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electro influenced psy help????????????

Allegoric - Psynce
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 16, 2010 19:03

On 2010-05-16 11:13, aXis wrote:
demoniac insmoniac electro ? man ur name is too 666 for electro.




+ 999999999.....................

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Posted : May 17, 2010 03:09
I thought the topic was for electro influenced psy?

If he/she wanted pure electro then he/she would have said so...

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 17, 2010 17:31
And if somebody came here and said "I love heavy metal influenced music" and started posting videos of Skazi, I am sure you would post some proper metal videos just to clear things up - wouldn't you?

I downloaded one of those "ultra super-duper mega ultimate best of electro" compilations once, hoping to find ye olde Kraftwek etc. Instead I got an earful of bad clones of Britney Spears moaning nonsense crap to some housey pumping music. Wasn’t happy at all...

I should’ve known better, though – an overtanned girl on the CD cover with huge boobs falling out of a skimpy dress and a 3 mm layer of lip gloss was enough of a tip about what to expect.
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Posted : May 18, 2010 04:26
if somebody said I wanted heavy metal influenced psy trance I'd actually post Skazi, S.U.N Project & Dark Soho.

If somebody said they wanted heavy metal influenced music I'd most likely point them to Hatebreed & Job For A Cowboy (whom are ok live...)

I get your point... but also see that if somebody wanted to check out the roots of music they are better to do it themselves because then they are more likely to find what they like than what others recommend.

Like my bro-in-law checking out my music collection... I just let him help himself... and so far he loves Violet Vision's second album, along with Shpongle... which is cool for a 17 year old asian kid who usually goes to the underage chinese club nights...

He hasn;t moved into metal yet but appreciates the new Fear Factory album which is cool

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Posted : May 18, 2010 04:27

On 2010-05-17 17:31, Maine Coon wrote:

I should’ve known better, though – an overtanned girl on the CD cover with huge boobs falling out of a skimpy dress and a 3 mm layer of lip gloss was enough of a tip about what to expect.

I fell for that buying what I thought was a cool psy prog cd during a big buy up last year only to find cheesey full on... was sad to fall for the tit's n' tan thing           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : May 18, 2010 16:06
sorry for any confusion,i did mean like elctro HOUSE influenced music.i think that is a amazing tune,im am inttitled to that opinion,

i just love the harder edge a psy producer can bring to something which is a fairly tame.

i like canter bass style psy too but not as much as i do the elctro house style stuff.

sorry for any confusion
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