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Ecology - A trend

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : Oct 23, 2009 21:55
Haha, totally agree with your last statement. I wasn't gonna say anything, but that's what I thought too.

"Those who impose their beliefs on others are fascists, so here I am, imposing my beliefs on you to not be fascist."

Epic luls.  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posts :  209
Posted : Oct 23, 2009 23:13
So in conclusion Ascension, Basilisk and SCM are all "ecotards" and just wasted countless minutes with talk talk talk like liar politicians when they could have been out planting a tree. Xolvexs is a fascist.

But really Gutter what is your problem with people talking about the ecology? Even if they do little themselves perhaps they will inspire someone else to. Perhaps they will vote for change. Taking care of the environment we live in appears to make sense.
Or would you think they were cooler if the babbled about psytrance for hours?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 00:21
A single person planting a tree would be a waste of a lot of carbon emissions.

 - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 11:05
well what i said is based on what comprises of fascist activities...and when i said "Environmentalists are definitely fascist" what i meant is if you take a laundry list of 10-15 radically fascist activities they match up...the categories of comparison and statistical analysis- Definitely, Most Likely , Maybe, Probably Not, Definitely Not.
I was not judging i was only looking at raw data and analyzing it. I was only keeping score.
if Brasil scores 3 goals and Argentina scores 2 goals at the end of 90 minutes+ 3minutes...would call the referee a fascist? because he judged in favor of Brasil?

i only a Statistician...what numbers i crank idiots believe and then use my data to convince other idiots...10grams of C02 in 2months ----1gram of Cocaine possession is a crime--Tax--duh...i hope you know that the numbers are based on the view of the person measuring and if not they have a big bank balance...yes you all ecotards have fallen in the Number trap---the Matrix---I am not NEO--I am Cypher

Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize?
[Takes a bite of steak]
Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Feb 10, 2010 05:48
It is extremely good that people around the world are starting to wake up faster and faster and are opening their eyes to what is going on. We are witnessing an mass extinction of animal species,the nature dying,the forest being cut down,the air polluted ,dead oceans(the sick and disgusting meatindustry i wont even get into that, it does by the way stand for alot of damage when it comes to the climate changes).

This is the worst problem mankind ever has meet,and what we will do will shape the future in a very harsh way.Now is the time to act and become aware of the truth of what is going on.There is no more time to put your head in the sand or try to deny the truth just because it`s hard and sad to accept it.

Every life form is like a cog in a wheel and everything is like a piece of the same puzzle.Everything effects each other.What "we" are doing when we exterminate all this species is that we are destroying parts that effects others parts and that are there for a reason.It`s like pulling out spikes from a plane,if you pull out some it maybe dont effect the plane to much but if you put out others the whole plane will crash.And even if it does not effect the whole plane we have no right to do so.

Humanity does not know which role all different species play in the puzzle.Many scientist`s are telling us that many of the species that are on their way to by exterminated plays a very important part for other species and their environment and effects the whole wheel.

We are seeing a rise of people becoming aware of this and what is going on,people who want to stop the destruction of life on this planet and the planet itself because some people are very egocentric and greedy.

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