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electronic music is dumbing down music as a whole


Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Sep 6, 2009 23:42
hmm maybe you should invest more time to find the right music u like...

there is definetly so fucking awesome, inovative electronic music just have to find it.

ok i know humans always want examples, so this is what i consider as absolutely non-dumping electronic music which isn't dumping music down as a whole ;-)

first a friend of mine:

or another awesome project:

or autechre, aphex twin, etc...

and i'm shure there is much more of this awesome music outside, u just have to find it....

So set your focus on music you like and don't waste negativ energy on music you don't like....

just my point of view.... 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 02:03
I enjoy the music I listen to. I don't see a problem with it. If you do, why not do something to change things?

Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 03:04
i am not complaining about whether anyone is making good electronic music or not...

i am complaining that a bunch of mediocre techno trance dance house whatever crap has totally invaded all corners of music including pop and people are only familiar with that or rock-n-roll and all the amazing music since thousands of years of human history are being forgotten and replaced.

its about when you search you-tube for bhangra or whatever you get 20 normal non-jiggy pop songs with samples from banghra and a generic club beat/bass before you get an actual bhangra jiggy jiggy dance song.

anyway its not that important.
i just thought that after all our various little stylistics and scenes there isn't anything really freestyle that really breaks out of the machine-like boundaries of what its made with...
and the more we kiss our own ass and fetishize the early sounds of electronica, the more regressive the music gets.

we have achieved very very little so far and in no way have a universe that replaces all the music of the world.
our metaphors and influences show themselves in the simplistic (difference between simplistic and simple yo! simple can be elegant and true and good and right, whereas simplistic describes falling short of truly modeling something, it implies a mistake. wrong. bad.)
structures that pass as music.

listen to any music that is not rock-n-roll or its relatives
listen to folkloric musics from any country anywhere.
listen to any classical musics from anywhere

its not that we don't have some good dancefloor rocking moments to our cool new music

its that the general boomchick is suddenly found on tv, in radio ads, in pop music, in movies, in restaurants, cafes, bars,

i would equally be claiming rock and roll was ruining everything and taking over all the corners of music of the world but i think its threat time has passed largely and it exists as a cash cow for sometime yet.
meanwhile all the rock and roll is all secretly being remixed and made into dance tracks but with really vintage authentic sounding drums and bass. the "real music" fans won't know the difference because it will have real vocals and have lots of noodly wanky stuff on it so it sounds like a computer was not involved in making it...
so dont' worry, the rock fans will not complain when you plug them into the techno machine as long as you put the setting on "vintage" and give them beer.

the borg of shite electronica is coming to eat you
and moby is riding the first horse, axe in hand. with william orbit on the second hmm maybe whomever it is that programs the synths and drums for all the russian pop music on the third horse. he has a machine gun of course a computerized one.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 03:18
I kind of like to think as marketed music and the music I listen to as very different things.

I don't really understand this thread though. Is it more an objection to music today as a mass culture as in what is widely accepted as music these days? Or is it more a frustration for one individual who can't find cutting edge and interesting music? It's all out there you know.

It all started when folk started mass producing cheap instruments like guitars in the 50's. Before that music was mainly limited to folk who could spend a fortune on a violin/piano etc and therefore tap into the complexity of music education... but that's more aiming at classical circles which I consider to be corporate machines anyway. Like an orchestra is not one mans emotion but some rich bastards ego. A testament to cities and kings through discipline of other musicians.

Yeah any twat can play three chords on a cheap guitar, but at least it's more personal and actually expression rather than a show.

To be honest though it's not just music is it?

It's a one size fits all world and the only thing that's progressing rapidly is tools to pass the time like your video games and mobile phones and the next.
I think if that's what the world thinks is important then music today is only a reflection of that.

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Sep 7, 2009 03:20

On 2009-09-06 23:42, Seamoon wrote:
hmm maybe you should invest more time to find the right music u like...

there is definetly so fucking awesome, inovative electronic music just have to find it.

ok i know humans always want examples, so this is what i consider as absolutely non-dumping electronic music which isn't dumping music down as a whole ;-)

first a friend of mine:

or another awesome project:

or autechre, aphex twin, etc...

and i'm shure there is much more of this awesome music outside, u just have to find it....

So set your focus on music you like and don't waste negativ energy on music you don't like....

just my point of view....

i am always trying to find GOOD music.
you know all the music thats like "loud and stuff" ? aka recorded popular style music
(aka not classical dynamics etc... anything you put the cd on the music comes up and thers a beat and its moving bumping etc drums bass leads/guitars/whatever...)
like 99% of the songs do not electrify many different people at the same time...
an occasional 1% do succeed in electrifying many different people at the same time...
then there is question of what i like or not... but ayway= finding good music and not worrying about the rest... hmmm....

but what about recycling all the bad music of the world so its not wasted and thrown into landfills? we could burn them for fuel but im not sure of the carbon emissions of bad music. really stinky music would tend to have a lot of methane. a definate carbon emitter... maybe better to lock it into the soil as a fertilizer for tree roots...

in any case. THIS is the evil thing i am referring to...

in all its glory and horror.

now do you believe me? electronic music is ruining music and dumbing people down!

and rock and roll was the last threat and also ruined music. probably even worse. some people grew up with parents who listened to rock and roll and never listened to classical for fucks sake!!! children with parents who listen to rock and rolll!!!!!
my mother is 72 so i guess i have another perspective. if my mom only knew led zeppellin, who are very very good by the way
it would make me listen to chopin

do we really think the last few thousand years mean nothing in terms of music and only the last 60 years mean anything?
what a sad small view...
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 03:39
I realy shouldnt post anything here because i sense a small shitstorm coming. But please ohh please mr Ocelot, as i´ve interperted your statements it seems that its not the lack of good music that is bothering you, its the amount of plain old shitmusic that is crawling under your skin.

Now I tried not to judge you but since your posts has progressed into everything between your 72 year old mom and african culture i realy have to say that in my humble opinion, you should probably get a haircut, a job and a hobby that doesn't bring so much pain into your heart.

Have you ever heard of qualitycontrol? Its this fantastic thing where you can actually choose what to listen to. Long live the Casio-Mafia and long live the freedom of creativity and last but not least, long live the technoversion of Happy Birthday!

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 04:06
Of Montreal's "Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?" and The Postal Service's "Give up" are both good examples of how electronic music has influenced mainstream music in a GOOD way. Obviously many of you will disagree with me but I love both of those albums.
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 04:20
5 minutes ago i was listening to The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone Tonight

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 04:47
Well, this is much more eloquent explanation of why you feel the way you do as opposed to the vague post you made in the ambient sub forum.

I think electronic music assimilating other styles of music was inevitable, considering it was already an amalgam of existing styles of music, spiced up with everything a computer processor can do. I think anyone who is a purist about a certain genre of music; in your case world music; will take offense to this.

I think if it is done with style and in a creative manner there is nothing wrong with it. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, so the fact that so many people want to sample some Indian girl singing really should not bother you.

However I agree with you that there is an inundation of mediocre garbage purveying the electronic genres now. But this isn't a pitfall mutually exclusive to this type of music just because its 'easier to produce' now. This is a huge problem in every genre because lots of people get involved not because they are talented, or because they love music, but because they see dollar signs. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 04:56
The problem is is that these people diving in for $$ are causing th emusic scene to crash globally and financially it is not viable.

The music industry is one of the last places I'd look at if I wanted to make some quick $$.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 05:26
if you think the electronic scene/industry is bad just check out hip hop these days. you'll feel a lot better about edm.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  87
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 05:51
i would like to mention that it has never been easier for people to create electronic music..its pretty cheap compared to a few years back , almost every computer nowadays can be used as DAW and all that cracked software brings a lot of people with no real big knowledge on theory into the scene.

so thats maybe one reason why so much things get copied and so on..

but why not try to copy, learn the things and create something own out of it afterwards..

things will evolve as soon as all those people get bored about it..or they stop making music and only a few will make great things..nobody knows..

and for me i like simple things as well, in the end i want to make/hear dancefloor music and this workes good..i doubt i would like a complex jazz/trance tune at all in the middle of the night where i just wanna hear crazy sounds evolving with rocking bass/kick combo..for music listen to @ home more complex things are cool..


IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 06:35

On 2009-09-05 21:04, ocelot wrote:
it sounds like you are saying "whatever" mr faxinadu...

i dont buy it man.
you think we are an epic scene of space explorers making music no-one could have concieved of before?


No thats wat u think of urslf.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 06:36

On 2009-09-05 19:14, Colin OOOD wrote:
Interesting opinion as such. Try not to get too depressed though, you're not responsible for other people's actions, only your own

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2009 06:38

On 2009-09-05 21:03, ocelot wrote:
does a person simply feel "happy" or "sad" like an emoticon?

maybe electronic music is for the emotionally retarded and i am finally waking up to the fact that im an emotional retard.

self explanatory.

And yes there are simple people , who do like simple things nature gave us. Like Simply being happy. All the time .
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