from the various psychedelic communities. Why use science to give credibility to magical mystical belief systems? Either have your faith or evolve and start thinking scientifically. There is no compatible blending of the two. I don't understand why people attempt to combine them. It bothers me that people in the psychedelic community pass meta-physics onto others as if it is true and correct. People also accept it without any critical thinking either. There is such grandiosity to their thinking as well. How did these beliefs get started? What common factors in the psychedelic communities would lead people to come to these conclusions? Hhhmmm...could it be our common experiences? Are people assigning to much meaning to their experiences and thus treating these ideas as true and novel? Are they not thinking critically about their experiences? Do they not take into account the effects on ego and grandiosity when validating their experiences? Is it the millenniums upon millenniums worth of spiritual belief ingrained into our society that doesn't allow them to completely abandon spirituality and instead acknowledge science as a more correct view of our natural world?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 3, 2009 13:58
Your categorizing the term religion, with spirituality, science doesn't have an explanation for consciousness, they have theories, and spirituality to some means the understanding of that energy we call character/soul/spirit. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2009 07:57
science and spirituality are compatible, hence Albert Einstein           Abrahm
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 5, 2009 08:27
Yes, I am categorizing the term religion with spirituality. I do not make a distinction between the two. Spirituality is just the kinder gentler term used by people today in order to avoid the automatic defenses that comes with "religion". People use "spirituality" today to get people to accept their views since everyone has become wise to "religion".

What difference is there really between the two? Both are magical mystical belief systems that are not supported by any evidence and are just a rehashing of the same old mental tricks used by religion. Is prayer and manifesting really anything different?

Science DOES have an explanation for consciousness. They are called eyeballs and ears and taste buds and nostrils and nerve endings. What proof is there that consciousness is occurring in some ethereal place outside of the neuro-chemical processes in our head? Psytrancers surely know that tweaking ones brain chemistry changes ones consciousness. What is there to suggest consciousness is occurring somewhere other than inside your own head?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  283
Posted : Dec 5, 2009 12:07
They found that computers set on random binary switches, got interrupted and the pattern altered when major shifts in consciousness happened, such as when princess Diana died, it caused a change in the pattern.
Religion is to group peoples, an to follow some form of ritualistic behavior. 
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  11
Posts :  155
Posted : Dec 6, 2009 08:29
There's been criticism about the random number generator studies. Could be coincidental, could be the authors of that study only looked at data in a very short time frame of their own choosing, no new studies or explanations have been presented recently.

People aren't grouping together around spirituality? How about the people who died in the sweat lodge in Arizona, USA?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 00:41
I can understand too some degree!
I tend to live my life with a mix of both, never really know what to trust for fact, i am pretty content that way... as i see it no one can prove anything with imagination, its just lovely to have it and lovely to hear of others vivid imagination.

taking things for truth can be dangerous and harmful! Even "good" beliefs can in one situation turn into a bad one...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - Energy 101
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