Egyptian cleric bans face veil in some Egyptian schools
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi
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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 04:06:34
Taken from:
CAIRO — Egypt’s top Islamic cleric has barred students from wearing face veils in classrooms and dormitories of Sunni Islam’s premier institute of learning, al-Azhar.
The decision announced Thursday by Sheik of al-Azhar Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi appears to be part of a government campaign to crack down on overt manifestations of ultraconservative Islam in Egypt.
While a vast majority of Egyptian women wear headscarves, few wear the niqab, a veil which covers the face. The niqab is common in Saudi Arabia, which practices the more conservative form of Wahhabi Islam, and the trend seems to be gaining ground in Egypt.
Tantawi came under fire from opponents who say his decision is unconstitutional. |
This is one of a few articles I read about this today. It seems that the trend to wear the face veil and completely cover the body of women is growing in Egypt, even though Egypt has been one of the more secular, liberal countries of the region.
The ban even seems to be sparking protest.
What do you think of this? Discuss.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 07:00
Well, its hard to judge it from a western society, for me all middle east need, and fast, a thing like the christian reform, that bring some secularization.
But hell who I am to judge other societies, I mean Im liberal and i love western systems with all its errors, but I think ech society has to reach its conclusions by it self.
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RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd
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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 06:53
good move i guess... i believe islamic women are very beautiful ... wats the point in hiding behind a veil
But at the same time im fine if they wanna be all behind the veil... its not like there r no other women in the world but forget all the other reasons... isnt it so freakin hot and uncomfortable wearing the burkha, head dress and the veils and roam around the hot deserts???!!!...
  ? |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 23:31
I saw a man walking with his girlfriend wearing a veil, well she was totally clothed from top to toe... you couldnt see anything of her..
And when i meet them and watched them both he grinned and looked so happy that i couldnt see her face, at least thats how it felt!
Though to be honest when i have been very jealous i told my girlfriend that she should wear one of those things.. hahaha...
maybe that is the core to this clothings, at least thats the first impression i get... superb for the cause
now i really have a hard time with religion and their rules, no matter which, i feel brainwashed by the christian beliefs and its not doing me any favors...
id rather have some kind "nature people" approach of some healthy kind that is...
And i do think there will be violent actions cause of this school rule in Egypt... probably they will burn or bomb the school! or kill the principle or some teachers.. who knows
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 06:51
So next stop for Fuck for forest is egypt
  "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 11:18
actually the way of the veil is better and makes it easier to get laid
"fuck the base cover the face"
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 14:41
Why should people who want to retain their modesty and set limits for their decency be persecuted?
Why are their freedoms and rights being taken away?
This is NOT Islam.
I live in a Muslim country and not every woman here wears the veil. The ones that choose to, do so; and the ones that don't, don't have to. The veil is not enforced, but rather it highly recommended.
The veil protects women-kind from approaches of indecency, eve-teasing, and all forms of physical and emotional harassment.
I'm sure we all would want this protection for our Mothers, Sisters, Wives and Daughters etc.
We must remember : Progress must not mean degeneration of society, rather the contrary!!
pls read the following ...
... clear clarification!
I pray that we all be guided to the right way!
  "... b'om ..." |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 21, 2009 09:41
On 2009-10-16 11:18, Xolvexs wrote:
actually the way of the veil is better and makes it easier to get laid
"fuck the base cover the face"
"...and forget the case"
  "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 21, 2009 09:57
I actually think that there are way of more women that find it discrimintating - I'm sure about this.A ban for something against a faith is a fascistoid move.
To judge this from a completely different cultural aspact is nonsense.No matter how intelecutal you are.If it goes not to mind than there is a lack of understanding - so to say. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 16:59
On 2009-10-16 14:41, Psynaesthesian wrote:
Why should people who want to retain their modesty and set limits for their decency be persecuted?
Why are their freedoms and rights being taken away?
This is NOT Islam.
I live in a Muslim country and not every woman here wears the veil. The ones that choose to, do so; and the ones that don't, don't have to. The veil is not enforced, but rather it highly recommended.
The veil protects women-kind from approaches of indecency, eve-teasing, and all forms of physical and emotional harassment.
I'm sure we all would want this protection for our Mothers, Sisters, Wives and Daughters etc.
We must remember : Progress must not mean degeneration of society, rather the contrary!!
pls read the following ...
... clear clarification!
I pray that we all be guided to the right way!
with all respect, i will disagree with you..
a veil or a hijab or a burqha or whatever you call it is simply a rotten way of considering women as sex objects...
so according to your argument women covered fully dont get raped or abused..i would recommend you to come out of your delusion and face the facts...a rape or abuse will happen no matter what you wear...and why on earth should any religion or any one instruct women on what to wear and what not to..
i studied in a all girls school and have met girls from all background and countries..most of the girls who quit schoold mid way and was married off to some wealthy retard in gulf countries were muslims..and they were only 16 or 17.
so stop being apologetic to something like burqa and start questioning it.
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