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electronic music is dumbing down music as a whole

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 19:01
if it weren't for dumb people we would all be smart and intelligent--yours truly
XXS           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 11, 2009 20:30

On 2009-09-11 19:01, Xolvexs wrote:
if it weren't for dumb people we would all be smart and intelligent--yours truly

What do you mean by we?
Exclude yourself.

Master Margherita

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Posted : Sep 14, 2009 22:26

On 2009-09-11 20:30, John Doe® wrote:

On 2009-09-11 19:01, Xolvexs wrote:
if it weren't for dumb people we would all be smart and intelligent--yours truly

What do you mean by we?
Exclude yourself.


the albert heinstein of dicks

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Sep 14, 2009 22:29
LOL! I love you for loving Jon Lajoie <3 <3 <3
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 10:05
go catch a Mouse on Mars show
Master Margherita

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 10:08

On 2009-09-15 10:05, Yidam wrote:
go catch a Mouse on Mars show

see them playing a few years ago....
was an exelent show.....

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 14:05

On 2009-09-15 10:05, Yidam wrote:
go catch a Mouse on Mars show


this also proves the point that 'live' improvised electronic music exists... something that alot of people on this board dont seem to agree with...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 15, 2009 14:40

On 2009-09-09 21:25, ocelot wrote:

On 2009-09-09 17:22, Dogon wrote:
i love minimal

check out my minimal techno project
(shades of dub techno also i guess?)

free 9 track dj kit... mix n match. have fun

thanks man.... will check it out after work.... also i must say Ocelot music is not dumb but very intelligent IMO & Suomi is the new wave now!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 19:03

On 2009-09-11 11:35, supergroover wrote:
It might be true that electronic music is pretty boring music theory wise (no polyrhythm, no funny timesignatures etc) but i think there is one part where is has been doing alot of progress (that hasnt been mentioned in this thread so far) compared to all previous music: soundsculpting.

Before electronice music existed the number of sounds you could use in a piece of music was rather limited (guitar, drums, voice, orchestra etc), but now with numerous kinds of electronical devices you can create all the sounds you want. And you can also alter the existing ones to a new degree.

This might be one of the reasons why musicians arent looking for different timesignatures etc anymore. They are mostly focussing their time or creating new sounds in stead of different chordprogressions etc.

Does this make any sense? or am i just totally missing the point here

good point. the synthesizer preset programmers and manufacturers have been very busy
one could argue about the art of sample cd's...

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Sep 16, 2009 19:03

On 2009-09-11 11:40, Axis Mundi wrote:
It might be true that electronic music is pretty boring music theory wise (no polyrhythm, no funny timesignatures etc)

What about electronic music is so different from traditional music that it cannot have these things?

crowds of listeners who make their identity based on the music and dont want you to stray from the demographic of the box of the identity thing...

Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 19:09
also- im not advocating radical musicality for psychedelic trance. its a format i feel best served by a variable amount of monotony and repetitiveness- its pitch structure could do well to observe micro-tonal music

i am about ready to scream at all the damn blue-scale (pentatonic) based melodies and basslines- thats totally casio and white, to take a music that relies on tiny inflections and bends and "soul" and "mojo" and try to put its simple riffs to synth sounds...
cheesy hello...

i find musicality in a certain elegance and understanding in approaching any given medium- whether its psytrance or roots-dub...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 19:17
It might be dumbing down music to one person and it might be opening a lot of new possibilities to the next. Less music theory, polyrhythm, etc. is used in electronic music, but does that really mean it is "dumbed-down"? Maybe implementing these devices into electronic music simply won't work?

The possibilities are endless as to what kinds or textures of sounds we can create, this is what adds spice to the sound. Early jazz was composed of only a handful of instruments, so it was necessary to have complex composition to make the sounds more interesting. Duke Ellington is one of my favorite jazz composers and was mostly praised for his use of space in songs- something seemingly simple, but he was able to do so much with it.

In the end we're comparing apples to oranges. Acoustic instrumental music is hindered by the amount of sounds that can be made - only a certain number of notes can be played per length of string, per number of holes in an instrument, per size of a drum, etc. Electronic music is far less bounded and allows us to be creative through composition and synthesis rather than just composition.
 - Midwest based psytrance group
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Sep 16, 2009 20:06

On 2009-09-16 19:03, ocelot wrote:

On 2009-09-11 11:40, Axis Mundi wrote:
It might be true that electronic music is pretty boring music theory wise (no polyrhythm, no funny timesignatures etc)

What about electronic music is so different from traditional music that it cannot have these things?

crowds of listeners who make their identity based on the music and dont want you to stray from the demographic of the box of the identity thing...

I agree fully that it's tragic that the demand of the listeners and the artists making the music are limiting these sorts of ideas (to the point where such music might be called "experimental"), but the potential for electronic music to apply such techniques is as high as any other kind of music if the creator really wants to delve into it.

If someone really wants to, it's perfectly possible to make music using these techniques, and also to make it sound really GOOD. Whether there's a demand for it in a dancefloor/club setting is another matter entirely, and yes, it's sad that "simple" music seems to be on the rise, but then again, my personal opinion is that music is diversifying to such a degree nowadays that there's something out there for everyone, if they look hard enough.

Whether I personally agree with people's tastes or not is my own matter of taste, and I can only say that that's what it is and not something I can hold as an absolute standard for today's music.

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 17:28
I like electronic music as i like bubble gum, it's just a little something that is good for a moment but doesn't have anything byond that...when u play some psy tunes at home u get the feeling that maybe u r a marsian or something or a little kid in the kandyshop. trance has this sort of vibe and thats what it brings to the tabble, evrything around it is pure non-sence...there are some nice moments but is there really a track that works from begining to end? one or two maybe.. for me the problem with trance is that producers wont to invent the wheel...u forget that music wasn't invented yestarday and that to make good music u have to live music, it has to flow from you, from inside from ur being....sommething that is hard to achive using a tool like compurter...the most essintial thing in any kind of music is harmony.. there has to be harmony between the notes the melodys and bass-line and hall package has to be harmonius....achiving harmony is very very hard....but in trance albums come out as roches....we are bomberded with materials like never before but not to say anything about quality.......soooooooooo most of trane i SHIT but simon posford ruls!!!!!!!!!! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 19:10
Iregeard at music also from this point of view.And i have dozens of nonelectronic music i for my liking call timeless and wont miss it during that cycle.

Looking on purely electronic music I almost agree.It is hard to find my ears music that I would call timeless or lets say I hear it over more than a decade caose of that special something that is phantastical filled with unique powerful magic positif vibes in it (could be in a dark way).
But there are examples that have conviced my soul ,like future sound of london for example.Looking on psytrance I am not a radical fan of anyone tbh .Maybe it happens someday.
I believe the avarage of hardcore downloaders listen it for a moment ,the buyers of vinyls or cds for sure more longer but than I guess specificaly the psytrance music that is older than a year hardly survives in an avarage ear.
To me Simon Posford is long too old (the music - have heard it simply since the mid ninetees that was a few times) , a decade ago was sth different for sure,now I have no time for it,shpongle is not my thing and halucinogen is in hibernation on acid or I dunno.Good producer I agree.I hear for long now other musics last days I showed some tribute to jimi hendrix led zeppelin and co. but love to produce and learn all about psy in sequencer.

Another thing is with pc what you mentioned.
Its for sure good to use instruments and voice for sequencer in pc and can make much more magic in any genre.Voice - samples.A nice double bass for real groovy bassline etc

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